And I kind of closed that door and it was so clear to me.
I just something deep in me knew that this is what I had to do.
And even though I was kind of given opportunities to go back and, you know,
offer the opportunity to be their political director and to be guided to into that process,
I couldn't do it.
Like, I knew that this is what I'm meant to be doing.
Welcome, I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years I've been connecting with thousands of people
from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices
so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose. It is time to awaken your connection
aligned with your soul and achieve your own inner power right here on the Inner Power Podcast.
Welcome back everyone. It's so nice to be back in this studio and today I am
blessed to be with the lovely Louise Wilson and just a real quick
background here because most of you in my world would probably not know of her. I haven't mentioned
her because she is relatively new to my world but oh my god we've hit it off right off the bat
because we have so much in common and I cannot wait to get into this because so honestly strap
yourselves in and here we go but Louise Wilson is an awesome spiritual entrepreneur carving her own
way and path and with the way of the successful entrepreneur which is her branding and her way.
So welcome Louise so happy to finally have you here. Thank you so much Peter it's a real pleasure
to have this time with you and also to have this time with your listeners and with your viewers.
So thank you for that. That's awesome. And just a quick quick break. I forgot to double check
where are you actually joining us from today because I don't know. We've got time zones
in the opposite side of the world, but where are best you joining us from,
where are we calling this one from? I'm beaming in from Hellsuck traditional territory. So I'm
actually living on the central west coast of BC, Canada. I live on a very remote island.
and there's just like 65 residents.
And then across from where I live
is the Helsuk First Nation.
So it's one of the largest coastal destinations
here on the BC coast.
Yeah, I've been living here for 22 years, 23,
coming up for 23 years.
And it's a deeply special place
and Paul's a very, very special place in my heart.
- I just love that because even just hearing you say that,
it's like, I know that for myself
and I'm pretty sure that everybody else is thinking,
can we come and visit because that sounds like
such a spiritual connection place?
Because even though I just conjure up this massive,
beautiful, like just DeRud just scented, I feel,
it just, you talk about that makes me feel so calm
on the inside.
Is that what you find?
Just have a curiosity, why there?
23 years, it says you hold a special place in your heart.
Why there?
- You know, and I know we'll be diving more into this
about following your intuition, following that spiritual calling,
following that soft, quiet voice inside of you.
And for me to be here, I was originally living in Amsterdam.
I was the International Finance Manager
for Greenpeace International 25 years ago.
I came to Canada on--
I was on a spiritual quest at that time,
separated from my first husband.
And I was in not a great place.
It was a very, very difficult and traumatic breakup.
But it kind of forced me to, you know, discover really what I was actually capable of doing,
having lived in a very kind of like passive existence, not really believing in myself
and not willing to take risks and chances in my life.
All of a sudden, you know, when you feel as though you've lost everything,
you have nothing left to lose.
And it's unfortunate that I had to get to that place really to have my massive sort of
Ahar and spiritual awakening and spiritual journey which brought me to Canada and and then I met my
husband through a series of serendipitous circumstances and honestly I'd only known him
you know a matter of weeks but I knew something deep inside of me knew this was the man that
that I would marry and that I wanted to be with him so as soon as I got back to Amsterdam I quit
my job. I went to Canada. I didn't know it was going to unfold. I didn't know how, you know, I,
as I look back, I think, oh my God, like I was crazy because, you know, I hadn't done the whole
immigration thing. I just knew that it was going to work out. And it did, you know, a lot of my
friends and family hadn't even met Rob. So they were like, who is this guy? And you're crazy, you
you know, but I think a lot of the work that I do is really
about listening to that, that sort of off quiet voice that
sometimes becomes an incredibly loud voice when we allow it to
and when we're not listening and listening to it and taking
those bold leaps of faith, which I think in entrepreneurship is
something that we do as visionaries, right? We have these
visions and dreams and it's about following that. So that's
kind of how I, a bit of a roundabout story, are very much
guided, you know,
but what a massive change like Amsterdam to like, super, I
thought in my mad job, kind of imagining kind of very remote
West Coast BC here, you know, it's definitely a tree change by
the sounds of it. It's a sea change.
What was he in this mean, like, leaving all that behind? And
would you say it's like, it's like a rebirth for you?
It definitely was. It was. And you know, those rebirths, they aren't always easy, but they do bring like massive change. I think what's really interesting for me is that my job defined me. Like I was very, very good at what I did. And I had, you know, a lot of there was a path, a very clear path for me within Greenpeace, you know, like of where I was going and what I would be doing. And I kind of closed that door. And it was so clear to me.
I just something deep in me knew that this is what I had to do.
And even though I was kind of given opportunities to go back and, you know,
offer the opportunity to be their political director or on and to be guided
to into that process, I couldn't do it.
Like I knew that this is what I'm meant to be doing.
And it wasn't easy at all, you know, I have to say,
because I had to reinvent myself, you know, and oftentimes you have to
you know, when you're breaking ground and breaking trails,
which is what we do, I think,
'cause I think your listeners, are they predominantly,
and viewers, are they predominantly entrepreneurs?
What do you say, or?
- I know there's some there,
but like everybody is in a different,
well, I've got a lovely, robust audience
that are listening, like some are literally
just beginning on their journey
and are kind of awakening to it.
And that's why I love, this is why,
and I was talking to them,
it's so important, like, the value in our story,
that just hearing that and like,
what a significant thing, 'cause I know there's,
even though they may not be entrepreneurs per se,
but people who have had that,
and I think this is happening more so now,
like in the very moment and the energy at the moment,
is that we're looking at this
and people are having or are being called for, you know?
And we've had that experience,
like you going through that in obviously,
with that career and having that path.
I had that back in 2011, you know,
I had that pathway,
No, universe had a different idea for me and all the rest of it.
So everybody's on their different part of their journey.
It doesn't matter where they are.
But that's why I feel like we're going to talk about the rebirth.
It doesn't matter where I think it's important when people say, I love that.
When you said you felt that the job defined you and then all of a sudden
just change came and you had to embrace that change.
So kind of coming back to that.
And you said that it was obviously that time you had to listen to that little voice inside.
Would you say that you had that little voice with you or it was there you didn't listen to it as
much or was it more of like that was just a massive awakening and that quiet voice all of a sudden
had a lot more space to be heard? How would you describe that particular like transition there?
It's interesting because I think if I think back to as a child, you know, I didn't know what it was,
but you know, as a young child, one thing, one book, I'm a dyslexic, so I haven't read many
fictional books, but one book that really spoke to my heart was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,
and I was seven, I think seven or eight years old, a great book, and it was that whole idea that
that there was this mystical, magical world,
on the other side of the wardrobe.
And as a child, I think I knew that within me.
I knew that there was this other world
that I could connect to and connect with
and that when I did, it would open up
all these other worlds to me.
And so I'd sit in my wardrobe
and I'd be pushing up against the wall
just thinking that the door was gonna open.
course it never did and it took me several decades to figure out how to step through to those other
realms and I think that's why I'm so passionate about the work that I do because I know now having
spent so long figuring it out, I know the easy ways to do it and I think all of this, listening to
that soft voice, I think it started to get louder and louder and louder, the further down my spiritual
path that I that I was going. So definitely I think Greenpeace, that was the I think the
breakup was the beginning. It was the beginning of me taking chances, going for things that I
never would have gone for normally. It working out and thinking, Oh, it worked, right? This gut
thing, it worked. This work, this work. But it, you know, it's through that process of action,
and kind of creates momentum.
And we get to, by taking action,
we get to see that, oh, well, yeah, that does work.
So I think that's kind of,
it's got louder and louder and stronger and stronger.
- And I love that because just watching you,
I can see you're recalling those moments of when that's happened.
And you just lit up like a Christmas tree.
I can see you go, yeah, that did work.
Hang on, when I did trust that,
actually did happen.
And it's always nice when I see people
have those kind of recollection,
It is and I think a big point for a lot of our listeners and viewers is that you do have to reflect on what has words
It's that something that we tend to forget moving forward
I think because you got to look at go hang on when it didn't really leave me astray
This did work when I listened to that voice this did work when I listened to this and I think it's a it's a real
Struggle for for some people to get used to listening to that voice
But I love that story about kind of going there now. We're gonna fast forward. So just very quickly for our listeners of yours. So
Summizing where you're at you've done all this this journey. So what are you doing now? How are you helping these lovely spiritual?
I'm just give us the rundown. Let's let I want it
Let's give it to us all or don't leave anything else. I want to hear it everything. Yeah, so essentially, you know
What I help entrepreneurs to connect to their soul their soul source
You know source energy
Which actually kind of allows them to experience that come into alignment more with that higher vibration that higher
a frequency so that they can start to create and manifest the abundant business and life
that they dream of. Because, you know, I think as entrepreneurs, we're visionary, we have
these really big goals. And, you know, oftentimes the conscious mind is like, you're crazy,
you can't do that, you've never done that before, what makes you think you can do it, you know.
And, you know, as I say to my clients, that's just because the conscious mind and the ego
only knows what it knows. It can't take you to a place it's never been before. Whereas your
infinite self, where infinite immortal spiritual beings, your infinite self has that higher vision,
it has that higher view. And I see it like, you know, where infinite immortal spiritual beings
in a physical body down on this physical plane. And I almost liken it to being in a maze, right?
Kind of like you don't see the bigger picture always. But your soul does. And the more that you
You can open yourself to that guidance.
The more that you raise your frequency, you can glide through life a lot more because
you allow yourself to be guided instead of being down in the weeds.
And I think what tends to happen, I'll just say is one last thing, I get so passionate
about this.
That's right, you came down, don't leave it in.
Love it.
I can't just smile.
We'll always argue for our limitations.
It will always tell you all of the reasons why you can't do something, you know, and
because it doesn't know.
Whereas when you allow yourself to listen and be guided, you know, you'll be shown the
way, the path, and the more you take action on that guidance, the more the guidance comes
through and the easier it becomes.
So, you know, through the process with my clients, you know, I work with my clients
through guided soul journeys.
Love, God, a soul journey.
dream time, another really powerful way to connect. And then I have another process,
Clarity Now Workshop, which is kind of a distilled version of all that I do. And it's just a three
hour process. And that too can help you just very quickly tune in, you know, so that you,
there's no mistaking the guidance that comes through, because oftentimes we can be like,
is that the message? Is that what I mean?
As you're doing the clarity now workshop and I'm like, yeah, it just did this time.
I also run and I've created a sinking signs workshop because the common questions that I get asked when I'm going around is like,
so is that the sign?
What's the message behind that?
And it's like, that's what I'm good, but I'm not your walking, talking Google, your spiritual Google.
You can't just, you know, ring me or ping me and say, by the way, what's this?
The idea is you've got to delve in and work it out for yourself.
And I think that's what I love about the obviously that great, short, sharp clarity.
now workshop or can offer that for people as well, kind of like learn to trust that voice,
but discover it for themselves, you know. So through that, in that particular workshop,
are they, you're saying they're going to receive that kind of clarity, but are they also getting
that understanding of how to decipher the things and the messages they're getting?
Yeah. So basically, I mean, and I love that you talked to think about science because,
you know, the soul source, it speaks to us through imagery.
Imagery is the language of our soul, you know,
because when you think about it,
you know, there's signs, there's synchronicities,
tarot card readers, they read a tarot deck,
it's all imagery, but in the workshop that I do,
we're working with imagery,
you're working with the language of your soul.
So you're actually, you know, we vision,
We do a sole journey to kind of open that line of communication
to create that clear channel.
And then through the power of imagery,
you're creating the vision.
So it's, you know, some people might think
it's a vision boarding workshop.
It's not a run of the mill vision board, but workshop.
You're actually working with imagery to create the vision,
but it's a downloaded vision, if you will.
And so I think oftentimes when people, you know,
maybe create a vision board, they're like,
"Oh, I want a car and I want a house and I want..."
But this goes way deeper because it's actually slipping
beneath the surface of what your conscious desires are
to access your subconscious mind and your soul
to what you really and truly want.
And then through that guidance, you know,
you're able to, it's a roadmap that's created.
And as we work with the vision,
it's a mirror reflection of what your soul wants.
And through that, we begin a conversation,
where you begin to start to uncover,
what's getting in the way, where are you going,
what do you need to do?
And I think the imagery is a huge piece of that.
So I love that you mentioned that
about working with imagery,
'cause it's very, very powerful.
- And that's gonna bring me to another important question.
So I know that a few of the members that I have
and a few people that obviously questions get asked
when going around and doing stage work and whatnot
is that even with this,
And I love that 'cause you're going beneath
that conscious level.
And that's why that's the inner power.
That's why in a podcast, it's like,
let's get past this, let's get past that superficial stuff.
So once you really tap in and harness that,
you really start to get a clearer vision.
But that's the vision.
And I think this is what's really important.
That's why you and I connected.
'Cause it's like, we know the power of that.
And for anyone, whether it's entrepreneur or not,
but if you can access that part of yourself
and start to tap into that kind of imagery,
then you're going to have a massive magnet or pull factor
that's going to help get you through life a lot quicker
rather than trying to navigate through the maze
like you were saying with the conscious mind going,
is this the right direction?
Maybe I should do this.
Or maybe that's the right way.
Whereas when you do tap into that energy,
it's just annoying.
- It is.
- Yeah, you talk about that imagery.
Now, when you're talking about this imagery
and say it's more like that deeper vision,
now a couple of people mentioned they go,
oh, but I'm not really good with visualizations
or I'm not really good with like,
when I meditate or a journey, I don't really see a lot.
With this, with what you're talking about,
is that going to be problematic
or is this vision coming in different ways?
- So basically, I guess that with the journeying,
you know, you can actually, what I love about this
is that when I take my clients on soul journeys,
sometimes they can fall asleep, right?
- Yes. (laughs)
I'll put my hand up for that one.
So that slipped a bit too deep on that one.
And there's this automatic assumption
that because we've fallen asleep, that we're missing out.
And but screen time is so powerful.
Because when you're asleep, you're
moving into those higher states and realms.
So even though you're sleeping, there's
another deeper aspect and level of yourself
that's doing the work.
And so when you kind of like-- if you do fall asleep
in the journey, it's not an issue.
is not a problem because your soul knows the truth
of who you are and it will share with you that truth.
So what happens is that we journey,
the lines of communication are open
and then you actually, we go really fast.
You're actually working, you have a pile of images
that you've collected and you just grab the things
that speak to you in the moment.
And that's so important because it's about being
in your intuition, allowing that to guide you
and not being in your head.
And so as you gather the images and create the vision,
it's totally done from a very intuitive place.
And then once you have that vision,
I have a very powerful shamanic process that we use
in which we begin to uncover the deeper meanings
around your vision and what you've created.
And that's where the guidance comes.
That's where the message is really powerfully come through
and there's no mistaking it.
So my clients always are like, OMG, I can't believe that,
you know, I discovered this or that,
or I've had clients be stuck and then realize,
oh, I'm on the right path.
They just didn't know it
because things happened so fast
and it wasn't clear to them, you know?
So yeah, the soul loves the truth
and it will always share with you
the truth of who you are.
- And I think it brings up a valid point
because I've been going through this again myself personally,
just and I always say to people,
when you have, you get these, like,
whether it's the images, the visions,
or even like the words and the feelings or the knowing,
certain words or phrases will kind of pop up.
And I always tell you to people that
when you're getting messages from, like,
when you're connecting with your soul,
and you know, from university spirit, they're trying,
it's like they will take the easiest way possible
to deliver the message to you.
It's kind of like water and gravity.
It will always take the path of least resistance
to reach this destination.
and considering how jumbled and lovely
and our lovely conscious mind runs interference
on that on a constant basis.
That's why I think they jump in and go,
"We'll tell you like this and we'll give you that."
And I always find too is like,
it's important to learn to trust yourself
with what's coming through,
but also learn to work through what's been said.
Because sometimes I don't know whether you've fallen
victim to this or maybe even people in your classes,
'cause I've personally fallen victim to it,
is I took a message or I took this vision,
I'm like, cool, this is what it is.
And then I've only found that I completely misinterpreted
with my conscious mind at the time.
And I'm sure that, you know, my viewers and listeners,
probably go, yeah, that's me, Pete,
like I've suffered from that.
It's just in through this process,
and when you're going taking people through,
like your journeys or your vision process or the clarity now,
what's your advice to someone
with helping to work through that, the go, like either working through that message or
deciphering that message. I love this question. Thanks, Peter, for asking it. I find that what's
really powerful is that our soul and our spirit guides only use images that we actually understand.
And I think one of the things that people tend to do, even, you know, with my clients when they're
working with their dreams or if they're walking along and they find the feather or whatever,
they automatically go to the dictionary or Google the meaning of a feather or the meaning of when in reality
or message someone like us in the hallways not message us and go I got this one what does this mean
you know it really is what it means to you because they are communicating with you so it's about
just taking a breath and you know thinking about what that means to you and I can give you an
example just recently I was out you know and was out walking and I saw a kingfisher and I've just
gone through this huge shift in my business and I was like I knew the kingfisher had a message for
me and then I thought oh what's kingfisher oh I should and I can cash I'm oh my god Louise I can't
I can't believe that you're going to do that.
Even through the LinkedIn page.
I'm just saying once more.
I just want Louise, you're human.
I know.
I love it.
Because we all do it, right?
I'm guilty. I'll still check it.
Yeah. I don't know what this means.
So, but I just had to take a breath
and stop. And then I thought about the
Kingfisher. And to me, the Kingfisher
is the master of the ocean, the water.
So that's our emotions and of the air.
So it's the mental, it's the beliefs.
And so I've been, you know, made this huge shift
and transformation in my business.
And it was like, you know what, Louise?
You've figured this out.
You've actually, you know, mastered your beliefs
around this issue and your emotions.
And emotions are so important
and beliefs are so important
because our emotions are how we communicate
with the energy of the universe.
And so when you have an emotion or a feeling
that is out of alignment with the things that you want,
then it's gonna push that thing away.
So it's very important to master our emotional energy
and frequency.
So that's an example of how the messages come through.
And one other thing that I would like to share
with your viewers and your listeners
is that the more that you take the time
to kind of really sink deeper into the image
and what it means for you,
I'd encourage you to create a sort of dictionary,
your own dictionaries,
like you're creating your own language with your soul.
So I could put in my dictionary,
Kingfisher, mastering emotional and mental beliefs.
And then, the soul then knows,
oh, okay, that's an image in the future
that I'm gonna use for the XYZ.
So you're actually very consciously and intentionally
developing this very rich language
that you can now very intentionally communicate
with your soul.
So it's very powerful to be more proactive.
- Well, and look, I love that you've just said that,
like being proactive in it,
rather than kind of always being reactive.
'Cause I think for both you and I to get to this point,
like with ourselves, our lives, our businesses
and all the rest of it, we've had to be proactive.
It's taken the time to learn.
it's taking the time to understand how our brains is working with that universal energy
and how we can kind of decipher it. Because that's exactly what you said. You know, King
Fish can mean that to you, but it might mean something different for me or it might mean
difference for the next person and the person after that. So it's about kind of sitting with
that. And you may very well find that meaning might change too, like if you've sat with it
and do it. But if you're suggesting that, what are you saying if it's, and that's a
lovely suggestion because it is about being proactive because I always say to people,
this is a language. It really is. You are discovering the language of the soul that communicates with
universe and frequency. It's a huge language, a massive language. And we have to figure that out.
We have to learn that. So when you're saying there, people going, take the breath, work this out,
and start doing this, what would you suggest for sediment or how to start that process?
I would say a couple of things really, taking a breath and just taking the time and really
trusting and believing that the answers within you that you actually do know what it means,
but it's just going to require you to kind of dig in a little deeper. And then you just ask
yourself, what does it mean for me? And then you could write, I think, I encourage my clients to
create because we imagery is a very beautiful and powerful language that becomes even more
vibrant while we're sleeping. I encourage them to create, I call it a dream dictionary. So you
you could write down the various images that come to you
and the meanings that you assign to them.
And then it's like, you're actually sort of setting it
more firmly in tablets, you know, of stoneness to,
it can evolve, but this allows your soul
to kind of cherry pick the images
that it wants to populate in your dreams, for example.
And the more, I think the more specific
when you're looking for guidance
is to ask specific questions.
and the more specific you are,
then the easier it's going to be for you
to interpret what's coming through.
Because you can't, when there's a specific question,
for example, in dreaming, you program your dreams
and ask a specific question,
there's no misinterpreting what the dream's about now,
because you made it very clear what you wanted to know,
if that makes sense.
- It does, and I know that we're gonna delve
into this a little bit further,
and we're gonna jump into it.
'Cause the great thing is everyone just let you know,
Like, as you can see, like, I knew this was going to happen, Louise.
It's such a rich and deep conversation.
And there's the topics just are going to expand beyond, you know, where it's going to go.
And we're definitely going to be jumping into that.
And the great thing is we're going to have a back to back episode here.
So the with Louise and we're going to be jumping more into the dreaming
and the soul journey and Louise is going to take this because I love that aspect
because it's such a powerful part of ourselves.
So I think it's completely undervalued for a lot of people.
And it's kind of dismissed with what it was to be.
But very quickly, Louise, just before we wrap this one up,
with this, how does, I just want to really hammer home
for people, so you take people through these journeys,
take people through like the clarity now,
but how would this ultimately help
the person that you're working with?
- Ultimately, I think that in life,
been conditioned to believe and to operate within the educational system to really rely
on our conscious mind and thoughts of other people. We read the textbooks and it's all
kind of regurgitated. There's no really super new thinking, I don't believe. We're kind
of working very much within the confines of a system.
And as we learn to connect with that higher part of who we are,
that really powerful part of ourselves are infinite cells.
We've lived many lifetimes.
This isn't the first rodeo.
We've lived many, many lifetimes.
And there's been studies on this.
I worked with one of the pioneers in past life
aggression, Brian Weiss. And, you know, he's a medical doctor and psychiatrist and a pioneer
in past life aggression. And when I train with him, gosh, over 10 years ago now, the
majority of people that were actually psychic therapists, because they understood the power
of this work. And so as we connect with that part of ourselves, that is infinitely mortal
and eternal. As we connect with our soul, we can actually come to know more of who we
we truly are as immensely powerful spiritual beings.
We have a very rich past life history
that includes past life gifts.
Also, maybe the not so good stuff,
I went with a lot of healers
who have a bit of a resistance
to really step into an own their power
because not so good stuff happened in their past.
So we need to clear that.
So it's important, in this journeying with your soul,
you can activate ancestral to ancestral and past life gifts,
but you also need to release some of the stuff
that's been holding you back.
And if any of your viewers or listeners are wondering,
do I have beliefs that are preventing me from doing,
or having whatever I want?
Yeah, it's like, is that me?
Do I really have that?
Is that really going on for me?
Then I would just say, take a look around you
because what you have in your life
is a reflection of what you believe
and what you believe is possible for you.
And if you know that you're meant for more,
but you're not seeing that in your reality now,
it's simply because there's some beliefs
that need to be cleared.
And the more that you can connect
with your infinite self, your soul,
the more that opens you up to really like,
understand truly how powerful you are,
and to let go of the less,
the more disempowering beliefs
that might have been holding you back up until now.
So for me, really, it's about ditching that old paradigm
of you've got to work hard, you've got to hustle,
you've got to effort your way to your successful business
and more about stepping into and owning that part of you
that's infinite, immortal and eternal.
And that's why I love to facilitate my program,
the way of the successful spiritual entrepreneur,
because it's really about owning your power, potential,
and just going for the dreams that you're meant to live
and have in your life.
- How powerful is that?
Oh, like right there, how could you?
I was just like, yes, yes.
It's like, it's like just so speaking my language.
But, and now, if anybody's resonate with it,
what's the best way they can find you?
- If they go to my website,
And they can find me there.
And I've got a number of great little resources there
to support your listeners and viewers
in actually taking that first step
to start communicating with their soul
while they're sleeping.
So that's a great way to connect.
- Awesome.
So there you go guys.
It's like,
And you can grab that and you can start already
start that process communicating with your soul
while you're sleeping, which is a great one.
So go and check it out.
But of course, don't go anywhere.
We're gonna be back very soon in the next episode.
We're gonna be a deeper into the soul journey.
We're gonna get it.
So I would probably suggest bring some snacks,
bring some brain food.
You might have to need it in this next episode.
But just right here right now, Louise,
thank you so much for your time of instruction.
It's been so nice to get to know you that
and your story that little bit more.
And I'm really looking forward to connecting with you
in the next episode.
- Thank you so much, Peter.
Thank you to your listeners and viewers.
(upbeat music)