[0:00] Do not overthink it. Do not give yourself a reason. Don't go into analysis paralysis.
Just be honest with yourself and literally go, that did not feel good.
I don't want to do this. I can't continue this, this is not for me, whatever it may be.
It could be job, could be relationship, it could be money-driven, it could be business.
Whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
The whole thing is just get honest with yourself and acknowledge the energy attached to that thing.
Welcome, I'm Peter Williams and for the past 10 years, I've been connecting with thousands of people from the stage and online to help them discover the importance of spiritual and energetic practices So they can thrive with confidence clarity and purpose It is time to awaken
How To Start Finding Your Path
[0:58] your connection align with your soul and achieve your own inner power Right here on the inner power podcast.
[1:07] Music.
[1:12] Hello everyone and welcome back and I want to say a huge and wonderful happy new year to you.
This is an amazing kind of milestone.
There's a whole bunch here because recording this and actually putting the date 2024 on recording is a huge milestone for me because it really does does symbolize that the whole year of being here and having you tune in to the Inner Power podcast has become a reality.
This is all huge. This episode is helping to gear you towards this, because I know for a fact that I was toying around with ideas.
I really wanted to podcast.
[1:58] I've wanted to do so many different things, and I put them off for so long for multiple reasons, reasons, but it's here.
And if you have tuned in at any point throughout the year, whether you've listened to five minutes of an episode or whether you have listened to them all, because I know some of you have binged, I just want to say again, a huge thank you.
But of course, it's a new year and sometimes people look out for new things.
And if this is your first time tuning in, I just want to give you a huge new welcome and saying thank you for finding.
And I hope that you do get something And of course, if you get anything out of this or you want clarity or you have further questions, please feel free to DM me.
I love answering your questions and I'm making a real big kind of intention out there to help you guys more.
So if you have something, I'm happy to jump on the podcast and actually answer your questions directly for you right here.
So it can help yourself and of course anybody else. because I honestly believe if you're thinking it or if you have this question, there is definitely somebody else thinking that too.
So please feel free to reach out wherever you go, but this is where we're going.
With this energy, bringing it in, we're going to really go with the flow.
I have to say I have gone through massive changes.
You might've felt this as well. It has been really, really interesting with the energy leading into 2024.
2023 was different.
[3:26] Huge. Like I said, I have done the podcast.
I have done heaps of different things. I have traveled.
I have connected with with so many things. There's so many wonderful things that I can take away from 2023, but there's also so many wonderful things that I can learn from 2023.
And this is a big part of what this episode's about, because obviously we come into new year, we do all of this, and I have a lot of people wanting to connect, get a little bit of extra clarity, going, Pete, help me, or Pete, I'm stuck, or Pete, I need a bit of clarity.
And I just wanted to jump in here and hopefully give you a really good start, but I can guarantee you, and I can, I can guarantee you that the tips we're going to get into here will help you at any point in your life, not just the new year energy.
It will help you wherever you go. And if you use them correctly, they will, and they'll set you up for moving forward and making sure that you stay true to you and you stay true to your purpose and and your path.
[4:27] But comes the first problem, most people go, Pete, what is my path? Or where is my path?
And it's always a hard one. And this has kind of also led me to be here.
And I love this because speaking with my team and having a look, everything's new.
So we're going to get into those tips in a minute, but I just wanted to give you an update because this is where it's at.
And you've got to do these things and this will show you how and why really powerful stuff stuff because with these tips and where it's coming in is it's going to be all based on you and your energy and i can tell you right now your energy never lies never if you are really in tune with it and you get honest with yourself it will always guide you it will always provide you with the answer that you need, Your head, on the other hand, may give you the answer that you want, but it'll give you what you need when you listen to the energy and the feelings that kind of come with it.
And what's really amazing is that I have been planning this, been toying with this for a while now, probably for the last six, seven, eight months.
And I know for a fact that coming up and pretty much once this airs, I will be in the year of touring.
[5:46] I'll be back out there on stage connecting with people, but it's going to be a whole new show.
It's going to be a whole new format.
I know some people will like it. Some people won't like it because it is going to be different, but it needs to be because that is me aligning and being true to myself and my energy.
And that's what I feel I need to do. And if I don't do that, well, then I'm only going to be out there and continually doing it for everyone else.
Now, while that's wonderful, but if you are not topping up your own cup.
[6:20] You're only going to drain yourself, and it's only going to lead you to a world of hurt later on, almost to a point where you may feel a little bit trapped.
And I have been speaking to a lot of my followers on social media about that.
You might have caught a Facebook Live.
There's a few big ones there. Some of those hints and tips and stories will be coming out in further episodes, but we'll kind of get to that at a later of day.
But it's a really kind of cool thing because it's all about making sure you know who you are and it's about teaching and working with people about the energetics and getting back to what's important to them.
So this is what this episode's all about, helping you to do that.
It has been inspired by what I'm doing this year and I'm creating a brand new program called Path Finder because I have so many people and clients that just go, I feel like I'm a little bit lost And it's actually not as bad or as hard as you think to find that path.
[7:17] So that's what we're going to work on here. So like I said, it's all energy.
So we're going to get into this right now. We're going to start working with this.
And I love this because it is appropriate because New Year energy is always good.
But like I said, you can actually apply this any time in your life.
Life now every time i go our new year rolls around or every time i feel like there is a significant.
[7:42] Shift for me energetically where all of a sudden something that i have been doing does not feel like it's working anymore or maybe i also sense and feel that there is something more for me to to explore, but I have no idea really what, it's kind of a bit elusive, then this is where this comes in.
So the simplest of ways to explain this is with feeling your energy.
And we're going to use this. This is a perfect example. But if you're hearing this fresh off the episode list, you can do this. But the great thing is, like I said, you can do this any point.
So whenever you're listening to this, you can apply this to any point in your life.
[8:23] So what we're doing here is you need to have a look at where you are now, and you now need to reflect on like the last year.
So if you're listening to this at the time of the release, it's great.
It's going to feel a bit easier because you have a whole fresh year that's just passed.
It makes it a little bit easier for the mind to do that.
But for example, if you're now listening to this in June or August, just take the previous 12 months. That's how you can apply this here.
So what you're going to do is you're going to have a look at the previous 12 months.
And this is an exercise that I have been doing for many a year.
And I have just found it really powerful to not just go through this, but also to write it down.
Writing it down really makes it more powerful and it creates clarity.
So I really highly recommend that you also do this with a pen and paper.
So you might want to hit pause.
You might want to quickly go. You might find a pen and paper to do this as we go along, or you can come back and you can listen to this episode a couple of times and you'll hear different things every time you do. So we're going to have a look at the last 12 months.
And you really see on your piece of paper, you just want two columns, very simple, two columns.
And in one column, you're going to have a look at what felt heavy.
That's right. What felt heavy. heavy.
[9:51] Then on the other side, in the other column, I want you to write, what felt light.
[9:58] Now we can add other words to those columns. So that first column, what felt heavy, what felt draining.
[10:08] What felt like icky. I don't know why. I love that word sometimes, but just felt icky and didn't feel good.
Or what made you feel stuck.
[10:20] Any of those particular words, you might have your own. If they feel and they fit in that column, just add it at the top.
Just identify those feelings. Then of course, we also now add to the other column.
So now we're we're going to have a look here and we're going to go, right, what energy or what things in the last year was feeling light?
[10:40] Now, light can relate to other things. What things made you smile?
What things made your heart sing?
Or what things made you have joy?
What things made you just bounce along in life?
What things in the last year flowed? See how there's all these beautiful ways to to describe the feelings and the energy that we have.
And these are the words and these are the clues that really make it very easy.
Now, we've always got responsibilities, we've always got obligations, but that doesn't mean we can't start to look at them and start to identify how we could possibly change them.
It doesn't mean we're going to drop them, it just means we're going to look look at them.
So now what I need you to do is you need to take the time and just work with those two columns, asking yourself honestly, what made you feel heavy?
What was draining you? What didn't feel good? What felt icky?
Start working through that list now. The great thing is just write it down.
Do not think about it. If it is popping into your head, it goes on that page.
It does not matter about the circumstance. Don't give me a justification.
Don't give me an excuse. That is not what this is about.
[12:02] This is purely about you being honest with yourself and identifying the energy.
The more you do this and the more you practice this, the easier it becomes.
And guess what? You can start to do this when things are happening in flux and you don't have to wait 12 months or a whole year to go through this exercise.
So at a minimum, at an absolute minimum, I want you to have at least three things in in that column because there will be.
[12:31] Guarantee it. Unless if you're not, you may not even need this episode. And that's fantastic.
That means you're doing really well. And maybe you've already known this exercise.
That's good. But the whole thing is, if you don't know, I guarantee there's going to be quite a few that don't. And I'm hoping to really help you here.
So just work that and have the three things in there that haven't been, you know, feeling good for you or haven't provided that.
So now we've got to have a look. We're going to do the exact same thing for the other side.
So what things made you feel good what things created that flow what gave you those feelings of happiness joy made you smile recall those memories and have those things again no no need to justify it no need to look at it and whatever else it's just literally acknowledging them and putting them on paper so have a look at it now remember when you're doing this for both columns and for this exercise you are needing to do this for the whole year over the last 12 months so just start there so now you're going to have those three things in each column and even when you look at them now and if you reread those words or phrases that you have written down.
[13:43] You will find that they will invoke those emotions and feelings.
So when you're reading that first column, as you read them, you're going to remember them.
You're going to go, yeah, I didn't enjoy that last year. That just really wasn't good for me.
And then you'll go to the other column and go, oh, I remember that.
Oh, my God, that was fun. That was awesome.
And straight away, you get those feelings. Here is your first clue to do this.
Now, when I say, you know, finding your path, I'm not saying I'm going to unveil the curtain and you've got a beautiful yellow brick road to the Wizard of Oz.
This is just about going, we're going to help you find or get towards the yellow brick road first. And this is what you do.
And the whole thing is, now have a look at that list. Have a look at the first one, the heavy side, the energy there.
What things on that list? And if you've got more than three, you've done amazing.
I love that because you're like, you're going into this, you're feeling the energy. and you know this is going to work for you.
And of course, you can go back and repeat this and add more to it later if you wish.
So the whole point is go through that list now and ask yourself honestly, what in that list do you want to leave behind?
[14:53] And what things in that list do you believe that you might need to carry with you, but you need to change?
So you just need to identify them and probably just start with the ones that you know that you want to leave behind. Do not overthink it.
Do not give yourself a reason. Don't go into analysis paralysis.
[15:14] Just be honest with yourself and literally go, that did not feel good.
I don't want to do this. I can't continue this.
This is not for me, whatever it may be. It could be job, could be relationship, it could be money driven, it could be business, whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
The whole thing is just get honest with yourself and acknowledge the energy attached to that thing.
[15:46] Circle it, identify it and realize, okay. And that's what we do there.
Now we go to the other column and we literally go, right.
When you look at the list of things, just ask yourself out of all of those things, which ones do you want to have more of in this next 12 months?
And you go look at it and make it easy. Again, don't say I haven't got the time or I'd love this or I can't going to afford it.
Leave all of that in the head. Leave that behind. That is not the focal point here.
I'm just asking you to focus on what's in front of you. I want you to focus on the feeling.
I don't want the story attached to this.
It's amazing when I start saying to people, you should do this.
Oh, I'd love to, but I can't. I haven't got the time. I've got family.
I can't afford it. I can't get there.
It's a half an hour drive away. I haven't got transport.
There's There's always a reason, an excuse that stops people.
Leave them off the table. Leave them alone.
Let them go for the moment.
Just give yourself the space, time, freedom, and permission to acknowledge your feelings.
[16:58] So looking at this great positive list of yours, what things on that list would you like to have more of in this year?
Right? So just to give you an example and show you that I'll go through this exercise and having these things, one of the biggest things, as much as I tour and as much as I do stage shows, I did an absolute lot last year, okay?
It became manic. I was doing a lot of travel. I enjoy travel, but I got to a point where it was a bit too much and it started to tax me and also started to tax my family as well.
So that's when I looked at it and going, I enjoy it, but I need to not do as as much. I need to let go of that a little bit.
But then on the other side, I have family.
I want to have more time with my family. I kind of lost that.
The beautiful thing is, for me, it made it a little bit easier because these two opposite sides of each other.
[17:56] If obviously, I'm traveling, I'm not with my family and with work, but obviously, if I'm not doing that, I'm at home.
It's a little bit of a trail, but it doesn't matter. The whole point is, this is the one that feels right.
This is the one that I want to have more of this year.
And because of that, and leaning into that feeling, despite what it means, right?
This is the truth. I've lent into that and that feels good.
It feels right for me. Now, I'm not listening to my head because like I said, this for me is like one or the other.
It's a little bit tricky because Because sometimes if I'm not traveling or if I'm not on the road or talking in front of audiences, I'm not necessarily earning the income all the time.
So that can be like, oh, wow, but what's going to happen if I do this?
Now, I have lent into this feeling and I've done this exercise so much that I actually have made the decision to honor that feeling so much so that I've actually cut back on 80% of my events for 2024.
[19:00] Of course, not going to lie, there's like, well, but what happens like that's a lot, but you know what? It sits right with me.
And the other thing too, is it's made me realize that it's going to give me time to obviously be with my family, but it's going to give me time to be myself.
[19:16] And it's going to allow me to just slow down and kind of come back to being me.
And so I can then reconfigure things moving forward.
And as much as like i'm looking at it from a business side of things not i'm pretty sure my accountant's gonna go pete what are you doing but the whole point is that even though it may not make logical sense it makes energetic sense and that is the feeling that i've gone with and i haven't bought in to the stories i haven't bought in to the massive logic around money because i I know there's going to be other ways that I can create and fill that gap if I need to, right?
Now, I'm not going to say that I'm here, I'm flush with cash and I can't afford to work.
That's absolutely not the case. I don't think that for a second because I know some of you probably thinking, oh, he's got enough there.
He can have a sabbatical for three or four months. It's not the case at all, right?
I'm wanting to plan to get to that point, but at the moment, it's not the case.
But the whole point is it doesn't matter. I'm not buying into the fear of, if I let this go, I can't have this, or if I have this, and vice versa. It's not an either-or.
[20:34] It's about kind of leaning into the energy, adjusting to your frequency that's right for you and connecting with that, right?
So there are your two columns and you work with that.
And now you've got to start working out a way to make sure you leave behind what you don't. It's easy, right?
Why do things you do not like?
No one's forcing you to. You might feel like you're obligated or whatever else, but you'll find a way to work around it. but don't buy into that.
Now comes the second part.
This can be a little bit trickier. I'm going to do my best to explain this because I know some of my members and some of my clients do struggle with this a little bit.
You've heard me talk about it before if you've been in my world for a while, but if not, I always say your superpower is intentions.
[21:24] Intentions is far far superior to goal setting.
As they say, a goal is a dream with a timeline, but I still find that useless to an extent.
It's important to have, but it's not super powerful because it's very easy to let that date pass and or push it back.
But intentions are very powerful.
But what I tend to find is that a lot of people don't know where to start with intentions or they don't know how how to set intentions properly.
So the reason here is that I have given you that first exercise to help you to know where to start with your intentions.
So intentions is about where you are creating an energetic compass for yourself.
And it becomes like an energetic promise.
It's deeper. It makes sense. And if you are doing intention setting correctly.
[22:25] When you are writing them down, you will own them.
They will feel so right with you that it's almost as if there's a different or a deeper part of you speaking.
It's super powerful. helpful it can be a little tricky to get to that point but with a bit of practice and a little bit of effort you can get there so how do you do that okay so like i said you can do this with a whole bunch of stuff right it's a whole thing like a lot of people do health it's not like not saying these are new year resolutions no absolutely not get that out of your head this is very different you set these anytime you want you might go right for example you might have if you're an actor actor or singer, for example.
I don't know where this is coming from. I think someone listening to this podcast will be in this because I'm like, that's random, but I trust it.
But the whole point is that you might be this actor or singer, and all of a sudden, you see an audition pop up.
[23:25] And instead of saying, oh, I'm just going to go to the audition, you're going to say to yourself, I am going to go to this audition and going to make sure I am making the final cut or I'm going to get the position.
[23:40] You will know if you lean into the energy like you have been with that first exercise, you'll start to know where that leads you. So now that's just an example.
Let's use a real one, okay? So using me and what I was talking about. out.
So for me and setting the intentions is, first one is I'm going to have more time with my family and I'm going to have, and it's interesting, I took that further.
The more specific you can get, the better.
So I took that further. I always start easy.
I start more broad and then I add detail. So then I've gone, have more time with my family.
Then I'm like, Like I am going to have, or if you want to get even better, use present tense, but I just use this because I know I'm leaning and bringing this energy into me.
So I'm going to have good quality personal time with my family.
I can even then extend on that or add another one.
I'm going to have two family vacations this next 12 months.
Keep adding to it. I'm going to make sure we've got a fun-filled and adventurous vacation this year because all of a sudden I'm starting to feel where I'm going and what my energy wants.
[24:56] Then we can also balance out the other side.
I'm going to have good quality time and personal time with my family also while maintaining a solid income from my work.
See how I'm acknowledging both sides? I'm not kind of of dropping it, but I'm working with the energy and it allows me to start to balance things out.
[25:21] Then you can go even further going, where are you looking to aim for yourself?
Like, you know, in work before a couple of years ago, I did have, I will do a minimum 30 events a year.
And by the way, it went to like, you know, 42. So did that one and more, but the whole point is I I set that one.
And what happens here is when you set this right with yourself and it energetically aligns with you.
[25:50] You don't even have to look at them again. You don't even have to read them again. If you do, it becomes even more powerful. It's a massive reminder.
But when you're doing these right, they are automatically set.
And I'm not kidding you.
I know for a fact that the first time I ever did this, I wrote a page and a half of intentions.
[26:13] And there were things around my business. At the time, I was running the SoulPoint, the holistic clinic.
I had things in there about the practitioners I was going to have, how much I'll be earning a month, my family, my health.
I went into almost every area of my life and just being honest with myself.
And once I did write that down, I put it in the cupboard. I actually did not look at it again for over a year.
And I think it was about 18 months. I was like, okay, I've just got to go through this cupboard because it was getting a bit messy. And I found them.
What was so interesting, when I found them and I looked at them again, I had fulfilled 80% of that page and a half, including having the practitioners in my clinic who were good, solid practitioners with a client base and will be full-time and get along.
I was so specific about who I wanted in my life, in my clinic, and to be around me, and I had them.
My clinic was full. I had all my rooms rented out.
I had the income, and everyone was getting along. other practitioners were referring to other practitioners.
It was just a really great vibe.
And because I knew that within myself, that's what I wanted.
And I wrote it down as, as if I'm setting that, I'm setting that intention, making an energetic, a promise or a covenant with myself.
[27:34] It's as if then it's programmed. You have programmed your energy.
You have programmed Programmed your mind to work together to bring that in and magnetize that into your life. And that's how powerful it is.
So now it's time to have a look at that list of yours that you wrote with what was heavy, what was draining, what you didn't want.
And also having a look at the list of what it's like. And you can use those couple of things to help really set and find your path for the next 12 months.
And like I said, it doesn't matter where you go with this and wherever it pops up, you can always come back.
These are the two simplest of things. Now, you've got to remember, guys.
[28:19] When you go through this, nothing's set in stone.
[28:23] So you might all of a sudden, and this has happened, by the way, you might do this exercise right now.
You set those intentions and you're like, okay, this is happening for the next 12 months. Cool.
And then no word of a lie. Within three months, all accomplished.
You have everything on that list within three months. months.
You set yourself and gave yourself a 12-month period, but now you're at three months and you're like, wow, hang on, let me have a look at this. I've left that behind.
I've got more of this in my life. I've made this. This is created for this.
And within three months, it happens really, really quickly.
When you are feeling it, no different to how what felt heavy or felt drained, what felt light and felt good, when you're feeling those intentions and you're working it out, you will know it feels right.
When you are writing it, if you can't write it or it feels like a bit off or it feels like for me, it feels a bit false because I'm like, no, that's not what I want, then don't write it on that.
[29:25] But the great thing is if it does happen quicker for you and if you're doing it right, I can guarantee you it will happen quicker for you, then you can sit back down and do the same exercise again and go, cool, now that I've done done this part, I've managed to get this.
Now, what in that last period did feel good for me, felt light and good, and what do I want more of?
Then you can also come back and go, okay, and what in that last six months still didn't feel right or felt draining?
And you can go again and again and again.
But it's all energy.
[29:55] Leaning into that, understanding that, and being honest with yourself, that will help you find your path.
So hope that helps. And And whatever you go, I'd love to hear from you what you ended up with, what was on your list, what felt draining, whatever else.
And if you need some help or you're not sure how you're going with the intentions, it can be a little bit tricky.
Feel free. Drop us an email, drop us a DM.
I can kind of help you out in that. And stay tuned. There'll be a few extra live videos that I'll be doing to help people with that to make sure they're doing it the best of their ability.
Because I can tell you right now, it is a great way to really set it and start finding that path for yourself.
And when you have that, you really start living in alignment and things just start happening for you in such a positive way and I really do want that for you.
So if this has helped you, if it has, if you found it, please let us know.
Of course, leave a review on Spotify or Apple, wherever you are.
Really, really appreciate your time and of course, we'll catch up with you with some more hints and tips in the next episode.