And I thought to myself, I've got to stop. I can't live like this. This is not my world. I have to step out of this. And you know what? If you don't do it, nobody else can. But that requires a lot of strength. But you know, you know, in yourself, you cannot stay there another minute longer. So it's like the unknown is better than the known. So you have to step away. Welcome. I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose. It is time to awaken your connection, align with your soul and achieve your own inner power right here on the Inner Power Podcast. Okay, welcome back to another episode of the inner power podcast and today is a very, very, very special episode because I am joined by the lovely, lovely Jane and Jane is joining us from Bali and joining some R&R and you'll understand also why and I love that the fact that Jane you are taking us to the Jane, you are taking some time out from not letting us do this. It's just lovely to have you here just to give everyone a quick, quick background of why this is so special because believe it or not, Jane is a client of mine. And I was just saying, you know, saying to you before and saying to you now that you're the first client that I'm actually interviewing for the podcast. So how does that make you feel? Why the drag? Excited. I know you're super nervous, but it's completely okay. She's like, Oh my God, you really want me on the podcast? I'm like, "Yes!" I said, "Because what we're talking about and what happened?" And to give you all the background here very quickly is that I offer power sessions, which are my personal sessions. It's just a different way of doing it. And the power session is where it jumps in. I use all of my faculties. So I'm jumping in, I'm using my intuition, my psychic abilities, but I'm also jumping in mentoring, coaching and giving you tools to empower you. So it's a whole big bundle of one and it kind of jumps in. So then we jump in and whoever books are these particular sessions, they give me a quick prompt about what they'd like to work on or what's kind of troubling in the time. And then I have a quick look into those and then I get an insight and an energetic feel for where the person's at. Quite often I'm like, those questions have changed since you wrote them and they're like, "Yes, how did you know?" It's like, "Ah, because I'm budget." But the whole point is as we jump into that and I was having a wonderful, wonderful chat to Jane And at the end of it, I was like, I really would love to have you on an interview for this. And I've always had the privilege of just quickly meeting her down at the Central Coast after a live stage show there. So thank you so much, Jane. Thank you for being here. So what was really fascinating. So the first thing that I noticed, and I noticed that it was good 'cause it was great confirmation for you, Jane, was the fact that when we jumped on the call, Straight away, I felt this amazing, light, clear energy with you. It was just like, I felt like you had really, kind of like, you've gone through it going, gone through your backpack as I call it, and you're going, don't need that, don't need that. This is no longer good for me. I don't want this. And it's almost like you've just come so wonderfully focused, but in such a light way. It wasn't heavy kind of going, I need to do this, and I need to work through this, and I need to reach this goal. It was none of this, what I call masculine or push energy. You were very much in this like, I'm just in myself, in my power and kind of working through this. You did kind of acknowledge going, yes, that's how I feel. So you remember that feeling when we had a talk about that? - Yeah, yeah, it was good. - It was good. And did you find it was good confirmation from where you're at and kind of what was happening? - Well, yeah, after so many years of not feeling light and in control of my own life. It's a good space to be in. Like, it's like, yes, I've done this. Like, I'm making it. It's happening. Like, life's good. That's how it felt. That's how it feels, yeah. - And I still love that. Even watching you, I'm like, it's even better watching 'cause I've actually got you here. And as you're saying that, I can see you in that energy, feeling that energy, and it's so wonderful to see and feel. And that's what it's like. like, I wish I could we like bottle or jar this energy up and we could start sprinkling out and handing it to other people because this is where it needs to be. And this is where it kind of needs to go. But you know, as we were talking, and this is why I really want to do it because your own personal journey, like it hasn't been easy to get here, has it? Oh, no, no, my own personal journey has been tough and I can acknowledge other people's journeys have also been tough. And I have had to put one foot in front of the other. I have had to get out of the miseries and keep the faith and just keep moving forward. I have had to keep a really strong support network to keep myself going. And you look back sometimes and you think, how did I get here? What happened? What did I do wrong? why is life so hard? And you know, I've spent 48 years as a hairdresser. 48 years! Yeah, that's a lot of hair. It's a lot of hair. It's a lot of people. It's a lot of people. That's a lot of people's energy because I think a lot of people don't understand because you know, you're actually touching people's hair and head. You will be getting, whether you believe in this energy or not, we're all energy, you'd be getting into their energy and feeling that whether you want whether they're talking to you or not You're going to be in that space as well. So 48 years of Working like that. That's pretty intense. It can be especially when people come in and they might have lost a loved one or something You feel their misery their sadness their loss and all those time and you'd work really hard to lift them up And you know, not just to him but you're just that extra support person to help them through and sometimes you go home with that energy following you I'm sure and she just can't lift yourself out of the doldrum sometimes, but yeah Yes, there's a lot of people over 48 years and a lot of energy is being spent in and so It's just a corner coming for that. So hairdresser for 48 years, but that's not all that you're doing Where are you? Where are you doing it? because I love this because it's just like, this is where if anybody who's in my world or you've got, we have to really trust what's coming through for us because it's like, I'm thinking, "No, this is like, you can say that," but I'm like, "I'm seeing this and I'm seeing papers and I'm seeing lots of writing. I'm seeing lots of structure." (laughs) And all this kind of stuff. So what is it that you're doing at the moment? - Okay, what I do at the moment, I actually write, I'm a quality control officer and I check all the assessments and learner workbooks to take New South Wales. So I go through with a team of other quality controlled people and check how they create questions, how they write knowledge into work books, and I write them myself sometimes as well. In many industries, I've done diploma of aeroskills in mechanical, diploma of nursing, I've written child studies, I've written how to be a butcher. There's all sorts of things that I've had to learn with the teachers. I don't have all that knowledge, but I do learn some as I go along and find it absolutely fascinating. And yeah, it's a lovely place to be, but as you said, it's yeah, that's what I do now. I've come from being the hairdresser and being the beauty therapist to working in jewelry, manufacturing jewelry and yeah, doing some mentoring at some cases and yeah, teaching. And now from TAFE teaching and hairdressing to into this. So it's been a journey. It's been a journey, but I love it. I love it. It's great now. I really like where I am. It's great. - It is and it coming back to it because it's great. I think this is the thing, like you can 100% genuinely say that it's great and I'm loving this now. But that's not always been the case, has it? Oh god, no. No, no, no, no. Look at that. Hang on. Before we jump into that, I want to ask, okay, so we're 100% genuinely saying that and we can acknowledge that it hasn't been great all the way along. So getting to the crux of it, what do you personally think or believe helps create the change to help someone who has like this, me, we all go through journeys and they're not always pleasant. But what is your biggest thing? What's been your real like a Tiffany moment to help you to get yourself to this space and that might help others get you to the energy that you're in now? - Well, I think it's been growing for a lot of years because once I was in the hairdressing industry, as you know, it's a service industry. So every day of your life and multiple days of your life, you're asking people, what do they want? How can you help them? How can you support them? So you spend your life being the gopher, being the person that meets their needs. So when you take that home, you're in a relationship, you tend to take the same thing with you. You tend to be that gopher person, that fix it person that you're always nurturing other people for the whole time. But what you do, don't do is remember yourself. You forget yourself. So in all of that, you, yeah, you just forget who you are. So after many, many, many years of doing hairdressing and it was just not long ago. And I was also in a very bad relationship that was very narcissistic. And I thought to myself, I've got to stop. I can't live like this. "This is not my world, I have to step out of this." And you know what? If you don't do it, nobody else can. But that requires a lot of strength. But you know, you know, you cannot stay there another minute longer. So it's like the unknown is better than the known. So you have to step away. And I was fortunate enough to be able to go back to my family home and work it out. And when I say work it out, I took a couple of years of reflecting, educating myself, learning that some of these things were not my fault, these behaviors. And through that time, I thought, I have. I've transferred that behavior. I have been the hairdresser. I've been everything to everybody else. But what about me? What about me? Who am I? Who am I? And suddenly, I found who I was. And I wasn't to blame. And I wasn't to be manipulated anymore. And I wasn't to be lied to anymore. Because you know what? I'm actually a loyal, honest, and responsible person. And I should be surrounded by like-minded people like that. And so it began, a journey of finding out who I was, but taking the time not to jump into other relationships, but to find joy in small things, walking the dog, feeling the sun on your back, being lucky to be alive, and being in Australia and not in the Ukraine. Like you've got to be find all these things to remain positive about and build on those and be grateful. But for me, I had to find the lesson in all of this too. For me, I had to keep thinking, why do these things keep happening? Like I'm gonna say multiple narcissistic relationships. I'm going to say always serving people, but not keeping learning to be assertive. I just didn't get it. I just didn't get it. So it took me a long time, and I hope it doesn't take other people as long as it took me, but you can do it, and it just takes work. But it's that when you do the work, And it's taken me a couple of years to get here, but you do the work and it pays off like it, you know, to get to where I am now. And I'm not saying I'm the multi-millionaire, I'm just happy, like I'm happy. - And you can see it, I love it, like just seeing you. I'm, and see that is 100% genuine happiness. And that's when, when I connected with you on the phone call, I'm like, I just get this vibe, like you're really in this beautiful, wonderful space. And just seeing you like, you know, you're happy. And I think, and I love that clarification. It's not like, you know, again, it comes down to what's happiness. And I think like seeing you even just talking about it, it's like, that's happiness. Like it's not everybody's got a different version or what it possibly may look like. You know, and that's me night. I suppose when you look back and when you look back at yourself looking forward, you probably never saw this version of yourself. Probably is that, you know, would that be a fair assumption? Oh, totally. Totally. Like it's almost some days you pinch yourself because you think, wow, my life is so good. I'm so happy. I've got great friends. I've got great family. I love the work I do. I love the life I leave. Like it's so spontaneous. Like a friend said, oh, we're going to Bali in a couple of weeks. I said, I'll come. You know, I'll come. Budget deal. I'll come. And then, you know, there's a wedding here as well that we're attending. But, you know, yes, I'll come. But yeah, all things melded into one year around the wedding. And so everything sort of sorted out. So that was really good and it was like, why not? Yeah, I had to go then, but I didn't want to miss out with them either. So yeah, I love that. And so like you can say in a sense like one, you're happier, but you can see there's like, and it's interesting in that you almost, I did notice there before you're talking about how obviously in the past you were within yourself feeling somewhat more assertive in your relationships or in your everyday life realistically. And you can see also the change in that because here's a we're going to buy like what I didn't come to like there's that like But isn't it amazing you're not doing it like you are being a little bit more assertive but not necessarily in an overbearing way You're kind of like hey here's an opportunity. I'll look if there's room You know what I mean like there's a huge difference in that Amid it, you know space for you just even just there talking to you. I love this. This is what I love about it Now it's interesting like I love that you're very encouraging with your words and saying hey guys, you know there's work to be done, but you can do it. Now, I know that a lot of people can get probably overwhelmed and somewhat disheartened about that level of work, like going, you know, where is their light at the end of the tunnel? And look, some people might say, well, I do. Hey, Jane, hey, Pete, we've got light at the end of the tunnel, but it's about the size of a twinkling star, 20 million light years away. So, you know, what's the point? How do I make that light a bit brighter? You know, you mentioned simple things of like finding that, you know, the happiness or the gratitude in your life. But you talked about a lot of reflection. What are the steps or things that you might be able to help break down for people who might be in a simple position for yourself? And I'm putting you on the spot here, but it's like, is there anything else there that you can recall that, you know, 'cause I know for myself, like when you said that, talking about walking the dog and finding those little things having they are so important because I know when I was in that space very similar where things were not good and it wasn't great. It was going to the beach and finding the simple things of gratitude that flipped everything around for me. That was the that was the start of my building blocks. It really really was and I love that because I totally relate to that. And it's always my go to if if things are really turn around, turn around, what have I got? Hang on to what I've got? Let's focus the mind on the positive. But for you getting like steps further past that you know gratitude and thankfulness what else was there for you? Well there was a lot of meditation for me and self-reflection on how I could do things better but to get to that I had to learn so I was often on YouTube watching podcasts coming to sessions like your own reading spiritual books. I spent a lot of time looking outward you know out from me to sort of see what else is out there, what else life is about. And I know that sounds broad, but it's like sometimes we live in this little microcosm of our own life, like you live in this location, so you only go to that shopping centre or that shopping centre. So for me, it was like, what on? You know, it's not your territory. It's more fun. Get out of the postcode, people. Get out - Out of the postcode. (laughing) - After your bubble where you live, I get out of it. And yeah, so I had to find that I had to reach out. Beyond that, I had to, well, they said, they said, "I'll say, if nothing changes, nothing changes." So if you don't step out of what you've always done, you can't expect your life to change because you're gonna do what you've always done and it's not gonna serve you. You have to look further and you have to talk to people because people are great with knowledge. They wanna share knowledge. They want to impart that knowledge and they also want to help you. Like if they're good people, they want to help you. So they're guiding you and they go, "Oh, you should go to see this person." Or, "You should go over to that location." Or, "You should listen to this on YouTube." And that's what I did. I listened to lots and lots of people and honestly I always got snacks. I was like, "Wow, wow, look at this. Oh man, I can do this. This is cool. I'm going to have a go at this." And honestly, my world just opened up. It started to diversify in all sorts of different areas. I started to read books. I never thought I was going to read. I started to do things I never thought I do because, you know what, I didn't think I was good enough. I didn't think I had the skill. I didn't think I had the knowledge to study in a certain way. I didn't think I had lots of things. So I really didn't value myself. So a lot of this was personal growth, learning who I am as a person. And yes, you might be honest and reliable and all these things and you know that. that, but sometimes you don't, you can know you're demonstrating, you still don't believe it about yourself. You really need somebody's validation to go, "You're a great honest person, or you're a really responsible person. Why I know that? I don't know the answer to why I needed it, but I did, and I guess I expected it, but never got it. So I felt like I wasn't achieving, I guess." But so, yeah, I sort of reached beyond the normal scope of what I I would normally do. So I just tried to change it further. So added a few more tools to the toolbox. - Yep. And so when you're talking about taking yourself outside that comfort zone and leaving your postcode, clearly you've left the postcode, you've left the country, we're having this interview with you in a tiny, could you, that's to be like, this would be the furthest thing going, I've been interviewed for a podcast and I'm in Bali. Yeah, like, talk about outside the comfort zone, right? But I love it, you know, And it's just so apparent here, the story. But it's interesting, like, and obviously, like, I like that because, you know, you're talking about there how, you know, I think it's a big thing. And I think because we, we kind of grow up that, especially as kids, we very much rely on a lot of external kind of gratification and like, well, we need that praise. We need that kind of attention because that tells us whether we're, you know, things are good or bad. That's just the way we kind of scope it. But as we get into adulthood, you know, clearly, like, people go, I don't, I I shouldn't have to tell you that you're doing a good job every day. Like you should know that you're doing a good job. Are you doing a good job? Well, then you're doing a good job. That is really, it's funny how we take that, but it's, and that's sometimes, like you said, that can take, if we're seeking that or needing that kind of approval or gratification or from outside sources, and we don't get it, it does shrink ourselves. I, you know, I believe, but like you said, it's, it then you have to kind of go, what I need to do it for myself and find yourself. When you talk about like taking yourself outside that comfort zone and trying these new things, obviously reading books, was there anything specific? What's when you're looking at that and you're going into those memories, what's one memory that really pops into your mind and says, "Oh, this just, I couldn't believe I was there. I just did it on a whim and that I just, I'll never forget that moment." - Gosh. (laughing) - Just the first one that comes to your mind, come on, don't think about it, just get into that memory, get into that feeling. - So the first time I, tell me again, you want that first one. - So the first thing that you do, there's this memory, the first memory that comes to your mind, doesn't have to be the first thing that you did, but the first memory that comes to your mind where you go, that really cemented and going, yeah, you know what I am, I'm doing this, I'm doing something different and I'm really enjoying life right now. - Well, it was funny, I was on holiday in Thailand actually in March this year. - This year, okay awesome, yep. - I was visiting my brother over there and I hadn't seen him since before COVID. And he came up to me and he said, I didn't nearly recognize you. And I said, what? I said, I don't know the name. And he said, no, no. He said, I thought you were someone else. He said, you were standing up straight and you were moving quicker. He said, sis, what have you done? And I thought that was it, my brother who I hadn't seen in that time. And I thought, oh my God, that is that much? Have I really changed that much? And I thought, I must have standing up straight. And I'm doing it. I like it here. Woo. That's right. Yeah. You know, after two years, and I hadn't seen you. And I thought, wow, I respect. Yeah, that was that's probably one of the biggest ones. Wow. Now talk about like almost irony or perfect synchronicity in its own way, because all those years before you are looking for this external appreciation and gratification to value yourself. And then you finally, you're valuing yourself and you're like, you're not worried about it. And then when you're not worried about it, you gotta visit your brother in Thailand and he acknowledges it. And all of a sudden you go, oh, okay, I'm not different. And it's amazing how you took it. Like you're like, oh, okay, thank you. Like it's really weird, like that's nice, but you're like, it doesn't really matter to me now, but I'll take it. (laughing) - I love that. - You don't even get exactly right. You don't even think of it. Like you're just doing it. 'Cause you're happy, you know? Like you're happy, you're on holiday, you're happy, you're seeing your family. You're happy, but when he said you're standing stronger, he said, "You're different, you know? "You're different." That was later on, he said, "You're different." He said, "What's changed?" And I said, "I'm happy. "I'm happy for the first time in my life. "I am happy and you know what? I don't have a partner at the moment and I'm not seeking one because it's all about me and I know that sounds terrible but It's all about me and my growth at the moment and my happiness and my choices and that's never been my mantra It's always been other people other people. But you know what? I've got to honor my life experiences I've been through the bad and I I could go on and on and on about that to the point where my brother-in-law used to laugh at me And say oh my god He said all of these things happen to you you should write a book and sell it home and away. You spent daydads material forever. Sell it home and away. And just for those who are not aware, Home and Away is like our absolute staple soapy here in Australia that runs 7 to 7pm on Channel 7 all the time. And it's like, it's that kind of like real, I don't even know, I don't even know how to describe it, but it's just that staple soap and I love that. If you please tell your script to I'm away, they'll have another 10 years of material. Oh, that's funny. - And I, you know, don't worry. There's been times where I thought, "Oh, maybe I could do that because it can't get dirty." It was like a snowball crash and burn. But you know what? Crash at the bottom and up you come. Because you know what? When you get the bottom, the only way is up. And it's one foot in front of the other, step by step by step and be grateful for where you are and step and step and step and don't look back just keep going just say stay positive work hard and you know what just love yourself love yourself enough not in that egotistical way where oh look at me but value yourself is probably the better way to put it value who you are because it's important you know it it's important that you be validated for your life because your life's worth living, worth acknowledging. You're a person, you're a human on this planet and yeah we get thrown up all these challenges every day and you just got to work with them. But for me it was step by step and try and find the lesson in each one. Try to find the positive. If it's a real dark and dreary day try and find something nice about it. And just keep staying positive not dark and dreary day. But it's a dark and dreary day. That's okay record raincoat on get the dog out. Let's go for a walk. Don't stop. Just keep going keep going It'll it'll happen and you get you get happy. I love it. You know what's what's the result of all this work Jane? Yeah, get happy Yeah, you're sorry your glory, you know, it's you get happy you get happy. It's cool It's really cool. And as I said, it's the happy I've been in my life and that's Rather long life. So, you know, don't let it take as long as me, but you know, it's doable It's completely doable up to you Now I don't want to dampen the mood, but I've been kind of clueless But it's interesting because I know people listen and go like that's me That's what I loved about it like as soon as we connected on the phone your energy was infectious Whoa, love this energy feel it was so vibrant so open so clear. It was great And you talked about having those the bottom and I know people listening this for go Oh, I know they'll be saying I want to be Jane I want to be where Jane is right and and they will be because they're going we hear like they'll hear that message No, I couldn't have said that any better than myself But I think where my mind was going if I was listening to this and I might be one of those people then I go So Jane, I don't know like my life's pretty tough right now, but and like you know what I'm down I'm down of downs, but you talked about hitting bottom. So How do I know? This is the bottom If there is a bottom in your personal experience, how would you if I was someone? Like going I love that and I want I want to have what you've got John I want to follow that part But I don't know where I am on this am I bouncing out of it. How I hit the bottom I don't what would you be saying to someone if they're asking you this? Well, firstly you need to talk to someone and that's in anyone that that's a person who will give you the time and who will sit and Truly listen to you and I have that I've built a very good support network and Probably, you know four or five people that were there each time I felt myself spiraling down I would give them a call and I would just talk to them and they talk to me and And they tell me it's okay. And one lady, one of my beautiful friends, she came over to my house and she came into my bedroom where I was curled up in a fetal position and crying my eyes out because I thought, I just can't do this anymore. And she laid on that bed with me and cuddled me and said, you will be fine. You are gonna be great. And she told me all these great things about me, my personality, how I help other people and limitless things. She went on and on and on. And some of them started to resonate with me And I thought, and suddenly I came a little bit straighter and I sat up in bed and I, and then we sat on the bed and we talked together. And I didn't want her to leave because she was a bit like my support person. And I didn't want her to go. I didn't do it without her. But she, she left, you know, she left in her own time. And of course I've showered and off to bed, but I probably slept the best that night because there was somebody there that truly listened that truly heard my words and knew that I was in a dark place, but she helped me lift. she helped me lift that little bit where I didn't want to stay curled up, you know, and away from the world. And I think that's the beginning. I think you need to have that person or somebody that you can use as a sounding board, but will listen to you and your story. And I do believe that's probably key. It was for me. I needed to have that around. And now I have multiple people around that are like that and I'm repaying that debt to another friend who found themselves in a situation like myself that I found it and it was a tough one and she had been in a very dark space and she was spiraling downward and downward so I reached out to her and I've had her step through and now she stepped away from that very negative situation and yeah her legs are a bit wobbly and sometimes you know she needs a bit more help but she's going to get there you know she did it she stepped away and we've supported her. There's a group of people myself and others that are supporting her through this and it's working. Like she's smiling these days. She's smiling. She's not in that perfect, well not what is perfect, but she's not in that place, her gold place let's say, but she's on a way and she's smiling again and the weight is lifting off her shoulders. So it's so important to have people that support network there. But along that way You've also got to understand that you've got to do some of this work as well yourself. So you've got to look in, when someone goes, "I am a good person. I'm going to do this. I am capable. I'm fortunate I've got these great friends and support system. I'm a valuable human being. I'm a good person." Like you've got to start to believe those things. And that was part of my learning in the end. I started to think, "Well, you're okay. You're okay." Yeah, not bad. And you know, you start to like yourself. I love the way you so casually say that, you know. Yeah, you start to like yourself a little more each day. But I think I love that though. No, I really do because like the way you talk about that, because even as you were saying that, I could really sense the journey, even for yourself. And I think that's such a valuable thing. Like you're saying, you need that support network, at least in one person. And I love that. And you said, you actually said, they truly listen to you. And there's a big difference because we know there's, you know, people who will hear you versus people who actually listen to you. And there's a fundamental difference in that. And I love that you was very, very naturally highlighted. They truly listen to you. But I like that because then you're saying, it's like step by step you're gradually liking yourself and I like that because you had that support to start with just to lift you a little bit but then you're saying that along that then like you said you have to do your work and you're having to build up that resilience within inside yourself yes. Yes absolutely you've got to participate in this you can't let just call that support person all the time you've got to start to do the work that's what I mean by the work you've got to get out there and have a go at this and you know and then you can report back to that person and then go hey I did this hey and um you know okay well let's celebrate you got to celebrate the wins you know you just don't focus and talk about the negative stuff you got to celebrate the wins yeah that's it that's and that's very important that you do celebrate all those wins and I guess it's a little bit when you're trying to lose weight or maybe you're trying to restrict your alcohol consumption or something along those lines and you know you've got to celebrate the wins you must because that just build some sort of energy in you or some power because I did that, like cool, I'm on the way. Like, and that's how it is, like how it was anyway for me and probably will remain being like that. I tend to strive to do things now that I've never done before and I like it. At work I say I want to learn something new every day. I don't care what it is, whether it's, you know, you do a little technique, a keyboard that makes something better or you know, you learn about somebody else's life and all you listen to them, but you want to learn something new every single day because the more you do know, you know, you might have 100 degrees in everything, but the more you do know, but the more you realise the less you know, because there's just such a big world, you know, you'll never know everything. You know, you'll never know everything. So every day my lesson to me, it might think for me was I must learn something new every day. And that's what I live right now than to just expand. - Expansion and expansion of the love of yourself, the expansion of prioritizing yourself, and it's that in that real positive sense, not in the negative sense, and obviously learning and growing. And I think that's just a beautiful way because learning something new, and I can honestly say, even again, by talking with you again today, I've learned something new myself, and I'm sure that our listeners and viewers have also learned something new today, And again, I just wanna say huge thank you for taking time out of your holiday, being in your happy time and sharing some happy vibes with us here, everyone doing it, but I can absolutely assure you that your story and your insight, it is inspirational. And I know that the listeners and viewers get something out of it. And if you are listening and you're watching, I always say, if this has helped you, listening to Jane has helped you in any shape or form, please just leave a comment there because, And that way I can screenshot that and I'll forward that to Jane because I always say if it has helped you, let them know because that encourages them and that includes them know that it is important. And it kind of just encourages and gives that thing of going keep sharing the story because it's so important. And I think I love this because you're at this space Jane, you found your voice, you found yourself, you found your happiness and like I love it and I love your story. And I just want to say again, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your journey with us here today. - Thanks, Pete. I've loved being here and thank you for allowing me to share my journey. And I hope just one word might vibrate with somebody and help them. So it would be great. So it would be cool. - And that's all we can ask for. Thank you so, so much. And of course, enjoy the rest of your holiday. - I'm off. I'm off down the beach now. Swimming. - Awesome. And of course, to all our listeners and viewers, if you're watching, you can see Jane. Hopefully you can take a little bit from her and of course guys just keep smiling and we look forward to catching up with you in the next episode. 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