Where it gets hard is a lot of the time.
We know that the solution to our problem means that there may be a little bit more pain involved for ourselves and sometimes for other people around us.
And we fear the repercussions.
Or we fear the retaliations, whatever it may be.
And therefore we stay in the hurt.
We stay in the pain.
We stay in the anxiety.
We stay in the overwhelm.
I'm Peter Williams.
And for the past 10 years, I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices so they can thrive with confidence, clarity and purpose.
It is time to awaken your connection, align with your soul and achieve your own inner power.
Right here on the Inner Power Podcast.
Welcome everyone.
Nice to have you tuning in once again.
So we are going to just have a real change of pace here.
And this is not so much a super informative or, you know, getting you to do any exercises.
As a matter of fact, I just wanted to take this moment and make this episode a little bit more of a heart to heart.
Hopefully you'll understand this.
And I know and I trust and have that intention that anyone who needs to hear this will find their way here.
And that is most likely you right now.
And if it doesn't 100% relate to you, then guess what?
It might actually be really helpful for someone that's really close to you and they may need to hear this.
And whatever the case may be, I just really do hope that this can help you.
This is huge because anybody who is tuning in or has tuned in, you would have just listened to the two part episode with Emma, who is so lovely to share and her ability on my podcast to be so open, raw and vulnerable, was just absolutely magical.
And I'm so grateful that she accepted my invitation to share her journey and story.
And it's a powerful one.
And this little heart to heart episode.
It's also further inspired by other members that I have worked with in the new Inner Power Accelerator program.
And the the beautiful souls in that group are just inspiring their own way.
And, you know, if they're listening to this, remember that.
And the growth that you have attained has been magical.
And I just don't want anyone to lose that momentum and that passion and that you found passion that they found.
But the other thing, too, is that as you would have heard from Emma, like it's rough and it's tough.
And I do love it because, you know, I talking to her, it was about the words when I reached out for people to apply.
It was the words that resonated with her.
And the reason why that resonated with her and I could write those words because I've been through them myself and those who have obviously read my book or been knowing me for a while, you'd know a little bit of the story.
That's led me to this.
And with that comes some of the hard stuff.
And what it is is like, don't lose yourself in the process.
I can't stress that enough.
And this was a beautiful message that came up in the group.
And it was very, very powerful because, you know, it's not always smooth sailing.
It's not always to be super vulnerable and it's not always perfect.
And you don't always get the results that you desire.
And when you don't or life is not going the way that you want it to, well, then it becomes hard.
And all you can do is, you know, you get in your head and you go around in circles and circles and we honestly think that our world is ending.
And look, that's fair enough.
And it's really tough times when, you know, the recording is episode.
And, you know, it's not all, you know, unicorns and rainbows for everyone.
And it's very interesting kind of going through it.
But we have this massive attachment to external things.
And what I mean by that is like, you know, it could be materialistic things.
You know, for example, house, cars, it can be more like intangible things like status, our job title, you know, amount of income and money, whatever it may be.
But we have that.
And when things start to get hard or tough, the thought of possibly losing these things gets to a lot of people very quickly.
And I've suffered that.
And that's why it's hard.
But what I've learned is that it doesn't matter about those things.
What's important is don't lose yourself in the process.
Don't lose yourself over those particular things because those things you can rebuild, those things you can redo, those things you can like get again.
The one thing that you can't really rebuild or gets very hard to rebuild or redo is yourself.
And that's why you are your biggest priority.
And the whole thing is this way, if you're feeling that sense of I'm lost or you're feeling that sense of I'm stuck, perhaps you're feeling senses of massive anxiety around work or relationships, whatever the area of life it might be, it could be financial stress.
You know, all of these things, they will compound and the trouble is we tend to focus so much on the problem that it skews our ability to see the solution.
And as most of you know, I'm a big movie buff.
And I love the movie Patch Adams with Robin Williams.
God rest his soul, wonderful man, made a lot of people laugh in his lifetime.
And unfortunately, he lost himself.
But in that movie, when he was he self-admitted to a psychological or psychiatric ward and through the teachings of one of his in one of his amazing, very bad ways that one of the other patients, I should say, is that in that moment, he was trying to teach Robin Williams character patch saying, you know, how many fingers do you see?
How many fingers do you see?
And of course, he's holding up four fingers and the answer was four.
And he's like, no, no, no, no, no, how many fingers do you see?
And of course, the answer was always four.
And at the time, Robin Williams character just simply thought him bonkers because he's in a psychological ward.
Then once he started to take a different viewpoint and actually start listening to people and the patients that he was with, he realized he was starting to connect with them more and see a world and their world in a very different way.
And so when he got asked again, how many fingers do you see?
He started to look like not focus on the fingers that were in front of him.
He was looking at them, but he wasn't focusing on them.
And in that moment, the camera does show you that there's not just four fingers.
And the lovely man holding up says, yes, that's it.
See, don't look at the problem.
Look through the problem, look beyond the problem.
And in that moment by looking, but not focusing, he could not just see four fingers.
It became double vision and he saw eight.
And he was, of course, that's the right answer.
There's eight fingers.
So the whole point of this story is don't focus on the problem.
You can look at the problem.
It's there.
But if you focus on it, you're only ever going to see the problem and you're only ever going to keep reinforcing the problems that you have.
You need to look beyond the problem.
And the thing is the answers.
Or the pathways, the openings in your life to help get you out of the situation that you are in already exist.
They are already there.
And if nothing else, they are totally within your capacity and capability of creating, because I genuinely believe that nothing is placed in front of you that you cannot handle.
If it is in front of you, it is a problem.
It is a problem for you because you are there.
You are capable and you are ready for this stage of growth.
And if you can teach yourself, learn the process of looking for the solution rather than focusing on the problem, you will find it gets a little bit easier.
Where it gets hard is a lot of the time.
We know that the solution to our problem means that there may be a little bit more pain involved for ourselves and sometimes for other people around us.
And we fear the repercussions or we fear the retaliations, whatever it may be.
And therefore we stay in the hurt, we stay in the pain, we stay in the anxiety, we stay in the overwhelm.
But when the truth is not only are you hurting yourself and losing yourself by doing that, you're also going to end up hurting and losing the people around you that you are trying to protect.
It takes the bravest of people, the bravest of souls to be able to look deep within themselves and go, this is not good.
This is my problem.
And whatever it may be, ultimately, I'm not happy.
And I am now ready to change.
If you can do that, then you're going to be well in your way.
And you're going to definitely have a better chance and ability to start seeing those solutions.
And if there's other little bits and pieces that I can give you to help you with this, whatever resonates here is that you are here to experience joy and happiness.
If you're not experiencing that, then maybe you don't know how to create that.
Maybe you have forgotten what it is like to have joy and happiness in your life.
And you need a little bit of a, you know, bit of a guidance back to that.
But whatever it may be, go remember, don't fear the next step.
That fear is the way forward.
And if you are courageous enough to actually take a chance on yourself to take a risk for yourself, I can guarantee you the grass will always end up being greener.
Now, hear me.
It may not be straight away, but it is definitely going to be greener than the pain and the suffering that you are choosing to stay in right now.
If you are going to stay there, you will start taking care of everyone else before yourself.
You are going to be so far down on your priority list.
And all you're going to do is keep running yourself into the ground and you will lose yourself.
If this sounds like you, please don't do that.
Please, whoever it may be, whether it might be your spouse, family member, friend, sometimes a stranger, reach out and simply tell someone that you're not OK and you need to talk or you need to spill the beans.
Need to have that release because that's so important.
And even from there, whatever choices that you make moving forward, remember, it's not set in stone.
It's so important.
We always tend to think or overcompensate in our mind about going, but if I do this, then I have to be and I'm going to be stuck in that position.
And no, you don't know that because you're not doing it.
It's like you've got to give yourself the chance.
You've got to give yourself the opportunity because if you look at it and you're going to go, right, if you can handle what you're already handling, you know, it's not going to get really much worse than what you're feeling at the moment.
And whatever it is, more often than not, it's going to be better than what you're going through right now.
And that's why it's important to have a go.
Be courageous.
Take a risk for yourself because you do that.
You're going to start finding the magic.
And the other thing too is, and I love this and I love drawing inspiration from nature.
And I was having this the other day.
If you are ever stuck and you're feeling like, hey, I'm stuck and, you know, the walls are closing in.
It feels heavy, dark.
You know, I just want to feel lighter.
I want to, you know, be feel happier.
Take a real page out of nature's book.
Have a look at plants and trees.
If you really look at them, there is actually a proper terminology, which I've forgotten because I remember learning it in year 11.
It's been a while, but the whole point is there is actually a term because plants naturally gravitate towards the light.
If it is dark or it's too dark and it's not feeding them and it's not making them grow or it's not helping them, they will purposely shut off the growth of that branch and then redirect their energy towards the opening and the light.
Trees and plants are so naturally programmed to do this.
They know to find the light.
They focus on the solution rather than trying to fight and solve a problem that they know they can't solve because whatever has caused the lack of light or the darkness around them, they are not going to be able to solve because they're stuck in that spot.
So rather than fight and move in a direction that's no longer going to serve them, they simply redirect their focus and their energy towards the solution and the light.
That's why you might find some trees or plants very one sided or very lots more foliage on one side versus another because they've identified where the light is.
The hardest thing to admit is the human race, the human species.
That's us.
We are the very rare few in nature's wonderful order that chooses to sit in pain and also experience self-pity.
It's really sad because if we just get focused on finding the solutions and moving towards the light, we will not do that.
The other thing too is with all of this and if you'll listen to this and you've gotten this far, like I said, I know it might sound like a little bit of a sermon, but I'm just really trying to hammer home the point because it is never too late to take the change or make the change.
It's never too late to find something to inspire you.
And if you've made it this far, here's the thing.
Wherever you're at at the moment, whatever you have done in the past has got you to this moment.
Now, along the way, there would have been some lovely moments in that.
But however, whatever you have been doing up until this point, no longer serves you because if you keep doing the same thing that got you to where you are, you are only going to end up in the same position that you are.
And the more that you start digging your heels in, the harder you are going to make this on yourself.
If you can start to see that it is time to change, if you can feel that you are ready for a change, I encourage you.
If not, I implore you to please listen to that and take up the challenge of change.
It is going to require something new of you.
You are going to have to do something that you've probably never done before.
But that is what gets you out of the position that you are in and into the new space.
That is what's going to get you out of the darkness and stop focusing and fighting something that's out of your control and start redirecting your energy moving towards the light.
The key thing is to all of this, you need to listen to yourself.
Don't ignore the feelings.
Don't ignore the voices.
They are there.
Everything that's going on is listening.
You might have friends, co-workers, whatever else trying to tell you.
And if you can honour the thoughts and feelings that you're having, I can guarantee you you will get the love and support you need, not just from the physical people, but also from our lovely, invisible, energetic people.
They're there trying to help you and you're in the right direction.
You just need to be prepared to listen.
And a big part of that is learning to get out of your own way.
So please really think about it.
Try not to lose yourself in the process of change.
It's asking you to become such a bigger, better and brighter version of yourself.
That's all the universe is doing.
It's calling you.
It is calling you and telling you what you are going through is probably no longer right or working for you.
If you are genuinely feeling that way, that is universe knocking at your door, trying to say, why do you keep just walking into a dead end when you all you have to do is turn around and walk through the door.
There's going to be so much more to offer if you just walk through that door.
So please remember, take the time, reach out, focus on yourself, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, honour them and start to take up the challenge of change.
Hope this helps you and thanks for tuning in and I'll see you in the next episode.