I have had a very long corporate career.
I'm a practical person, so staying psychic was scary for me
because I didn't actually realise or really took me a second to own the "Yeah, I'm psychic."
Yes, I'm intuitive when I'm psychic. It was all of that.
You know, putting on a business card, that's a very scary thing.
Welcome. I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years
I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online
online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices so they
can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose.
It is time to awaken your connection, align with your soul and achieve your own inner power
right here on the Inner Power podcast.
Welcome back and welcome to Inner Power.
I'm Pete Williams, your spiritual PT and I'm really excited.
I have this episode and with my wonderful guest,
Murray Roberts, we have been trying to tee this up,
but we're finally here, welcome Murray.
- Well, I'm so excited to be here.
Oh my goodness, you have no idea.
- And look, it's been a privilege to really watch you
kind of grow, come into your own.
And it's really fascinating 'cause I love how, you know,
the energy works, I love how spirit works.
It's been a while, we're having a bit of catch up
just off air before we're getting into this.
And we're like, oh my God, we've got to talk about this.
We, oh yes, this is so important.
So it's like, awesome.
So anybody who's tuning in, listening to the podcast,
or you're watching this on YouTube, whatever else,
just be mindful we are really going
and getting in the flow with this.
And that's how we work, isn't it?
We work with the energy and see what happens.
- Exactly.
And we have known each other for, gosh,
I don't even know how long it's been now,
but I feel like we've known each other even longer than that.
So we have the opportunity to catch up.
It's just like, we just keep talking and talking.
And I was like, we need to record this.
- Yes.
- This is good stuff.
- And look, I've been told, you've probably had the same
where like they're going, Pete, you should just record yourself
whenever you speak because, you know,
it's what I call spiritual verbal diarrhea.
It just, it flows and it kind of comes out.
And it's like, did you just hear that?
And I'm like, no, what did I say?
- I love it.
I love it.
- But it has, it has been a while.
Like I said, you know, we have been trying to get this to tee it up and we're finally here, which is awesome.
But the whole thing is talking, you know, just off before we started this, we're like, no, we've got to get this recorded.
And it stems from the very basic question.
Like, you know, I have guests on the podcast and you're going to say, so, you know, Murray, you know, introduce yourself,
tell everyone here what you're doing, what's going on.
And boom, this is where it happens.
So I'm going to let you lead away with this and tell everyone where you're at.
And what is it that you're doing?
I love it. I will start with the introduction that everyone expects and then I will go into
the introduction that is who we really are. Oh, love it. Okay, so let's start off with the
introduction. Let's put it a nice way. Is this the rehearsed introduction? The rehearsed introduction.
Okay, all right. Take it away. Take it away. The rehearsed introduction is that I'm a life
purpose activator and energy healer and I support women in connecting to their truth at the highest
form. I could go in and say I just mixed a little bit of the elevator pitch with the spirit led
conversation because you know a business person, business coach would tell you that that's not
how you should introduce yourself but that's how it's going to be. Then from there I am a soul
in a human body who happens to be living on this earth in this moment, who is working every single day
to be true to herself and to her heart, to confidently express my gifts, and actually sometimes
own things that even trigger me. So I'm going to own that I am also a queen and a priestess and a goddess.
But you don't know, I actually looked over,
I have to show you, I have a crown.
And I got a crown.
- You've got a crown to own the title, I love it.
- I should keep it on.
I got a crown because I was having a conversation
with a friend and I was so triggered by the word queen.
And I thought, well, if I'm so triggered by this,
maybe I should get a crown to figure out
what does it feel like to embody that part of myself?
- Wow.
- So that's who I am.
And then you know how you've had all the other things.
I'm a daughter, I'm a sister, a wife, a dog owner.
- I know that you're gonna be ticking
a lot of people's boxes right there
by saying you're a dog owner.
It's amazing how many people on their checklist
are for, am I really gonna trust you?
Am I gonna believe you?
Dog owner, okay, tick, you're in my book,
you're in the safe zone, it's okay, I'm gonna--
- Exactly, exactly.
And if you have people who are miniature schnauzer owners,
that's another extra special box.
- I can, I'm envisioning this already.
I'm gonna get emails and messages,
oh my God, she's got miniature schnauzers,
like oh yes, I'm at a loss.
And just on that, the people who have been following me
are like, if you don't know,
like so when I do live shows,
I make a point of like, I love fur babies too,
but people kind of always ask me,
do you bring through fur babies?
I'm like, yes, but it's not my favorite thing.
You know, I cause always say, look,
I struggle enough with the two-legged people
rather than the four-legged ones.
So, you know, it's one of those things.
So I can imagine a few of my listeners
and followers going, oh, Peyton,
he's fur babies and whatever else.
So, but I love that you're owning all this,
but it's really is to this,
I want to come back a second.
It's great that you're owning all this
and you're working through your triggers.
That's awesome.
And we're gonna delve deeper into that in a second.
But also you've got other,
like we talked about the daughter, you know,
the dog owner and all that stuff.
But, you know, and as you're doing this
and you're owning this truth,
but you're also doing full-time work.
- Yes.
- And you've got an extensive like corporate background as well.
- Yes, yes, I do.
I have my corporate background.
So if I put my corporate hat on,
I'm in learning and development.
I've had over, gosh, I currently say 15 years.
It's probably like closer to 20 years of corporate background.
And I have done everything from being an event planner
to being in recruiting to currently
being in learning and development.
And I don't know if you know a lot about human design.
I don't even have a chance to talk about this.
But if anyone is listening and is into human design,
I am a 6-2.
And so part of the journey of a 6-2 is
having all these different experiences.
And then, you know, at some point kind of going up to the roof, being an observer and then coming down and sharing everything I've learned, being that sort of a leader inspirational teacher.
So I feel like all of the corporate stuff combined with my spiritual gifts and how I help support people is what brings in that practical and mystical in a way that is tangible and.
feels less, I think, intimidating.
And I feel like you're very much that way too.
I feel like you're always very practical
and very grounded.
- Yeah, grounded and pragmatic is my style
because I am actually very scientific-minded.
So I love the science
and I'm discovering more and more as well.
So because I'd like to kind of go, there's more to this.
There is mechanics.
People just think it's, you know, the witchy woo-woo.
And when you bring in the mystical
or you bring in the spiritual
And it's like, no, but there's mechanics behind this.
And there's things how our brain works and how it's geared
and how the information flows.
There's a lot to it, but it's a bit of a bit of a tangent.
But I love the fact that you've got all this experience
you're explaining to human design, but look,
you can hit Mario.
So that's a, we're gonna probably have to live another episode
just to get it into that.
And I know, look at that face, that face is like,
"Oh my God, yes, please."
'Cause you know, Mario would be jumping at the screen
to talk about it, I reckon.
So, but looking at it too and the experiences,
but where we're coming in is like,
the thing that really triggered us is like,
"No, we've got to get on this."
Is the ownership.
It's about owning who we really are.
This is super important,
and this is what I want to get into.
I'm going to ask you a big question a second,
and I can see you going, "Oh, here we go."
But it's something that I take through everybody
in the Inner Power program,
and I talk very specifically about Inner Power,
is about the awaken, align, and achieve.
Now, I have known you for a while now,
And I know that the align factor is huge for you right now.
Now, you're stepping in, I love it.
You're owning more and more of yourself and your spiritual side.
And really, I love it, like integrating and immersing it into your life, which is beautiful.
But having a look at that, what triggered this alignment?
What what made you because this is so important.
I was like, there's so many people out there.
I know listeners will be able to relate to this
and your journey.
What was the trigger that got you into?
Because obviously you had the awakening,
you know, you got the spiritual there,
but where or how did it come about?
About I need to really bring this into my life.
Walk us through what happened there.
- I love that.
I feel like it's a continual evolution of that too,
in terms of like I had the first alignment piece
and now I'm into the second alignment piece.
The first alignment piece, I'm sure many people will hear this and go, "They know this very
I was in his soul-sucking job.
Soul-sucking job.
I'm hearing you and that's exactly how I described it.
Yep, I'm right there with you on that one.
Yeah, so I was in a soul-sucking job and I was really miserable.
I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders at the time.
My husband was laid off from his corporate job
and I was managing people.
It was just so much happening.
On top of being in this soul-sucking job,
feeling like you have the weight of the world
on your shoulders is when I started to kind of have
that opening of understanding that I have gifts.
And I just knew one from the soul-suck.
I did not want anyone else to experience it.
In that journey, realized that I was disconnected
my intuition, you know, really was not even feeling, you know,
wow, didn't have a good relationships anymore. You know,
I, I was hiding out almost, you know, you don't want to talk
to your friends the same way. You don't want to talk to your
family. It was in that moment that I knew something needed to
change. I was lucky, because my gifts started coming on around
that same time, right? And I started going to get my coaching
certification. So that was the first time we're okay, this isn't aligning, this isn't who I am.
Now, fast forward, where things are changing, I would say it's not that it's out of alignment,
it's that I'm understanding myself more. So when I first started my business, you know,
I did psychic readings, I called myself the psychic life coach, and I did coaching as well.
what's out of alignment is doing only readings, taking up a lot of my energy, realizing that's
not how I meant to help people in this moment, and shifting to really leaning on the energy
healing work. And yes, I still do readings, but you have to be in a different container with me
and a different, where this coming to me is energy, to be in a different energy with me,
to help support you to connect truly again back to the high level who started saying it connect
back to your truth like who you really are because coaching can take you very far but doing that
additional healing work on an energetic level is going to be where you are able to really open up
to the truth of your heart to the real essence of who you are so it's two parts sorry.
No, that's right. So no, it makes a lot of sense. And that brings us why we both just got really excited in the conversation.
Like, no, you're like, "Pik, we need to record." Like, "Okay, cool. Let's do this."
And it's so true because, and I love the way you describe that, is because you're going through that alignment and your gifts were kind of coming on.
You could see something there. It is a bit of a scary process, wouldn't you agree?
Like, when that happens and it's like, it's there. And when you start to acknowledge them a little bit more, you can't help.
And I think this is a really important point to stress the people is things will change in your life.
When you embrace the spiritual side of yourself that little bit more and you allow it to integrate in a line with your life
Things are gonna change you're gonna view work differently
you'll view like you said your relationships differently and
It can be a bit confronting. Did you find that it was like is that why you kind of got introverted because it was confronting for you
I think the confronting part wasn't there the confronting part was actually a little bit further up because I just remembered something
I want to tell you, when I was calling myself a psychic life
coach, before that, I was calling myself an intuitive life
And I was triggered by saying the word psychic.
And so I had to--
I had to-- the messages kept coming in from a lot of different
You call yourself a psychic life coach.
You are a psychic.
You are not just intuitive.
You are psychic.
And it kind of goes back to this,
like, how are you owning who you really are?
And it's almost like, OK, Mariah, great.
You are comfortable calling yourself a psychic.
Now you can move on to the next phase of how
you align with your truth.
But I'd say back to your original question,
it wasn't that it was confronting.
I was just too disconnected.
Really, I was the one who was pushing everything away.
I didn't even realize that I was doing it
until I started working on my gifts and realizing the disconnect
was I wasn't listening to my intuition.
I was out of alignment with where I was needing to go in my journey, my life journey.
Now, it's really interesting too, because you bring that up about, like, you got triggered
by the difference between intuitive and psychic. And, you know, we've had discussions around this
because it's owning it. And there is something very, it's important about finding the right name
and title that resonates with you,
as we're kind of discussing,
like it was a big thing for me
to just recently drop the title of psychic medium
and embrace the spiritual PT title.
It just works with me and aligns with my energy a lot more.
And I kind of agree,
like you know how you're talking about your trigger
with intuitive and psychic,
I was almost having that same level of them.
And now I'm not saying I'm still those things,
So absolutely, yeah.
But I think for me, it was like, but I'm more than that.
- Yes.
- And I was like, and it's hard.
Like, 'cause you know,
'cause you're thinking everybody in your business
currently knows you as that.
And you kind of wonder, well, if I embrace this,
what's going to happen?
I won't lie, there was a bit of fear there,
but I've pushed through that one.
I know that kind of trigger was this,
I want you to explain your trigger a little bit more.
What's the intuitive psyche?
'Cause you know, it was more that,
what was going through your mind, what were the feelings
when you're trying to figure this out?
And then we've got the intuitive psychic
and now we've gone even further.
So walk us through the journey.
I love the journey because it happens
and I think it's reflective of who and where we are
at each step in our journey.
And it does reflect our growth,
but walk us through the triggers that you've,
with the intuitive psychic and where you are now.
- Yes, I love it.
So intuitive is easy, easy to say.
Everyone's intuitive.
It's not scary for anyone.
No one's gonna think I've fallen off the ledge.
It's not offensive.
- I'm laughing 'cause it's so true.
I'm like, oh, I can resonate with this so much.
- Yeah, it sells better to people in corporate.
I have had a very long corporate career.
I'm a practical person.
So staying psychic was scary for me
because one, I didn't actually realize
or really took me a second to own that.
Yeah, I'm psychic.
Yes, yes, I'm intuitive, but I'm psychic.
It was all of that.
Well, what would my mom say?
Yes, my mom at this time was almost 75.
I'm still worried about her.
How would my husband respond?
You know, putting on a business car,
that's a very scary thing.
- Yeah, it's because it gets,
And it's tangible, it's not just words anymore,
it's like it's physical and you can hold it
when it's on a business card, it's like you really do,
you can't escape it because like it's in writing.
- Yes, and I'll never forget actually my first mentor.
One of the things she said to me when I was talking about it
because she was one of the people who also said,
"Hearing really clearly that you're psychic
and owning that."
And she said, "But understand, Mari,
because you are practical, because of your background,
because of the way you articulate your gifts
and what you do and how you help people,
you are actually helping people see
that psychic is not scary.
That psychic is not a bad thing, right?
And just like when I started working with my mentor,
slowly I just said, yes.
I just kept saying yes.
Okay, I'm trying it.
Try it.
And I remember the first few times,
it was very hard to say,
"I'm a psychic life coach."
I'm sure it was.
- And would I be correct to say,
you would have been saying it in that exact tone
for the first few times.
- Probably, probably pretty sure, yeah.
Or just telling people, I'm really intuitive.
Versus I'm psychic.
Sort of fast forward to today,
the work I'm doing, first understanding,
I guess to kind of set back forward,
first really my psychic gifts came on
and then my healing gifts had activated.
And it doesn't mean I'm not using both of them
when I'm doing healing work.
I'm still using my psychic gifts.
I still do readings for clients,
but as time has evolved,
it's realizing that what I'm doing
is helping activate people.
To call myself a psychic is also sort of
to your point, right?
Diminishing everything that you're doing
to support the person.
If I'm helping to be your life activator,
saying I'm a psychic is not really encompassing everything. And funny enough, now I say,
my purpose, you know, activator and energy healer. And just recently I had a friend say,
I don't know how people are going to receive energy healer on your LinkedIn bio.
That's what I do. I am an energy healer. That is exactly what I do.
I love that. You're owning that. Even though you got this is what I do. I don't care about the
the corporate world of LinkedIn and Harry Potter is going to, I love that. That is beautiful.
I also feel that the person who is going to work with me, even if you're a VP on LinkedIn,
you are going to be drawn to me because I tell you who I am.
Not because it's something different.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Absolutely, bang on. I love that because it is,
and what's kind of coming to me and what kind of, but I want to tell us because, you know,
I keep looking at your crown. So if you listen to what I know, you're gonna take it off.
Do you want me to take it off? Is it a crown or tiara? I'm no one gonna get
accused. I call it a crown. You call it a cage crown then. Okay, that's cool. I'm just,
you know, I'm thinking someone's gonna go, you're Pete, that's a tiara, you know,
or something. There'll be someone giving me, I know, I know some people I'm like,
because they just go, no, you got to be right. It's really interesting, like looking at that.
And like, it is, and I like, because you're looking at these triggers, and you're embracing
these triggers, and obviously the title and what you're working with, you know, you're having to
to embrace this.
It's really interesting 'cause as you've been talking like,
and I'll be looking at your crown.
- Who wasn't planning to wear it?
- I know, right?
That's just it.
But it's interesting, 'cause spirit have been showing me,
that's exactly what it's like.
They're saying, because how do you know?
They're saying like, these things and understanding
who you are is no different than trying on clothes.
Because as we grow through the ages,
our clothing tastes and what we wear will change
to reflect who we are.
And it's really interesting,
and I loved how you kind of saying there
about how like the psychic life coach,
it's there and you still use those skills,
but it's not really encompassing.
And as you were saying that,
I had this real experience giving this image,
going, "Yeah, like you can have a shirt on,
"but if it's cold outside, you're gonna need a bit more."
So I put the jacket on too.
They're not exempt from each other.
Like even though they're technically separate,
but they can go very well together.
Yes, yes.
And I think when you're talking about that,
and then I love it because you're gonna wear that jacket
'cause it's cold and you might go,
and then some people will like, they'll look at you
and go, some people go, oh my God, what is that thing
on her head?
What is the combination she's got going on there?
That's fine, they're not attracted to you,
but then the very next person might, oh my God, look at,
that is beautiful, where did you get that jacket?
That combo is the best.
And I think that's another great way of analogy
of looking at how people fit.
And I love that because it is true.
You're an energy healer.
You are these things.
And if it doesn't matter whether they're a VP, you're CEO,
they're gonna be attracted to you for who you are
and at the vibration that you're doing.
Now, walking through it to you,
when this journey, I love it,
'cause like, you know, I'm a psychic life coach.
You're whispering it a few times.
I'm worried about mom and worried about what husband's gonna say.
I can so know that so many people can relate to that.
Now look where you are and how you're saying it.
How are those people around you receiving this now,
like more that you're owning it
and stepping into that vibration?
- Most people say we're interesting.
I wanna know more.
I've had people, even when I was doing readings,
I, you know, I can say early,
or I don't do them anymore,
but I would have people want to reach out
and reach out because I'm interested.
I've never had a reading before, but to you, I'm interested.
- 'Cause you look normal, Murray.
- Yeah.
You're not wearing all this stuff.
You're not like you said before, you're not on the ledge.
You're not kind of spooky or I feel like you're not gonna,
you coax me out to the ledge
and you're gonna pull me off with you.
You know?
I love that, it's so true.
- And as I, you know, I still have a corporate job
until I don't anymore.
And when I started my new corporate job
away from my soul sucking job,
I came in saying I was psychic.
So everyone knows I'm psychic at work.
They know that I have my business
And I don't hide it.
- So what's the difference?
How comparing the two from the soul,
then walking, the confidence to do that,
'cause I'm not thinking, that is ballsy.
That is absolutely owning who you really are.
That is awesome.
So how does it feel knowing that you can be that?
You can be fully you in that space.
- I think the first thing is remembering that it's safe.
I'm safe, you know?
And some of that starts inside, you know?
Nothing's happened, nothing's changed.
And if someone's fall, fall,
if someone falls away,
fall, if someone falls away,
new words, Mari makes new words.
- It's a Marism.
- It's true.
Yeah, if someone falls away,
they're not meant to be in this path with me anyway.
And if I repel people,
that's okay, 'cause I'm not gonna be by the people
that are okay with working with me.
And I just, as wild as the sound,
I just made the decision like,
I'm not gonna hide anymore.
So I'm gonna go to this new job,
I will introduce myself,
and when you start telling things about yourself,
I will just tell them that I am a psychic.
No, really, I'm psychic.
I also do energy healing, you know?
So that, and again, that was when I first started before I had made this pivot.
I will probably always say I'm psychic and an energy healer.
But before I was like, I'm psychic and an energy healer.
Yeah, I just, just decided to own it.
Cause it's really not comfortable to go into a place where you're hiding.
And most companies talk about being your authentic self and wanting you to show
as yourself, well, if you are going to go to a company, then if you can't do that after they've
said that this is who we want, then it's definitely not the right place for you to be.
And that's me, authentic self. And you've provided a beautiful segue there because being your authentic
self. And I think as we've discussed and alluded to here, it's like that authentic self, it does
change. And it does happen. One of the amazing things and where you inspire me is the fact that
you're pivoting now, like you've gone through all this journey and you're pivoting now. And I know
that when it was happening, your brain and your like, don't I'm seriously do I'm going to do this
explain for our listeners the pivot and why it has been so challenging or, you know,
It's kind of scary confronting for you doing this pivot because I love this and I think this is so important for you to share
Oh my goodness
So my business originally was air quotes for anyone who's not seeing the video
Was traditional coaching you're gonna be three months held accountable
All the good stuff and then I give you a little bit of energy healing and I would give you a reading and it was very traditional
What occurred to me?
Literally just a few months ago was that it's actually the energy healing work that I'm meant to be doing to support people
And right now it's really specifically supporting women and again
I'm saying this thing to connect to their truth and what I will tell you is truth also means different things for everybody
So if you hear this and you don't know what that means, it's because it's what's true to you and to your
Heart what's true to your soul?
My invitation is if you hear that and you feel a little triggered, my invitation would be,
what are you hiding from yourself in terms of really connecting to?
Or what are you not owning?
Yeah, hi.
What are you not owning about who you are?
And I guarantee you that it's beautiful and that if it's not shining or being
seeing that the world is missing out on your gifts and what you are here to do in this moment.
So that's my invitation to you.
So the pivot really is energy healing.
So this means that I've now no longer doing three months coaching,
but now it's a six month container, six month journey, whatever word you want to put
to it. It's six months, one on one with energy healing and psychic readings.
And yes, coaching and mentorship based on what's coming up,
but it's setting in this intention in the beginning of where you want to grow and
go. And what I want to say about energy healing is something I realized I
haven't said is I'm literally just a facilitator of the energy. It's really you doing the work.
I just get to be the person who helps to move it in the way that I know how to help move
it because you can receive energy healing from a lot of different people. You can receive
energy healing in ways that are not just by the way traditional sort of hands on or right
or something distance. Yeah. Yeah. It can be it can be through art. So I just want to
also call that out.
Yeah, go for it.
It can be very different.
Yeah, it's not--
we've got to get out.
If we do have to-- we've certainly put labels on things
and have certain associations with these words.
And that's a really valid point you do bring up,
because it is like even the word psychic,
people have this connotation of what that really entails.
Or if you're going to consult a psychic, what it should mean,
or what I should receive.
So there's expectations on that label.
So that's a really valid point to bring up
about your energy healings and it's not
what we always envisage or the stereotype
that is out there.
- Yes, yes.
Because I do feel like it just can be misunderstood
in some ways.
People may have energy in their hands,
but they may not be energy healers
in the same traditional way.
They may literally be artists or they may be writers
and the words that you put on paper
or the art that you put out there
is literally healing people
because of the energy that you put through it.
I just like to share that
'cause I've never felt very important.
- It's such a great point that you do bring up.
And this is why we're going with the flow.
It's so important.
And I love that because now that you're explaining that,
can you elaborate a little bit more
like in how it works for you
and how you'd help a client?
- Yeah, so when I work with my clients,
The way I do energy is, it is through my hands.
We are in a pandemic time.
So most people, it is going to be through,
while we're almost hopefully wrapping up the pandemic.
It's through Zoom.
And I actually work with a lot of different energy.
I work with the stars and the suns and the moons.
I work with quantum healing energy,
ancestral healing energy,
and I work with the sequela trees.
All sounds really wild, I know.
But I know this community can handle it.
- You're like, I'm safe here.
I don't have to get in depth thing and understand this.
And you know what I say to is if you don't,
that's okay, you're going to learn something,
but to learn it right now, go Google it.
- Yeah, and quite honestly,
I've worked with all kinds of people who've never experienced
and I still have to explain what's gonna happen.
So I just say it anyway.
And as I am doing the healing,
if you're with me one-on-one,
I do work with your chakras,
but I also, I actually speak throughout.
And so it's through whatever is coming up
either in your chakras or what I'm getting
in terms of intuitive information or images
that I then share, I really ask questions
or make statements that help support the person
in their journey because they actually consider it a journey
because they go into, I bring them into a meditative state,
deep relaxation and then allow them to either feel
sensations, see the images, have the knowing, sometimes they fall asleep, whatever it is,
to move that energy through. So that's what it actually feels like or what actually happens
in a session. And then at the end, we talk about anything that may have come up that I have either
seen or that they have seen. And so then I always, again, corporate mind, air quotes again, read debrief.
Debrief is always important.
We debrief and we discuss and from there clients either get just more questions to contemplate
or sometimes there's actually homework assignments. Again, you can tell I'm from the corporate world,
you get a homework assignment.
I'm the same. Hey, spiritual PT. It's like I can help you but I can't do the work for you.
Exactly. Exactly. I can help bring it to your awareness and then
and support you in, I like to say like holding the vision
for you to see what's possible for yourself.
- Okay.
- Where you want to lead.
- When you're doing that and you're working through that
and through the debrief and supporting them
on that journey and to achieve that vision
of what you've connected into is,
is that where the activation part comes in?
Or how does that fit into the journey with your client?
- The activation part definitely comes in there
because in that space is also where things
are being released. And that's where awareness comes through. Most clients after they're done will
tell me either they feel lighter, energized, they had this new awareness about something. It doesn't
always happen in that moment. It can literally be a week later or weeks later where, again, the
activation is happening. And I know you're smiling because as you know, energy lasts as long as it
needs to be within that person and does what it needs to do. Yeah. Now, this is really interesting
because I want to come back to it and I'm just being mindful of the time here too.
But we're talking about the pivot and I just want to say a big happy birthday to you for your
recent birthday. Okay. And I know it was a big one. I'm not going to give it away. It's just a big
O. I don't care. 50. I'm just being mindful. Okay. No, but the whole thing is it's like...
- I'm 50, I'm 50.
- There you go, but there you have it.
But this is the thing too,
is then one of the biggest messages that I loved about it,
and that's why it's inspiring is just showing that
it doesn't matter what age you are,
you are becoming and aligning to your more authentic self.
- Yes.
- And the more you're doing this,
how do you like to sum up,
how do you feel from that soul-sucking job to now?
How has your life changed?
And how are you feeling by stepping more
and owning and being your more authentic self.
- I feel more natural.
- Beautiful word.
- Yeah, I feel more natural.
I would say that maybe there's days,
yes, I feel more related
and maybe there's days I might feel more down.
I shared with you, I shed some tears today even.
- Hey, and this means, it's not saying that by doing this,
it's gonna be all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns.
- Exactly.
- It's like there are still downs,
we're still gonna work,
human experience to go through so you know there are gonna be tears there's gonna be cursing
that yeah yeah yeah but I think we hear the word authentic a lot and yes that is true but I feel
natural I feel more myself and I think natural is a nice way of expressing it because we can all
look back to a moment where someone said you're just such a natural at this right like where you
You do it so easily when you hear that, just pay attention.
- It's a big clue, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- It's a big clue.
And that kind of brings us almost also,
'cause you like you said at the beginning,
that all those wonderful gifts and purposes and passions
that we're meant to be experiencing in life,
which so many people struggle to experience now,
but they are within us.
And those clues, like you're saying, and I love that.
So rather than maybe chasing to be your authentic self,
how about you just be more natural?
And I love that.
Listen for the cue.
And I always say, you know, it's always,
what do people around you tell you that comes easy to you,
but not to them?
And there's some kind of clues
to kind of get you going.
But I love the fact that, you know,
the courage that you have found
and continually show up to pivot.
And it's almost like, I love this.
Like you said, you had the tears.
Like sometimes it gets hard,
but always fine when we have those down moments.
That's when we're on the verge of the biggest breakthrough
or the verge of the biggest growth spurt on our journey.
So I know it's just around the corner for you.
And it's coming.
And there's no such thing as with it.
I reckon this and talking about this
and letting people hear your story
and understand your story, it's inspirational.
I always do one of the biggest things,
never underestimate your story.
And I say that for everyone listening
because it inspires people in any shape or form.
And I know there's people, and I love this,
like you've turned 50 and you are embracing it,
you're facing your triggers more.
Hey, you've got a crown on, you're owning the queen.
You know, I love it.
And just for anybody else who like, you know,
this may be the first time they've heard of yourself, Mari,
but how can they get a hold of you?
Just give us a quick wrap up
and let people know how they,
whether they wanna reach out,
they wanna follow you, get some more inspiration for you.
Where can they find you?
- Oh my goodness, things are really easy in my world.
you can follow me and find me on email at the same place,
which is Mari Robert's life.
So Instagram, Mari Robert's life on my website
is Mari Robert's life.
Say hi, don't be shy.
- Yeah, honestly, there'll be something in there for you.
So, but we'll definitely, we'll whack that up
in the show notes so that way people can find you
and reach out for you.
But I just wanna say a big, big thank you for sharing.
I've loved this conversation.
I know it's not gonna be the last time
speaking to you. No, for sure. You know, we may be jumping into some other weird, wonderful topics
later on, but I just want to say a huge thank you for coming on. Big thank you for sharing your
story and just being the inspiration you are. And honestly, I just wish you all the best in
really pushing forward and I'm looking forward to seeing the growth that you're going to experience
in the very immediate future. Thank you so much. It's always been having time with you and thank
Thank you so much for having me on the podcast.
You were a huge inspiration for me.
So I just really appreciate it
and we just love spending time with you.
- Nah, but it's been awesome.
Thank you so much
and I look forward to chatting to you again in the future.
- It's gonna be great.
- Thanks.
(upbeat music)