But for me, it was the case of one day I feel normal and okay, going about my business,
I have a bit of focus.
Next day I lose that a little bit.
After that, all of a sudden massive inspiration, great ideas, want to take action, great clarity.
Then the following day, boom, crash, flat as a tack, completely uninspired, no energy,
focus, have no idea where you're going, self doubt, left, right and center and questioning
Welcome, I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years I've been connecting with thousands
of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and
energetic practices so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose.
It is time to awaken your connection, align with your soul and achieve your own inner
power right here on the Inner Power podcast.
Hey, everyone, welcome back. And I just want to say that this is a quick
episode that I've decided to throw in here and help you out because this was
really just inspired on the spot. I recently did a Facebook live and just
chatting and talking people through some tough energetic times.
And this has been inspired by that and the amount of comments
and replies that I've received on that were really wonderful
because it did seem to help a lot of people.
And I figured, you know what, if this has helped them,
maybe you missed that, you didn't see that, and this is here.
And this is going to be a great little episode here to help you
if you're going through tough, energetic times.
Now, before we go any further, I really want to outline what that means because the one thing I do not want you to do here is go down the route of what is known as spiritual bypassing.
And what I mean by that is that's where we externalize a lot of our problems and we start to point the finger of blame or making excuses or justifications based on things outside of ourselves when it's not the case.
Most of you listening who are in the field you'd know this. I don't know how many times I've heard people blame their problems on
Mercury retrograde right
Please leave
Mercury alone Mercury is my ruling planet. I'm a Gemini and Mercury is really a good little planet
And it does help us but it's amazing as soon as things go rough
You know all sudden oh, it's Mercury retrograde or this is happening or whatever else and it's like all of their problems
Become external and that's what we call a bit of spiritual bypassing whereas you've got to be really brutally honest with yourself
I'm going is that lack of communication because of mercury or that you just were too lazy to pick up the phone and text or email
Whatever it may be. So that's just something to kind of think about. So there is that line of things
You can't do that. You've always got to look at self
You've always got to check in with self first and you got to make sure and be brutally honest with yourself
And then you can start to go, right?
Is it me?
And if not, then we can go further and have a look at it.
So this is the hard balance in this field
because I have seen it a lot where people will blame it.
Like, you know, mercury regurgitate,
or this is happening, or this frequency,
or harmonic frequencies often.
That's what we feel.
I get all that.
I 100% believe in that.
So don't get me wrong.
But there's also a point going, did you turn up?
Did you do the work?
Did you do everything you possibly could to work through that?
And then the things you've got to self-check and go through for yourself.
If you can honestly answer yes, I have and then you're still
kind of fine and tough, then it could very well that we're going through something.
So like I said at the moment and the reason why I'm here, this is why I'm talking about this
and wanted to get on and jump on and talk about it like I did on the Facebook live
is because the last six to eight weeks of energy has been some of the most intense and rough
energy that I have felt in 10 years. It has been so hard. I know it's not me because the big
Telltale's time for me personally and you'll have to figure out your own but you may feel same but for me it was the case of
One day I feel
Normal and okay going about my business. I have a bit of focus
Next day I lose that a little bit after that all sudden massive inspiration great ideas
Want to take action great clarity then the following day boom crash
Flat as a tack, completely uninspired, no energy,
no focus, have no idea where you're going,
self-doubt, left, right, and center,
and questioning everything,
and you might even be getting to a point,
especially if you're in my realm of
like running your own business, where you go,
is this it?
Maybe I'm done, maybe I'm over it.
So you'll be a whole lot in your own head and mind,
trying to wrangle this energy.
Now, like I said, it's been pretty intense.
And this has been lasting a while.
Like I have been dealing with some interesting changes
probably since August last year.
If you become really aware of your energetic patterns,
you can map it.
And I highly suggest and recommend
that you try to do this for yourself.
So you might have been feeling this a bit longer
like I have, but these last six to eight weeks,
this kind of kicked off in April especially.
And it's been really putting us through the motions.
the energetic washing machine has been huge.
The ups and downs with the energy have been so intense
and so sharp that it's been hard to handle,
hard to manage.
And many times throughout this energy,
I have almost felt not myself or out of body
and completely out of character for myself.
And that is something I really don't like.
Yes, I like my level of control
and I like to do these things,
but this one has really done my head in.
Now, the other thing too is you may have found it so intense
that all your usual tools that we kind of look
for self-care during these times,
they may have helped alleviate some of it to a point,
but you'll still find that you're still
in that high bouncing energy, really high, really low.
I got to a point where it was,
I was so, so tired of this,
that I started going, "This is like energetic bipolarism.
One day super high, the next day super low."
And it's just so out of character for me
that it's just been literally doing my head in.
The beautiful thing was it did get to a point
where I had to start talking to people about it,
like obviously my support network,
people around me who know it.
And it's been also interesting to go,
"Oh my goodness, Pete, I'm glad you mentioned this.
I thought it was just me."
No, it's not.
And this is why I'm here.
This is why I wanted to talk to you very quickly about this
because if you're hearing this
and you're resonating with anything I'm saying,
I just wanna say that no,
this one at the moment goes beyond us.
So if you've been feeling it like it still doesn't exist,
we still gotta go through it.
We still gotta do the work.
We still gotta understand it.
Don't get me wrong.
But the whole thing is you'll find that level of intensity
really, really hard to work with.
And so through this, that's why I wanna jump on here
and help you.
I wanted to help you to wanna understand
that you're not alone in this.
And two, there are a few ways to work through it.
Now, you have to use the tools.
Like I said, your usual tools,
whether you wanna do your grounding,
whether you wanna do your journaling,
you know, you try and meditate where you can personally.
I found that being a little bit tricky
even because with the ups and downs,
whatever, like, you know, water,
Epsom self-buff, whatever those usual tools
keep doing them, work through them,
they do assist, but you'll probably find
their potency is not as strong as it usually is
'cause the energy is stronger at the moment.
So you've got those usual tools.
But the other thing that I really wanted to jump on
and talk to you about and help you with,
and this was to help you with the now,
but this is also to help you with any other
massive energetic turbulent times
because there's a reason behind it.
That's what we have to understand.
There is no escaping this.
doesn't matter how in tune you are,
probably the more in tune, the more intense,
but we have to go through these energies
in order to move and shift
where Universal Spirit want us to be
and where they want us to be
for the greater good and planet.
I don't wanna get into the super duper technical side
of things and yes, we can be talking about the shift
from 3D to 5D.
But you know what?
Let's just focus on you.
Let's just focus on you and your human body.
Let's just focus on getting you through the rough,
turbulent times and working through it and understanding it.
When we're going through these times,
when these times happen like an intense,
we use a huge intense energetic time,
it is a huge energetic shift
that we're all experiencing and going through.
The reason for this is yes, it's a calibration
And what it's asking us to do,
it's actually helping us to evolve.
And I love that word.
So rather than getting into the super technical
vibrational terms, which are great,
but right here right now, it's just asking you to evolve.
And it's asking every single one of you.
If you are feeling this energy,
if anything I've said is resonating with you,
it's asking you to evolve.
It's asking you to question what is good for you,
what is right for you, and where you are going.
It is a massive, massive self-check point for us.
It is asking us to look in the mirror.
It is asking us, are we happy with what we're doing?
It is asking us, is the direction and the path
that we're following the good one
or is it really going to lead us to where we want to do?
You've got to understand as much as this energy
is happening in and around us and we have to experience it,
we still have to make those choices.
We go through this because it just gives us that chance
to stop, reflect, ask, and reevaluate
and make our choices again.
But this is an evaluation.
So if you're really feeling it,
it's quite intense like I've described,
you'll probably find there's a massive evaluation.
You may also find that the way that you're working
at the moment or the way that you're doing things,
maybe the way that you're providing your service to clients,
maybe the way that you are working
and behaving and interacting in relationships,
both personal or business,
they may also be required a bit of a reflection
and a bit of a change as well.
So there's a lot going on here in and around that.
The hard part is, is because the energy is so up and down
and so turbulent and intense,
you won't have time to percolate
and then implement integrate and then self assess.
It's such a quick and sharp evolution of energy
and an increase of energy that we're going to get bombarded
with a lot of different ideas.
Because we don't have the time to sit down
and assess and integrate those ideas,
once we get those ideas,
we're honestly being asked to move on
to the next thing straight away,
which unfortunately creates more confusion
because you're getting more downloaded,
getting more ideas and you haven't even had time to look at the ones that you got.
Yes, that I held the day before.
So therefore you're going, hang on, but what I got the other day is, is, is that the right
thing? Is that the message? Is that direction?
Or is what I'm getting today more of what I'm supposed to do?
So it can be an absolute mind boggle.
So this is where it comes down to how to help yourself in these kind of very
energetic, tourniquet times, whether it's now or some in the future,
because it's always going to happen at some point or another.
So what we need to do in these times,
these very, very energetic turbulent times,
is you need to learn to get out of your head
and come back into the body.
So remember, that's where most of the energy resides.
And the whole thing is our mind, our conscious mind,
can only retain and also process
a certain amount at certain times.
The flow or the tap from universe in these moments
is on full ball.
Like this is filling up the bathtub
in the maximum possible way, and it doesn't slow down.
So the trouble is, you know,
and this is just coming to me now,
it's kind of like you're running the bath
and you've got the water on hot
because you know you wanna maintain a good temperature,
have a good bath.
But at the moment, universe with all this water
filling up the bath,
we've been almost asked to jump in the bath now.
And as we do, once you do, you're like,
"Oh my goodness, this is just too hot."
And so you're in, out, in, out.
And you're trying to get used to this water
or this temperature of this water,
but it's finding it hard because it is too intense.
And so all of a sudden you're too hot
and then you pull out of the water
and all of a sudden you're getting cold.
So therefore you get too cold, you jump back in,
you get too hot.
So there's no kind of nice equilibrium where you can go,
this is really, really comfortable.
So that's probably the best way to describe it.
Is that me, all the downloads, all the information,
all this beautiful stuff that's coming through,
it's good stuff, it is hot, there's so much of it,
and you're like, I can't, like it's just too much,
I can't handle it.
So you're trying to retreat and give yourself a bit of space
to understand what's coming through.
And then you do that, then all of a sudden you go,
but now I don't feel anything, so you jump back in.
So it's kind of like this real struggle of in and out
and it's very hot and cold, there's no in between.
This is what universe does for us
when they're asking for a greater shift on a greater level.
And that's kind of like that evolution.
But when we do this,
that's why we have to come into these feelings
and we have to work through this.
Our conscious mind cannot handle the amount of stuff
that we're going through.
So that's why we say,
please give yourself a bit of saving grace.
Don't be hard on yourself during these times.
By being hard on yourself, like I get that,
It doesn't do yourself any favours.
So definitely find a support network where people can understand you when you're having
a that what are we?
What are we?
That's a winch, bitch and wine.
And you know, why not the wine?
Winch, bitch and wine.
Always good sessions to have that.
But having it with someone who understands you on that level, of course, that's not going
to be any of use to you if you're talking to someone who goes, "Oh, there you go.
Off you talking about your witchy woo woo crap again."
And whatever, you know, it's a Sagittarian, got a retrograde.
You don't want to be talking to that particular person, but you want someone who can kind of
relate to you because that will just help you feel a bit easier about yourself.
And that's going to help process and move it out of your mind.
So you definitely need to talk about it.
You need to move out of the conscious mind and you need to come back into the body.
These particular moments, because it's a reevaluation self-assessment, our head won't be able to
process it.
Our head will want to protect us with the ideas that we have.
universe and our soul are providing us with significant insight going, but you're either
slowing down, you're not moving at the pace that we like, and they're trying to provide
you with different ideas. That's why it's important to come into the feeling what feels good for you.
So whatever's coming through, start to come into the feelings, acknowledge your feelings.
The more you can do that, the more you're about to move through this energy with a little bit more
of like ease and that's kind of important. So pay attention to that and then work with
the feelings, understand the feelings around certain things. That's what's going to be
super important for you during these times. As you go through that, you will get more
understanding. You'll start to do it. It is important to write them down or log them,
diarise them somewhere. Now the reason for this is I cannot stress enough that when you
are receiving information and or getting downloads, getting these feelings, getting these visions,
getting all this up and down energy, right? You are not going to be able to understand it right away.
The thing is, there's this massive vibrational shift. This is energetic shift. We're getting
all this information and energy thrown at us, but it's not coming to us in any particular
order. That's where it gets confusing. You may receive information, you may receive messages.
They may be relevant to now, but you may receive them now, but they might not be relevant until
12 months, 24 months, 36 months, like five years down the track. The whole thing is that's why
you've just got to log them or write them down somewhere because it will just help to know where
they are. The reason is because you got to remember universe and soul energy is not linear. It won't be
delivered to us in a linear fashion. If there is a chance for us to receive a message or understand
a message from that side of ourselves, it will get delivered. It doesn't matter how it turns up.
Right? Whether it's going to be here and signed for it and then you receive it or it's just going
to be left at your door. Small package big page doesn't matter. They will give it to you because
this is a chance to give it to you. And then it's up to us to figure out later how it's going to
pan out or how we're going to fit that into our lives. So it's all about providing us with more
options, more understanding about the now and the future and possibly putting that together.
It is a helping thing. It is intense, but the whole thing is you're not alone on this one.
Really wanted to stress that. So sit with yourself, give yourself that space, give yourself that time
so you can work with this energy. We are shifting out of this. You are and that's me. So
really want to jump on here and say, doesn't matter where and
whenever you're listening to this, this message is for you.
It doesn't matter when you're listening to this.
If you're listening to this, it's a message and the message is
hanging in there.
Don't despair.
You're almost there.
And that's your message.
Don't despair.
You're almost there.
All this turbulent energy, whether you can pinpoint it to
something in your life or whether we are talking about
universal energy here, the whole thing is that message is
for you. You are here, whether you're watching this, whether
you're listening to this, it's your message hang in there. It
is temporary. It always is. It can be intense. It can be rough.
And I have to admit these last six days, some of the most
intense, like I've said, to a point where I can't even say,
it's been, you know, weird, wonderful. No, it's been weird,
wacky and sometimes downright like what's happening, like why really deep stuff. Okay. And of course,
the more volatile the energy, the more it can shift us. And that's the way it works, unfortunately.
So it is asking us to shift, it is asking us to evolve. And I just really, really do want to
point out and reiterate to you that you are almost there, you're almost out of the energy
And I just really wanted to encourage you. So just keep going. Just breathe. It's okay. You're not alone on this.
There are so many other people experiencing it and
The whole thing is it's temporary. You'll be on the other side of this soon
And when you do when you are on the other side of this energy, you will know you will know within yourself because
Even for myself now, I know I'm past that I can feel that it's not going to be as volatile
And how do you know this you'd be like hey, Pete? How do you know? You will know because all of a sudden
you will have clarity. You're going to have vision. Are you going to feel like you got a bit more
drive or purpose? You may also find that you have new ideas to have work with, but you will also
have flow with those new ideas. That's when you will know that you're really starting to move
forward. And like I said, the key element is to get out of here and feel it in here. If it feels
good in here, work with that and then allow your conscious mind to work with that energy,
then you might start to also feel this energy shift. If you're too much in your head, you may find
you're making that energy last a bit longer than it needs to because you're now creating it and you
haven't had time to actually work with it. So please be mindful of that. But you are almost there.
If you're hearing this, you're seeing it through.
Trust yourself.
Trust what spirit and universe have in store for you.
And the other big tip I want to add to this and to finish off with is
whatever you receive and whatever you're getting, don't just let it sit.
It is so important for you to take action on it.
Whatever you have received and however you receive it,
you have done so for a very specific reason.
There is no such thing as coincidence with what you receive from universe and when we go through such
volunteer or tough energies. It is there to push us. It is there to help us to wake up
to some of our own complacencies and it's there to help push us to know where we can go and what
we're truly capable of and what we're really here for. This is an evolution for ourselves. This is
is an evolution for anybody who's been called
to do a greater work in this world.
So please listen to it, sit with it,
and then act on it.
And if you do, you're gonna start getting somewhere.
So, so important.
But just wanted to jump on, let you know you're not alone,
and keep going, you're almost there.
And if this in any way resonates with you
and it has helped you,
and well, you just need someone to talk to about the energy,
please feel free to reach out
because sometimes I know some people feel like
they don't have a safe place to talk about these things
or the right person, but just, you know, jump on here,
jump on, you know, socials, wherever, and let us know
because trust me, I understand and I'm not gonna be thinking,
Okay, you're off the DBAM because it has been rough
and I just wanna let you know that you're not alone.
So stick in there, you're almost there
and thanks for listening
and I'll see you in the next episode.
(upbeat music)