In this episode we're going to take a little bit of a detour and I'm going to introduce you to a lovely beautiful soul by the name of Emma who I've had the privilege of working with in my new Inner Power Accelerator Program.
Her story is absolutely beautiful, she is so raw, open, honest and vulnerable and her story is so inspiring that I wanted to share it here with you.
So stay tuned as we have a lovely in-person chat with Emma.
Welcome, I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose.
It is time to awaken your connection, align with your soul and achieve your own inner power right here on the Inner Power podcast.
Hello and welcome back.
And as per the intro, I am joined by another lovely and beautiful soul, Clyde of Mine.
Emma, welcome.
How are you?
I'm well.
Thank you, Peter.
Thanks for having me.
That's right.
And I know that I've pounced this on you, but I have to admit, I implore your courage and to give it a go.
And I loved your response when I reached out to you for this because you were literally like, I need to embrace the new opportunities ahead of me.
And I was like, oh, I love that.
And it just shows me that you've really come in and embracing what's ahead.
So again, I'm really, really looking forward to this.
It is exciting.
We've had a nice little pre-show chat.
And as always, that ends up being like, We should be recording this.
(laughing) - That's what you kind of hope to like, hopefully, like, you know, the lovely conversation will take us back to where we were before we hit the record button.
But it's okay.
But we obviously, the beautiful thing is, and what this is all about, everyone, is that I wanted to invite Emma on here because, you know, even very, this morning before recording this episode, Emma actually inspired me and Emma's just been through the new program that I have just run, which is a beautiful eight-week program called the inner power accelerator program.
It was just yesterday Emma in our little group posted a video and she said I've just done a watch in the sunrise on the beach and you were awake at 3 a.
is that right?
Yes I was awake at 3 a.
and that's why so my question to you was like are you okay?
What's the cause?
Are you okay with the sleeplessness and and your reply was?
I'm just buzzing.
I've got a lot of things coming or downloading and I've got I've got ants in my pants and I need to get out and I can't sleep on restless and I just want to go down and see the sunrise.
And I love that.
And you're like, there's just too much, you had too much inspiration, wasn't it?
Because like you said, you got this energy moving along, you're just like going, there's too much to explore.
I don't want to waste time and I want to enjoy the world.
And that's kind of what inspired you to push you to go down the beach, isn't that right?
Yeah, absolutely.
There was just an energy that was very overpowering in my body.
And I was tossing and turning for a couple of hours and I thought I can continue tossing and turning.
Or in that moment I just made a decision just get up and go down to the beach and watch the sunrise.
Let's embrace this moment.
So off I went and it was a magical morning.
And I love that because the timing was very handy because you posted that in the group yesterday and then what happens to me this morning?
I'm awake at 3am and I'm tossing and turning and I'm like, I could try and get some more sleep or I could open up the laptop and maybe get some more messaging and wording done.
And then I was like, you know what, no, I'm waiting for just that crack of dawn and then head off to the beach and I absolutely did and I was like, "Thank you Emma.
" And it was in that moment too, I was like, "No, we're gonna talk about this.
" And I love this because this is what it's brutal about and just the way because the reason why everyone is because Emma's had a beautiful turnaround and I'm just her, I love the energy that you're presenting now and you just, I love it.
Every time I, I can't help it smile when talking with you and because it's just like you're turning up and you're turning up with like full of beans and full of life and that to me is just magic.
That's where we are now, but of course there's a journey here and you know obviously helping you with that.
It has been a bit of a journey, but just for our listeners and our viewers here, can you possibly describe, because this is a process and it is a journey.
So what was life like and what kind of thoughts and feelings were you having a couple of months prior to getting to this point?
Really, to be honest, I had, it started last year and I had three major things happen to me, sort of all in succession.
One was there was a business partner breakdown.
My son was being assaulted at school and my father had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and this was happening all together and yeah you can take a deep breath Pete because it was yeah it's like going just like but it's hard I'm there with you like and it's just it's reminding me of my journey last year a little bit with my dad and my son was having a little bit of school issues with other students, you know, and so I can very much empathise with you on that.
And it is, it's a, you know, you feel like you're trying to hold it all together for everyone else around you at the same time.
Very much so.
And you're trying to do the everyday things.
So you're still trying to keep moving on and it was so funny because before I came on here I got a visual of what that felt like for me and it's like I had bombs going off everywhere and that's okay because hopefully I could dodge around those but I felt like I was in a cave when it was happening.
And I could really, when I saw that, I could really feel that in myself that's exactly what was going on.
And the bonds that were going off per se, even though it was those things that were happening, Peter, were my belief system, my morals and ethics and values and my safety and security was all of those things were like being affected.
It's interesting that they were being affected and would you possibly say that you were being pushed in challenged with those particular kind of like belief systems and perspectives?
It was for me, it felt like when I was in this cave, it was like a breaking down per se but not in a normal breaking down.
What it felt like to me and what I was showing visually was that I needed to dig through the rubble and bring in the sunlight from the cave to know that I could get out to the other side but those cracks in the rubble that were bringing the sunlight through were just the new ways that I needed to see things.
So the new beliefs or the things that I needed to let go.
So the rubble was the things that I needed to let go that I was being obviously holding on to or that really didn't serve me a purpose anymore.
But this was quite a transition.
Like, you know, this is not, I mean, when you're going through these things, you know, this is not like a three week thing or a six week thing.
You know, this has been going on, Peter, for probably about a year.
I think what really helped me and, you know, for your listeners, I'm sure they're, you know, meditators and, you know, I journal write and I have a gratitude practice, but I really needed to come back to those simple, really basic, simple things to really help me to understand that I needed to let go.
I really needed to just let everything go where it all fell.
It all fell.
And I know that, want for a better word, the universe had a bigger plan or a bigger thing for me.
But that was really hard, Peter.
Like to do that day in and day out, seven days a week, four a year, like it was very emotional for me.
It's interesting.
If you don't mind, because it is.
I know that like I have, you know, you know my background, so most of them would listen to do as well.
And we kind of experienced that.
But especially for anybody who's listened to this, they might be new to this and they're hearing like I'm absolutely certain there are many like listeners and viewers who can relate to what you're saying and you're saying that obviously going through this year is very emotional.
Can you possibly describe that or what you're feeling more so because what I love about this is obviously by explaining this or just going a little bit deeper it will help people to know that oh my god like she gets me or like you know oh my god what this this Emma check like oh my god like I'm this is her and I think that's really important because it really just lets people know as you know I've said many times you know you we all think that we're doing this alone or we all think that no one really knows what we're going through and that's why I just if you can I want to just prompt you to go that little bit deeper because you said it's emotional but if you could explain like for our listeners how how so and of course I know I know I know it's deep and I know it's personal.
I can see there you're, oh, deep breath there.
But I appreciate it.
And I appreciate it honestly because I tell you, yeah, it is deep breath, deep breath.
So when you have a look at that, we don't have to go to do, but just kind of like going, what were you feeling and what were your thoughts at some of those points in time?
- A lot of the thoughts were negative.
A lot of the thoughts were like, wow, why is this happening to me?
Like, I'm a good person.
Like, I'm trying to do the right thing.
That's where the problem was, right?
I was trying to do the right thing for everyone else, but not for myself, Peter.
And I can really sit in that right now here with you and really feel that.
And it's, I'm shaking while I'm saying that to you, because I was trying to look out for everybody else and probably seek validation from outside and from everybody else, but Peter, it needed to come from within me.
- Oh, Emma, honestly, just right there, I can't thank you enough because, you know, that is just, I can feel that and, you know, for you to be so like raw, vulnerable and open for everyone.
I know that's huge, but I think that speaks volumes about the person that you really are.
And I can't thank you enough.
And I think there's gonna be plenty of listeners that will also appreciate you doing and showing that it's okay to say these, you know, particular things.
- It was like a, I suppose it really was like a breakdown you know, I was probably want for a better word, Peter, because it was, I was cracking myself open and it was, it was hugely emotional.
Like there were some days where I was just holding on.
And thinking that, you know, can I get through today?
And I have a very good support system around me, Peter.
And I think that I've cultivated that over a number of years.
So without my friends and family, I don't know where I would have been.
And there were times there where I thought, I just can't keep saying the same things and being negative.
It wasn't even negative.
It was more so trying to figure out how do I navigate this, Peter?
I don't know how to process these feelings and move through these feelings and they keep coming up and they keep coming up and I think my saving grace was that I had to feel these feelings Peter.
I had to be raw and real and honest with myself and know that I needed to feel these feelings because for a very long time I've had people around me say to me you feel too much you've got to stop feeling.
I have to admit I've heard you say that before And even when you say it again, I don't know how someone can say that to someone.
Because as we know, obviously, you know that the feelings are so, so important.
And I love that when you said you almost now in reflection, you're saying that I needed to feel these feelings.
Even though you didn't really know what they were or what they were trying to prompt you with, because would you say that those feelings that you were having, like the ones that you needed to feel, would you say that like you were having them but they definitely weren't helping you with a solution or a path or some kind of navigation?
Were they?
They were just kind of like bombarding you and you're like, like I'm just feeling this.
Yeah, I was a bloody mess, Peter.
I was a bloody mess.
No, I'll be honest with you.
I shouldn't laugh.
I can laugh with you because we've done the journey.
So I'm just making sure my listeners are not being disrespectful.
I'm literally just, I love the journey you've done.
You've done so much bloody hard work.
I was a bloody mess, Peter.
I honestly was.
And I was doing it privately, but I was doing it with certain people.
And I felt like I couldn't do it with certain people.
And I felt like I had to put this, I'll be honest with you, Peter.
I was putting a mask on and I was going out there and it felt like I was going into battle.
Oh, it's gotta be light.
It's gotta be fun.
Emma's gotta be that fun person.
And I'm like, I am so not fun right now.
I am so not joyful right now.
I am bloody well hurting and I need to let it out.
- That's powerful.
Like you felt like you're putting a mask on And it sounds like you felt like you needed to turn up every day in a certain way for everyone else.
And obviously by the-- Oh, absolutely.
100%, I will-- absolutely, Peter, 100%.
I was doing what everybody else wanted me to do.
I'm sorry, you just poked the bear there.
I just was doing what everybody else wanted me to do.
I was saying the right things.
I was trying to feel the right way.
I was trying to be positive.
And I am a positive person.
Please don't get me wrong.
There was some really, really, really hard time.
And like, again, I can't, I probably like that's, I love and I have always loved your upfront role and honesty because this has been such a big thing for you to kind of go, "Hey guys, the mask is in the bin now because this is me.
" And I love this because as much as those times, we can tell like you were there, you're still living it, you go into those memories and it hurts.
And of course it does, but the beautiful thing is you're not letting and you're not sitting in this now.
You're like, "No, no, this hurts, I'm different.
I've got to come back to Emma and who she is.
" Now you've made this mean.
So we've gone through all this, you're having these down times, you're wearing this mask, you're realizing this, you're getting home every day, pretty much exhausted because you've been out there And that's me, we all know, every single person who even feels an ounce, a little grain of sand of what you're talking about knows how exhausting it is to be someone that is not you in any shape or form.
It is exhausting because it is acting on a full-time basis.
You come home exhausted and guess what?
You wake up exhausted and you have to do it all again and again and again and again.
It's a very, very vicious cycle.
So with all of this, obviously there's a few things.
What prompted for you to, like, where's the thinking or what's the, what happened here for you to go, enough's enough, I need to change.
And at that point, were you looking for anything in particular or did you have any idea or is it just like a moment kind of thing?
Walk us through that one.
- Yeah, so it was an epiphany, moment when I was meditating that basically was that I need to surrender.
Powerful word.
I need to surrender and let everything just go and whatever is meant to be is meant to be.
I surrender to a power greater than myself is what I say to myself here.
I surrender to a power greater than myself.
That is not only beautiful but I also know how hard that can be for so many people to do that.
And for anyone who listens because this is something that you know that I do talk about, letting go and surrender it.
It's a tricky business and a lot of people will know the words.
But as you know, especially, there's a lot of extra feelings and fear that come with that.
Can you possibly, like just for someone who might be in that position of going, like, "I'm hearing you Emma, like, oh my God, I'm like where you were, I'm still at.
" And they're now hearing you going, "I've got an epiphany and I've got a surrender.
" They'd be like, "What do you mean?
How do I do that?
" Or like, "They could be scared or they could be.
" So is there, do you have a helpful, what was going through that?
How did you do this?
How did this work for you?
I think I came back to really simple things, Peter, in my life.
And it was, you know, even though I was still doing my meditation and my gratitude practice, which is being grateful just for the simple things that were in my life.
Like even to the point where I would say, "I'm just grateful to have a roof over my And I'm just grateful to have two beautiful children who can give me a hug every day, Peter.
Coming back to really basic things, basic stuff, basic things, simple things that I can find gratefulness and joy in and the surrender was really hard, Peter.
It was.
Of course there was fear around it because I wasn't going to have a job, Peter.
Peter, my son is being assaulted and I don't know what's going to happen to my father.
Like, do you know what?
In that, you have no control over anything, Peter.
I realized in that moment with that epiphany that I need to let go of what I think I have control of because I don't have control of anything.
the only person who can help myself is me.
And I need to really bring it back to the basic things that I love and enjoy in my life.
- Oh, I just, how does that not hit you?
You know, I just, I felt every, every part of the energy you had in that.
And that's what I love the most because you can tell, always know when someone's been through that journey and actually being through that surrender process because it is said with such a frequency and a vibrational level that just hits you.
And I can feel that and really, I just amaze that you can see that, you've been through that.
And of course it's hard, but there is a big thing here, like these things are in life.
And I think you said it perfectly in the fact that you obviously had a realization that you couldn't control everything.
When you had that realization, like right, and that's me, you know, yes, your dad's going through his illness, your son's going through his issues, plus the multitude of the other everyday stuff of like, I can't have a job, I've got to have, like I've got to obviously find the money, I've got to do all of this, you know, there's a whole, this list just started to pile up on you, the overwhelm came, and then you've just kind of gone, I can't control it, so you're surrendering, and you just came back to the joyful stuff.
- Yeah, you know, the simple things.
And I think once I transitioned out of the business and then I'll be honest with you, I want to escape.
- Okay.
- You know, we put-- - I wanna pull you up here a little bit.
Right, this is a very interesting word.
You want to escape.
Let's get into that a little bit.
What do you mean by this?
- So once I had the epiphany and then things took a turn.
So then I had to step away from the business, which meant that I was unemployed.
I figured, well, if life is going to give me all these upheavals, why don't I go with it?
Why don't I go with it and let's like, blow things up even more and escape and go somewhere else and do something else and let's renew and let's find a new passion, I suppose, is what I mean by escape.
- Okay, so is that that want of escapism and change, is that something that you followed or did you kind of realize going, well, that's just gonna like, I'm only leaving my problems where they are, or they're gonna follow me, or did you kind of say, no, I need to stay here and go through this?
- No, so we actually went through the process.
So we, you know, we, I'll be honest with you, we put our house up on the market and my husband and I like tidied up everything and we're like, we're gonna go.
We're just gonna go.
- Wow, okay.
- Yeah, so we had that in mind and then- - Sounds like more in mind, you were actually going through with it.
You had an action plan.
- Yeah, well, I'm actually with it.
- We had an action plan, dude, yeah.
And then sort of in between this is when you sent your email out about the course.
- Right.
- And because I was in a moment of, you know, I had no job and we were looking at selling our house and then your email come up and I'm like, oh my God, what are you saying is exactly how I'm feeling?
And so I just responded to you.
- Wow.
- And then I responded to all your questions.
- Yes.
- And then you sent me more questions.
(laughing) Okay, I've got to go deeper here.
So then I'm answering more of your questions.
You are.
I didn't even know where this was going.
I know, right?
I didn't know that it was a course.
You were just putting it out there and I'm just like, "Well, I've got all this spare time.
" Sort of, like, because we're still cleaning up the house and tidying up the house and putting it on the market and kids were still going to school.
But I, yeah, it was like, yeah, I was just creating a space, I suppose.
and then I saw your email and I'm like, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
" I'm just, I'm all into it.
- Oh, I love that.
- And that's where you came into my life.
- Well, that's cool.
And what we're gonna do is this is a perfect, I love that it's like, 'cause it leads in perfectly, but what we're gonna do is we're like going to cover Emma's journey from this.
And we're gonna cover the journey moving forward to where she is now in part two of this episode.
So stay tuned and we'll catch you in the next episode.
(upbeat music) [MUSIC]