[0:01] Right, welcome back to another episode. It's lovely to have you back with me.
And today we are following on a little bit from the previous episode where we were talking about energy, frequency and vibration.
And we're going to delve a little bit deeper here into this episode, which is titled Emotion, which is energy in motion.
[0:21] So stay tuned for this episode as we get into it.
Connecting with Your Emotional and Energetic State
[0:26] Right so welcome back to another episode of the inner power podcast we're jumping into one of my favorite topics here and this is energy surprise surprise but also connecting with your emotional state the importance of this i have over the last eight weeks i've taken a wonderful bunch of people through my program and they've kind of gone wow i didn't even realize these things were there i've worked with a few people on this i've worked with a few people that they're seeing the benefits of understanding what's going on and where this is is about helping all the people that come through my programs about raising their awareness to their emotional state and their energetic body these two are so intricately connected that it's to my mind irrefutable and seeing the benefits of people working with it understanding it and becoming more sensitive it's a beautiful thing but why is this important okay why this is important because the more that you start to become aware of this and you connect more with your emotional state and your energetic state and 100% how they combine.
Discover Your Natural Navigator
[1:48] The beautiful thing here is you actually start to receive and get in touch with your natural navigator.
So I've kind of talked about this in a few other things, but it's your natural navigator.
And the thing is you have the inbuilt navigator, you have the inbuilt lie detector, if you like, that will help you to guide you with your right decisions.
Recognizing Feelings of Being Stuck or Struggling
[2:16] I don't know how many times I've had people go, like, what's the biggest thing?
I've heard I'm stuck. I heard I'm struggling.
I heard I just don't have the confidence or whatever else.
If that is you, guess what? The great thing is you have opportunity on your doorstep. You have choice.
You've got choices currently around you. You can't get stuck unless you have a choice.
So lost can also be another word that pops up.
But again, even feeling lost, It just means you know what's no longer working and lost is almost a sense of a feeling that's happening there as well, So the beautiful thing is, is the more you get in touch with this, the more it's going to let you know.
And the reason why I always talk about this is you've got to remember, you've got your navigator, which is like your heart and your body and your head and your mind is the driver.
[3:06] And, you know, think about it as an Uber driver. You know, if you're an Uber driver, you have to put in the maps.
You need some level of guidance and suggestion on which way to go and how to get to your destination.
Importance of Listening to Your Navigator
[3:23] The driver by themselves of course can give it a go but let's say you might be racking up a bigger fare than you really need to.
Now imagine if you're a passenger and you let your Uber driver just guess their way through from your point of origin to their destination.
Now, great if they've got experience, they may know the way, but the whole point is if they don't and you're not saying anything, you are literally letting it go where it needs to.
And number one outcome is it's going to cost you more.
Now, of course, I'm using this as a metaphor to describe this to you.
Metaphor of the Taxi Ride in Paris
[4:03] And it's a powerful metaphor because Because as you can see, and I think we've all been there, it reminds me of my situation in Paris when I got the taxi from the terminal to the city center.
[4:16] Anybody who's been to Charles de Gaulle Airport, you'll see they've got the big red sign saying 33 euro from airport to city center, 33 euro.
And I walked out and I purposely found the exit. And even as you walk out that exit, it literally still has it stamped on the floor, 33 euro, flat rate, flat fee to the city center.
I go out, you need a taxi? Yeah, cool. I hopped in.
I have to admit, even me, I was like, well, there's no other taxis there.
There was more of a black sedan there, and I have to be like, oh, this looks more like a luxury sedan or limousine, so to speak.
But anyway, so I hopped in. He's like, going to City Center? Yes.
Okay, off we go. Lovely, lovely driver.
Lesson from Being Taken for a Ride
[4:59] Nice way he even gave me a little bit of commentary back as we're going into the city and making me aware of the Paris Olympics this year and how every Parisian is really not happy about the Olympics because they can't even host a single event, let alone multiple events and having that so that's another story in itself but i found that out so but anyway as i arrived at my hotel all of a sudden he turns around he says okay that's 95 euro i was like no no no that doesn't make sense because it says they're back on the airport 33 euro flat fee and he says oh no that sign's old and i'm like i don't think it's old because because it's everywhere and he says no no that that's old it's not it's like i'm like and by this point because i was there to give my mom a surprise for her 70th birthday i flew in for that one and my brother was messaging me this is no kidding this is i was actually distracted in a rush that's why i couldn't fight this one out and i was like and my brother was literally missing where are you i could see him through my car window but he couldn't see him because of the dark tinted windows and waving at him trying to say i'm here he couldn't see me anyway Anyway, so my mum started walking off because I was going to hop out and surprise her right there and then.
And he's like, no, we're about to lose Wi-Fi connection. I'm like, oh, my God, I've got to hurry. So anyway, look, bugger it. I'm going to pay for it.
[6:19] And even then, I'm like, then it comes up to 98 euro.
I'm like, 98 euro? I guess, oh, that's the three euro. I'll get your bags out of the back. I said, mate, I don't have any bags. They're still back in San Francisco.
[6:31] Oh, did not care. It absolutely took me for a ride. The whole point of that story is I got taken for a ride. I didn't trust myself.
I didn't really speak up at the beginning. I should have said this is a 33 euro fare.
The whole point is if you're not paying attention to your navigator, it's going to cost you in some shape or form.
[6:56] It cost me triple the price by not listening and trusting my navigator because my feeling was as soon as I got to that car, I knew I'm like, this definitely doesn't look like a 33-year-old taxi.
And I was like, I should have caught the train for like eight euro.
Anyway, so it does cost you in the long run.
So this is what's really important about becoming aware of this.
I see so many people not trusting and not working with it.
Importance of Being Aware of Emotional State
[7:29] Now, the other hard part here is if you are not being aware of your emotional state and the energy that it's bringing to you, you could very well be purposely avoiding it or worse yet, ignoring it.
Let that sink in for a second because I know for some of you listening, that will hit home.
[7:54] One of the common problems that I tend to encounter when I work with people with the emotion and energy and the nervous system is that so many people are trying or have successfully numbed themselves to the emotion.
They have successfully numbed themselves from feeling what they necessarily need to be because, yes, life is not always easy.
We go through some very stressful times.
We go through some very painful times. We go through some very hurtful times.
And when we go through these, some people are not willing to work through those emotions.
Therefore, they bury them down.
Dangers of Ignoring or Numbing Emotions
[8:42] And when you bury them down, we try to ignore, ignore, ignore, and ignore.
[8:48] And what happens is the more you ignore it, the more you're going to ignore other emotional states that you're going to have.
And then you may also start to find that even on a good emotional state like happiness, joy, or when you're having a celebration, Sometimes it doesn't feel as much as you can be super happy or really enjoying it because there's a part of you that is always constantly using your brain power and energy to keep those emotions suppressed, those ones you don't want to work with or acknowledge and keep them down.
Now, here's what happens, though.
Effects of Burying Emotions
[9:28] As you keep them down and the longer you keep them down, I like to use the metaphor of like they become like a radioactive isotope or a radioactive material, hence the nuclear stuff.
And having been there, I can see how bad it is and how quickly it gets because it's an unseen enemy.
It's an unseen problem. It's an unseen and untouchable toxicity. It's poison.
[9:57] And so, when you are burying, ignoring, trying to dismiss certain feelings and emotions, you bury them, you cover them up, and then even though you feel like it's covered up, it's okay, if it pops up, I'll deal with it.
No, because as you do that and the longer you keep it underground, those emotions are leaking toxicity and poison and dis-ease and more stress into your body.
[10:35] You've got to think about it. The body is not just a vessel that keeps us alive.
Our body becomes the vessel of storage for our mind.
Body as a Vessel for Emotions
[10:45] And this is what we what do we store there all of our emotions and energetic feelings they all go into the body and the ones we bury eventually break out in some shape or form hence we have a lot of that wonderful knowledge of connecting the metaphysical reason behind certain ailments and illnesses or you know just basic like if you've got a sore knee or you've You've pulled a muscle, like things like that. We have all these beautiful metaphysical reasons.
So it's because it manifests somewhere in the body, hence it comes out, right? Because it has to.
The body needs to release that pressure and the body needs to release that kind of negative energy in some shape or form.
Your body knows when it's now taking up too much space and it will leak.
And the trouble is, like I said, it's like a radio...
[11:40] Leak. So, this is not a good thing.
And if you're listening to this and you're hearing this, I can guarantee you, you can relate to this in some shape or form.
I'm hoping it might be the case of like, oh my God, I remember when I did that in the past, that'd be wonderful. But it just cements the fact that well done for working through it.
Taking Steps to Work Through Emotions
[12:01] But if you're not at that point, you're listening to this going, oh wow, this is kind of making a lot of sense and maybe I should should do something about it, my advice is absolutely, yes, you should.
You should be trying to work with that or wherever else. And there's heaps of different ways of kind of going about it. And of course, the first protocol is just getting professional help.
So, you know, if push comes to shove. But what we're finding so much more and more is that as a society, we're just pushing more and more down.
[12:30] And this is the sad part because the more we push down, the more this leaks out into to our body this is when you start to create blockages within your body this is when your energetic flow within your better because remember guys we're energetic beings so we need flow it is meant to be flowing through us but when we do this to ourselves we are creating dams within our body body and then it moves to certain areas of a body you never know you could be storing this in your stomach hence you've got stomach ulcers maybe you've got anger and you know suppressed anger and anxiety gallbladder hands up for that one had that one out so anger out the window but it's true like i actually did it was about that and it made a lot of sense maybe it was like you're troubling filtering things through and you're not kind of working through kidneys maybe it's like you're You're not processing some of the harder stuff or engaging it. It can be liver.
There's so many different things.
[13:36] A clear one, maybe you're not releasing some of the emotions.
It's maybe that you have worked through them, but maybe it's connected to somebody else or other people, but you're hanging on to something that's not yours or it's no longer serving you.
Therefore, you might be having blockages in a place where you really shouldn't be having blockages if you catch my drift.
Maybe it's the other way once you finally get to that point blockage removed and then we all know the flow-on effects from that all right so but the whole point is there is something going on and it's important to listen to that and it's so important to really understand that your emotions are going to be directly connected to your energy so if you are feeling that flat whatever else it's It's all going to be connected there.
If you are even feeling, like I said, stuck or you're feeling like, oh, I'm stalled or I'm a little bit lost, there are still feelings there.
And what's important is you need to come back into this part. You need to come back.
[14:37] Into your body. And by coming back into your body, you get in touch with your navigator.
Getting in Touch with Your Navigator
[14:42] It knows what can help you.
It knows which direction will be good for you.
But then comes the biggest question.
How many of you and how many times are you going to let your head overrule your natural, natural remember natural instincts and natural feelings and overrule your natural navigator.
[15:11] How many times are you going to do that i want you to take you back take yourself back to a situation where you just knew your feelings tell you i should have done this and i should have made this decision i should have gone this way you didn't listen to it something in your head or maybe there's other people getting in your head and they were talking about it and you you overruled yourself and you said, right, okay, no, logically this makes sense, only to find out that wasn't the right way to go.
I should have gone this way. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It's all a bit too late now. But if you've had that, there's two things from that.
And I'm pretty sure most of you listening to this episode and podcast would have had an experience like this.
[15:52] This is a good thing, right? Because it's telling you two things.
Learning from Past Experiences
[15:56] Number one, you can listen to yourself you have got higher awareness or you have some level of awareness to that part of yourself that is a good thing the second part of it is it's also telling you and showing you where you should or shouldn't trust yourself in that space it's showing you how and where the problems are so it's actually trying to teach you something and i'm by me me talking about this, I'm hoping this is highlighting the lesson for you and helping you to understand how you can change this, learn that lesson and really start to come out on the other side of it.
Raising Awareness of Your Emotions
[16:39] Now, of course, one big tip on how to start raising your awareness, right?
It is simple. It is simple.
[16:51] First big step, there are a few, but this is the big one, and you can start this right now, okay?
Acknowledging All Emotions
[16:57] The first big step is any feeling that comes up, you need to acknowledge it.
First key, that is it. You need to acknowledge it.
Now, whether that emotion or feeling is positive or negative, we have to acknowledge it.
And once we acknowledge it we have to sit with it because you've got to remember because it's our navigator it is trying to tell us which way to go or what way not to go so naturally the positive emotional states are a lot easier for us to acknowledge like hey wow it was a great great celebration or you know someone's had a baby someone's big birthday weddings engagements you just using the highlighting, the big one.
Acknowledging Positive Emotional States
[17:48] We enjoy those, they're not a biggie. We're on our way. Getting the new job, getting the promotion, yay, yay, yay.
Getting a pay rise, yay. All the positive stuff.
But what happens is when we start to get into those lower frequency emotions.
Importance of Acknowledging Negative Emotions
[18:03] Like sadness, disappointment, we start to go into the fear, the doubt, we start to jump into a a little bit more like frustration, anger, anxiety, those emotions, this is when people really don't want to acknowledge them because you are in the belief of, if I don't acknowledge them, I'm not going to be that way.
If I don't acknowledge this, it'll pass just like a storm and then I'll be okay on the other side.
Now, on one hand, yes, you're correct. If it's like a storm, it'll pass i don't know how long it will take to pass but it will pass but even then what the problem is is you might have just seen through a storm and survived the storm by not acknowledging those heavier or more difficult emotional states but the thing is have you learned from that how to prepare and handle when the next storm comes.
[19:00] And if you're a person just hunkering down, waiting for literally something else to change except yourself, waiting for the storm to pass over, you won't have learned the lesson.
Understanding Lower Frequency Emotions
[19:13] Your lower frequency emotions are not, it's scientific fact, they're lower frequency.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, but when we feel them, it's not great.
Okay. Being there myself, so I know.
But the whole point is that if you don't acknowledge them and why they're coming up, you can't course correct better and it's not going to build up that resilience so you can handle this the next time round it happens now a real good case i like to use for this or situation is relationships because it's all about people now i'm not just talking about romantic ones are important but almost it can be friendships it can be co-worker relationships whatever it may be everything happens with people because we're all energy we interact and we're all in all emotional beings and we're you know interacting and providing that so in a lot of relationships it's like when you don't have that sense of closure or someone's done harm done by you you're gonna suffer those like i don't get closure and it's this anger and disappointment and it's like the hurtfulness and it's this is the thing when you acknowledge this it's okay But what I always say, which a lot of my members of staff know, here's a phrase I want you to remember.
[20:32] It's okay to visit that place.
Visiting and Acknowledging Emotions
[20:37] It is okay to visit those emotions and those emotional states.
[20:44] But whatever you do, do not set up camp.
Do not pitch a tent. Do not stay overnight.
Lesson on Not Setting Up Camp in Negative Emotions
[20:51] Night do not stay there longer than you need to because as soon as you do you are going to get really caught up in the emotion and not be able to see it and i always liken it to a valley like you can go down into the valley but you've also got to make sure that you start climbing out the other side of the valley as soon as possible but you can't get from one beautiful peak of a mountain where you have a beautiful view and a happy time to the other one without going through the valley they are important they're trying to teach you something they're trying to highlight something for you and if nothing else they are helping and updating your navigator no different to google maps as soon as the road changes or a new road is built whatever it may be google maps is really good at updating itself majority of the time this is no different every time you are going through And I don't like to use the word suffer. You're not suffering.
Suffering is a choice, right, in my mind. If you're suffering, I'm really suffering this.
[21:56] And I'm talking just in emotional state here, I'm not talking health, like in terms of physical ailment, but I'm like emotional-wise, and I'm talking on that level of like if I've just lost a job and you're really kind of down about it, you are putting yourself in that state. You've set up camp.
You've pitched your tent, and that's where it's not healthy.
So the whole point is you need to acknowledge it, acknowledge what it's trying to teach you, acknowledge what your navigator is trying to show you, and then it's being updated.
So that way when you move forward you don't end up here again or if you do you know your way out you have the roadmap to get out of that situation a whole heap faster that's what it's all about these states are all there as a lesson they are all there as a way to show us the way forward and they are all there to help build up that resilience so to make sure that we don't fall into that gap or that valley all too often and we can get ourselves out so much faster, so much quicker.
We can get back to living the life and being in flow as much as we can.
And if you do that as they pop up, you are going to create less dams in your body.
You're going to create less blockages in your body.
Avoiding Emotional Blockages in the Body
[23:19] Allowing more flow and more freedom and that's what the key thing is about remember emotions are not your enemy emotions are not something to just push down or ignore emotions is what makes us who we are and the more we work with them and the quicker we work with them the easier and better things are going to be can't guarantee how long the journey will be but as long as you are willing to take the journey you are going to come out better that is guaranteed because that is what is in store and that is what's important for you and that's part of the lesson that's being delivered to you so remember the key thing is acknowledge those emotions don't push them down and don't let it become radioactive material to your body. Please don't.
Acknowledge them. If you need to, start getting it out. Journaling is always a great thing.
[24:21] And I might even do an episode on that just to help you out.
So have a look at that. Get it out, but acknowledge it.
And then once you kind of acknowledge it, you can start to work with it.
But just remember, whenever you do, sit with it, acknowledge it, work with it, but don't set up camp. It's so, so important.
Emotions as a Navigator for Decision Making
[24:44] Emotions are the key. They let us know when things are right.
They let us know when things are good.
And they let us know when we've made a wrong turn it always upstate it's a they are a beautiful navigator they are a friend and the more you learn to tap in and see them as that you what how dramatically your life and decision making starts to change the confidence the clarity it all starts to come and you're going no it feels right to me i'm going to do this because it feels It's not because your brain's saying, oh, but there's good money in there, so it's going to be theirs. It's because of the pros and cons kind of columns.
They do help, but then it's amazing. I've done pros and cons, and there's heaps of pros, but at the end of the day, my emotions go, this is not the way. This is not the way.
[25:35] And I still honor that and go, right, as much as that looks good pro-wise, it's not right for me.
I'll let it go. And the most beautiful thing is, it doesn't matter what happens, I'm okay with that because I know I made the decision feeling okay, not logically.
Importance of Emotional Decision Making
[25:50] And expectations play a little bit part of that. That's why we get disappointed when we use our brain and our mind too much to make decisions.
But if you feel okay with the decision, you're not going to be left disappointed.
[26:02] You're going to walk away and go, oh, well, that's great. That was very successful.
But you know what? It just wasn't right for me. Honor that.
Acknowledging and Understanding Your Emotions
[26:08] So I really encourage you so that's me remember emotion is energy in motion i want you to latch onto that i want you to become more aware i want you to acknowledge your emotions where you can even the good ones when you're happy go i'm happy and go okay well i'm happy and acknowledge the happiness because it's letting you know what's lighting you up what's good for you and that's an amazing thing and if you're not so good if you're stressed anxious worried that's letting you know what's not good for you. That's a wrong turn.
Or this is like, get out of this. This is like a traffic jam.
Do not stay there. Get off, get in a side road. Take the scenic route for a while.
It's okay. You don't have to sit there and suffer it and stay in the traffic.
You don't have to be blocked. There is a way to do this for yourself.
Paying Attention to Emotional and Energetic States
[26:55] Pay attention to your emotions and emotional and energetic states.
If you are, even in your mind, just being aware after listening to this, start to notice the subtlety you'll start to come to the beautiful realization that you are a part of something bigger than what's in front of you and you'll also start to realize you have a key that helps you understand all of it you have the massive understanding of how to put this this jigsaw puzzle together.
[27:29] And it's just about you learning to listen, acknowledge, listen, and trust.
[27:35] You got this. I trust in you. Universe believes in you. It's just time for you to believe in yourself.
And on that note, I'll leave you with that.