Now we're back to finish off the wonderful journey with Emma here in part 2.
So stay tuned as we finish off our wonderful conversation with her and her wonderful transformation.
Welcome I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose.
It is time to awaken your connection aligned with your soul and achieve your own inner power right here on the inner power podcast.
Welcome everyone and of course this is part 2 with the lovely and beautiful soul Emma who has been walking us through her journey and her transformation and for those who have just caught this this is part 2 and I've got to say you're going to have to go back if you haven't you can't jump in here you just can't because anybody who caught part 1 of this episode and Emma's journey you need to hear it because it sets the tone it sets the context there is something in there for everyone and again I cannot thank you Emma enough for walking us through that and your absolute rawness and vulnerability in part 1 there is inspiring it is that's exactly what it is and I think you would have inspired so many people to start acknowledging those feelings instead of ignoring them you would have started to inspire the people go you know what it's okay to put myself first for a change you would have no doubt as you talked about you know inspired people going hang on I am wearing a mask and I really need to start taking that off so that's mean guys if you haven't seen or listened to part 1 please go back and listen to that because there is something in there for everyone I truly truly believe that but we are here and so now we've you know Emma has been so kind to take us through like because that's mean like it was not a pretty place it was hard as you described it bombs going off but you're lucky you're in the cave but bombs were going off and to a point you had an action plan you had the house on the market you were like escape isn't coming like well life's life has given me lemons and I will go off and make lemonade while I'm traveling and restarting somewhere or something doing all of that so it's pretty full on and then where we kind of finished off you said all of a sudden these emails have come in and I was like hang on he's speaking my language everything he's talking about this and then you kind of alluded there because it was one of those things we I was a bit cheeky and a bit sneaky just letting everyone know because it was I've had the idea of this program for a little bit I've been sitting on it for about eight months and I was like I'm just gonna test and see if this is gonna resonate with anyone and clearly like something did but I this is where I give absolute kudos to every single person who did go through this program process with me because as Emma was saying and I'm you're a brightening more question I'm answering more questions and oh my god I got deeper on this and so you know picking up where we left out there you've answered and it was it was a case of like and you I know you didn't because I purposely set it up you had no idea what you what you were answering these questions for you didn't know where it was going did you know absolutely not and look where I am now I tend to do that I'm so glad I did it sorry to interrupt but I'm so glad I did I'll never look back that's beautiful but it is I'm a bit sneaky that way because I love pouncing on people because sometimes I think people get too much in their head I loved it because you're like there's something here you're like you like you said there was something obviously in in the wording there that resonated with you you just had enough time and space to kind of go you know let's look into this you did delve deeper with the questions and you went with that and just out of curiosity when you went deeper with those questions because I won't lie guys for this program it's actually a process because you need to be at a certain point and you need to be at a certain point with yourself in order to get the most out of it so that's why we kind of go deeper with these these questions did you find that confronting going through those questions or were you just kind of like okay well I'm going deeper what was your what was your process and feelings there I think I was really feeling the questions so I really wanted to answer them openly and honestly because I knew that I had to start a new chapter and I didn't know what that looked like and for me your questions were it felt like they were provided to me from the universe to get real about what my next chapter was Peter Oh and I I love that you said that considering where you talked about in the previous episode about the mask and not being yourself and like you said here's an opportunity and I love that because it just shows you like you saw an opportunity you were hearing and hitting the call and you took a great opportunity right there and then to stop lying to yourself and stop putting yourself second so that's amazing and long story short guys clearly Emma got accepted into the program and we went through a really really big process there which is great so and obviously jumped into the program and it was we talked just through it going we're feeling this out let's try all this and wherever else so jumping into it and it is like just out of curiosity for our listeners what was in the program it was very deep program it does get personal it does get deep as you know but was there anything in this journey kind of going through just walk us through what what were some things in there what surprised you or what was like an aha moment for you what was for you in that in that space and time now I've got your thinking then you're like oh this is a lot there yeah there's a oh for me it was about feeling my feeling and really closing my eyes and and and going where do you feel this Emma and I could viscerally feel those feelings all throughout my body and I can even just do it here man with you Peter like I can feel that feeling and I think for the first time in a very long time it feels bloody good and I love that because I remember you saying that I remember the call when we're on and that was the first time I heard you say I've had people tell me stop feeling so much that hit home and I don't think there was like a dry eye on that call and rightly so because it was just we all felt it but then like I love this because I think you know in the transformation for you beforehand and just correct me if I'm wrong because of what was being said to you and how you're kind of taking on you're almost starting to view how much you could feel as a negative thing or it was almost like a you know to tracks from you know getting through life whereas now absolutely that's how I felt yeah yeah and now what it was how like what's the difference I am feeling my feelings baby and they're coming through me and they're coming out on the other side and I love me Pete if that was my if that was my real aha moment and you know this yeah like you know in the two sessions before we ended the real aha moment for me why that I really like who I am and I'm really loving myself and it is just the simple pleasures in my life that bring me such joy and beauty and I know that some people get really funny about people using the words Peter like beautiful and love and joy but can I be honest with you I feel those words like I've never felt anything before and it just puts me in alignment so much so that I just love it I just love it I love I love my life I love who I am I love everybody who's around me and I try to find the love joy and passion in everyone I meet because that's so important to me to leave somebody with feeling that way that they can move through their life Peter.
Oh darling my god and I know my producer is gonna have you but fuck I just I can't wait to give you a hug because it's just like it is in those moments we and that's mean you just know when people feel it like you get it 100% you're feeling it and you're there and like even in this moment I think this is a beautiful thing for you is like it is like I know the same thing right like there's so many words like you're saying they're thrown out there and people have different feelings about it but there is a genuineness when people feel them rather than just say them and I think you know again anybody who's listening if you didn't feel Emma feel those words when she was talking about them and that's that's the space that you're in and you know what it's absolutely kudos to you because you're working through it that you went that and I love the fact that we could get you to a space where that was no longer a hindrance for you whereas now it has become almost one of the beautiful gifts and superpowers that you have to offer this world and it should be and it should shine and it's going to shine I know it's going to shine because just where you're at and that's why I wanted to talk to you about you know all of this kind of stuff but it's interesting you know it's pretty intense and obviously kind of going through that but just out of curiosity because you know again we've only really just finished a program but it's just it's we're all we're all in a kind of like beautiful like oh wow kind of space but was there like going through this little bubble little bubble but going through this like work and you know it's like it's interesting like you said it was like getting to the last couple of sessions and stuff like that now it's relatively short but as we know it's quite intense but was there any moments during that time where you were going I'm tapping out this I'm done this is too confronting or this is too much or did you have it you might not have but I was just I was just curious to know it was like you're going like because some people find it hard to look at themselves I've already been through that Peter right I went through that with everything that I'd been through so I knew I had to get real and be real yes beforehand with all my little things that happened or the experiences that I experienced so I knew I needed to get real and I wanted to be in it I wanted to be immersed in it and when I knew after that first call that I could feel my feelings and they were real and they were validated and we held the space all of the group held the space along with you of course Peter but you know what I mean like we held the space for each other I knew right there and then that this no I need to go through this and I want to let you listen to this.
It wasn't easy like more often than not I was bloody crying so but it was such a relief yeah and that's what I liked about it I never came off one of those calls not being pumped not being oh thank God there was a release there and I feel good about that release and and it brought more epiphanies and then you know I was super excited to come to the next call I didn't want to wait the couple of weeks like I'm like I want to smash this sucker out like I want to feel I want to be raw I want to be real you know me and then like I'm coming to these chats which I've never done before these zoom calls and I'm like I'm ready to go I'm roaring and I really want to be heard and I want to be feeling and I want to put the poor other group in the car.
I'm all in there.
But that's the one thing I absolutely love and cherished you turned up 110% every single time to me I can see it is paying dividends and I love this now just for everyone who's listening right this is part two we're now we're now getting into the like the dog days of a podcast and this is coming with a person here who's gone through all of this and just happens to tell me at the end of this program I don't like social media and I don't like the public work well can we all just agreed right now that I think that might be shifting because if nothing you you need to be out there you need to be inspiring and you have a beautiful bright light to shine and you should and I think it's natural I think you have it that's why I wanted you on here I wanted to help you kind of just show it and you have a beautiful story to share and it's a huge thing and I love it you did you turned up 110% you dug deep you did the work and you kind of got through it now with this and what's interesting I think this is where it gets different because this is me like you know what everybody gets out of this is different because it's a very personal journey you know you can't help that it is just everybody's there with their own kind of agenda and sometimes people if you turn up with like little to no expectations you're going to get a lot more out of it but even so there's always a plan because it's like what's moving forward so how is now this helped you how is going through this program how has this helped you or inspired you for your future.
I just have so much more inspiration for myself that I just keep getting these downloads and I keep being inspired by different things and I really just want to be my authentic self and I just want to share it with whoever wants to listen Peter and love that I just want to make people feel good and you know I want you know I want your listeners to know that I still have a job like I'm still a mum and I'm still you know have kids that I've got to get to school and all those things but I think I do it with such bounce and joy more so than what I've ever done you know I take time out for myself and I think that was the space that got created in the last last couple of weeks that we've really seen for me is I'm creating space for myself and and the universe just keeps giving me that space for myself and I'm grabbing it with both hands and going thank you very much and what am I what are we going to provide today and when I say provide I mean what is the inspiration what is the joy what is and you know before I came here today Peter can I just tell you a little quick thing go for it and it's a boring thing but I was cleaning the pool and I was cleaning the the leaves out of the pool with the scooper.
Anyway I put the leaves into the bin and I shook it out and what was still in the net was this ladybird and I went oh my god out of everything that I've got out of the pool which was the leaves pretty much was a mundane job here was this ladybird and I couldn't help myself I'm like I was just in awe Peter and you know I love that word this is my new word just like joy is it's awe I was just in awe of the beauty of what was left behind was this beautiful ladybird and I got it out and I rescued it and I went on my way like it's just moments like that that film fill up my soul fill fill up to Emma is fill up with joy so if I can find it in something so small like that Peter mm-hmm I can find it I can find it wherever in my life and if it really comes in a hundred times the size of a ladybird imagine how much more you're gonna feel it you know like and I love that would you almost say like because of that and I love that you're finding it in such small places like I've also noticed that when I've been on the road more recently I was in like Bendigo and Shepherd and Orbury I've never taken so many photos of birds I like anybody that is I think I'm an all the polluted you know it's like you know it's just like I'm thinking like I'm just like oh my god look at the colors on that bird I'm trying to take this happy snap and like I'm sending it to my wife I'm pretty sure she's like are you okay like is the reason all these like night shifts and events getting to you but yes there is a moment when you when you connect but you know it's like you can connect and remind yourself what you are a part of you are a part of something bigger you're a part of something more beautiful and I love that because as I said you know the inspiration being there this morning at the beach it was the same thing I was like wow it's just a beautiful reminder to go I have a part of something bigger here and it's bloody beautiful and there's so much on offer you've just got to train yourself and I love that you've trained yourself to find in the smallest things and that's me like that may seem boring but that boring story and if any of you out there listening get that story I'd love to hear from you I'm sure Emma would because that way we know that we're not going to be those kind of like you know we wacko woo woo is kind of going oh look at the pretty colors I mean I've had everybody that whole thing is just like it's the beautiful thing is it's like you'll learn and you can see it and it's almost like you honor it it's a weird feeling you're present to it and I think it sums up and it's beautiful you're going a bit of tenure because you know no doubt like I'm pretty sure you would have asked yourself at some point going you know I know Pete I've been around Pete for a while you know what's this inner power thing what what is what is this what is it what is this inner power and I get the ask quite a lot which is which is a fair enough question because it's like you know what's this inner power is exactly what we've talked about here and that moment with your ladybird that is the epitome of two things number one conscious living you were aware you stopped you were present and the second part of it is that you were being you were tapping in to being the human being and not the human doing aspect of life and you stopped and you rescued a beautiful little ladybird because how many other people scoop out their pools just go clonk clonk clonk into the bin and would put the scuba down without checking it or even bothering you know and it's amazing and I know right now for a fact that someone's just listening they go oh my god that's me maybe I need to check and make sure because I'm not killing other innocent insects as we go along but it's an amazing thing that's what it is about and I love that because you are doing that now on such a beautiful not a micro level but a macro level and that's what's really kind of amazing when you really tap into this like you just did that story so beautiful because it's not about the big things it's about the small things and if you notice the small things all those small things will add up so quick you've got so much to be happy for and you know it's a it's a beautiful thing now it's interesting with that too if you're looking back now like where you are if you could have a conversation if this future self this this you as Emma right now in this moment could go back in time to that Emma 12 months ago what wonderful words of wisdom would you impart on her on your feelings on a who you are love who you are and know that every day is a chance that you can renew yourself and be a different person if that's what you choose to do I just love being a human being and I just love human beings around me and whatever I can find in my fellow human beings to bring them joy love happiness passion whatever it is to them I just want to listen to them I just want to hear them Peter because I find inspiration in talking to other people and that's what I absolutely love about you and me and you and me and the group.
We keep talking for hours on end.
What do you think I do podcasting this is where I've just learnt guys I love talking for a living so you know what I'll do podcasting and you know what just before we got on to record there's someone else funnily enough was talking about you know I didn't want to talk about it but you know I want to get to podcasting think about you and I like oh my god we are so cut from the same tree very much so watch this faith people watch this I know right no I love it it's just like it is and it's just to see the change and the level of inspiration for you you know has been amazing and those words that you gave will you give you to yourself honestly amazing things I think you know very powerful word in there is the choice and choosing to and I think you know you made even with emails you could have chosen not to even write an answer going oh this is too hard or let alone go deeper again like you know that's just round one people here's round two oh my god he's asking more questions it's like but you like no I'm going to go deeper I'm gonna get into the need really I've had enough of this that's what's the lovely part about it but it is and I love it I can't wait to see what unfolds but before we do wrap this up because it has been inspirational and I would love to let you round out this absolutely amazing two part episode because your journey has been amazing and I can't think you enough for sharing it but I would absolutely love for you to round this one out and wrap this one up for us by you having this moment if you could say anything to our listeners for them in their life there's lovely little words of wisdom that little inspiration what would you say so I'm gonna hand it over to you and I'm gonna leave this episode on your note because you know what I love it you shine again be a bright star in the future so I'm gonna hand it over you watch your words to wisdom for everyone listening wow on the spot yeah just being really grateful and being in the present moment Peter and how do people do that it is by being really deal with yourself and whether you do that by deep breathing or just putting your hands on your heart and really take a deep breath and being really still in the moment and finding the gratitude and the joy that you have in your life beautiful love that 100% feel 100% honor totally on the same page Emma thank you so much for your time so thank you so much for your rawness your vulnerability your honesty and sharing your journey with us it's been inspirational and cannot wait to see where it's all gonna take you in the future Peter and I can't wait to find out what it's all about well let's do it together and we'll check in with you.
You you