[0:00] Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Inner Power Podcast.
[0:08] So I'm really looking forward to delivering this episode. I've had a beautiful build-up and it's been an amazing way of looking things and helping to explain things to everyone and what we're talking about today,
Explaining the Three Phases of Life Energy
[0:23] the three phases of life energy. Energy now we're going to get right into this so strap yourselves in and let's talk about this now before we jump into it i want to quickly explain a little bit further about this is three phases of life energy and what i'm really talking about here is the cycles or the cycle of life energy so obviously there's a lot there's a lot to our life energy but what i'm really specifically talking about here is about like where we, and I break this down very simply. And it's really fascinating because I have recently gone through quite a few of these. So when I'm talking about this and when I'm referring to the three phases or three areas of live energy, this is what I'm referring to and it breaks it down. And I'm going to help you to identify and self-analyze where you are, in which phase you might be.
Introducing the Three P's
[1:28] And we'll talk about these as we kind of go along.
[1:31] Now, the great thing is, like I said, getting straight into it, the easiest way to remember these phases is what I call the three P's. That's right. P for Peter. Yes, that's right. Your host, P for Peter. And the whole thing is, it's the three P's. I could actually call it the four P's because it's like you've got the three P's, which are your phases,
The First Phase: Push Energy
[1:52] but three is enough. So, these three P's and there's three phases. So, the first phase is a push phase. You have what we call or what I've learned is a push energy. The second one, which is in these phases, it kind of does go in this order. The second one is push. Pause energy. The third energy or the third phase is the pull energy.
[2:23] Now, at any given point, you are going to be in one of these phases. And we're going to get into the detail and I'll describe and break these down for you in this moment. But I just want to say that in order to do this and to help understand it more, I'm not going to do it in order, right? This is just purely because when I do explain this and I have explained this to people in the past I find it easier to do it a little better out of order so I'm not confusing you but easy way to remember them is in that order of push pull and pause is how I'm going to explain it but they're all going to be there right so push pause pull the three p's but I'm going to explain it with push pull and then pause and there is method in my madness so hang in there no I'm not, tricking you. No, you're not mishearing me. So, just bear with me as we kind of go through these. So, let's get into it. So, the first phase is the push phase. Now, the push energy, I almost identify this as a little bit of what I call survival energy. This is wherever you're going to be in life and it's almost like these where you have a checklist. You've got a checklist, You've got all those beautiful little boxes on the side or to the edge of your checklist. And the idea is that you're working away through life.
[3:52] Ticking off these boxes. Now, on this list, more often than not, the things that you will find that are on this push checklist are more kind of materialistic things or things that you will want to attain or obtain from the outside world. So, that's what we kind of like look at them as more. It's more three-dimensional. It's more materialistic. I'm not saying like in an egotistical way here, it's just more materialistic as in tangibility.
[4:25] Now, things on this list which we can find and what you'll kind of go through is that we're trying to work through things. Now, quite common ones that you might find in the push energy or on this list include like things like, I've got to get the car, so we need to do this. And of course, you know, by getting the car, it gives us freedom, gives us independence, I can get the job, it allows these particular things. So, that's why we put something tangible like a car on the list. Then you have things like, now I've got to get the house or apartment or unit. And so, because this gives me a sense of security, it gives me a sense of stability, I've got a roof over my head, it allows me to feel more comfortable. I have a base to work from, and now I can work on other things. So, then there's other things in there. Then other things in the push category will be like job or career. So, you might be going, right, I've finally just got a small job here, but I'm really looking to advance and get into the management, or I really want a career in this, or want to go high level, whatever it may be. So all of these things are in the push energy, and it's the case of you will hang in there. You will keep working towards them or any of those items on the checklist until you kind of get them. Now, more often than not, this checklist does increase over time. And what I mean by that is you might have a few things on the checklist, but.
[5:52] The majority of the time in life, you can only ever really work at one thing at a time. So for example, in order to get the car or the house, first you need to get the job. So you secure the job. Cool. Tick. We've got that. Now you start getting the money. You start getting a stable income. You've got enough there to prove to the bank that you can pay back the loan, whatever it might be. Then all of a sudden, cool, we'll get the car and that gives you that little bit more freedom. Then all of a sudden, a little bit further, you save some money, you get the house. So tick, tick, tick, tick. Now, some of the things that are also included on the outside of that, but kind of connect a little bit more internally, then you can start looking at things like relationships. This can be on multiple fronts. This can be like friendships, platonic, romantic, whatever it may be. They also can be on this checklist of the push energy.
[6:41] And other things might include here of a particular like saving goal. So, you might be going, yes, I want to save for a house. I need a deposit for a house. So, you're working and working and working until you do. And what all these things is, it's giving ourselves goalposts or giving ourselves destination points in our life that once we hit them, it's going to give us something in return. So, the whole idea is just like through by giving energy, we are expecting a result at the end of that. So, we should have something to show for it. So, do you understand that? So, everything the time you're in a push energy, you're working towards something and then at the end of that, you'll have something to show for it. Another big one that falls into that category comes down to education whether you like doing a diploma or doing you know a degree like we need something to show for it and that also includes a push energy so you can see here that we have to go through something in order to obtain something or to receive something at the end now see that's what's really important to understand here about this push energy, you're going to receive something for yourself at the end.
[8:01] So, this is the push energy. Now, if you've identified with any of those particular checklists that I've just mentioned, there's a whole bunch, but they're the big ones that I tend to find with people, then you're most likely going to be in a push energy.
The Second Phase: Pull Energy
[8:18] Now, the opposite side of that, okay, Now, we're going to have a look at the pull energy. Now, the pull energy is like it is, complete opposite of the push energy. The pull energy is where it's almost as if you wake up.
[8:37] And you're just ready to go, you're wanting to live life, life is feeling really good and there's this beautiful spark inside of yourself where like you wake up and you know that you have something to give, you have something to offer and it's just naturally happening for you. More often than not, when you're in the pull energy, it's as if you are in a beautiful beautiful alignment with the universe and the energy around you. And it's as if the universe is saying to you, you know what? Hey, Pete, you've got this together. And here's my hand, grab my hand, and I want to help you with this. And all of a sudden, that's what it feels like. Anybody in this pull energy, you will find there's a few traits. Now, what's interesting here is that when you're in the pull energy, it doesn't mean you don't have a checklist, list, but it's like the checklist is secondary.
[9:33] It's the process in between that seems to matter the most because it's as if the energy that we're expending, the energy that we're using in between is more purposeful and we're not just kind of trying to reach the destination. A good old beautiful Buddha quote, which most of you would be familiar with this. If you're not familiar with this one, I don't know what rock you've been hiding under, but the beautiful Buddha quote is always, remember, it's about the journey, not the destination. So, when you're in a pull energy or this pull phase of energy, then you are understanding about the journey and you're appreciative of the journey and you're willing to have a destination, but you're not stressing to get there and you're not worried about whether or not you're going to receive this at the end. Believe it or not, if you really are in this energy and you're in this alignment, as soon as you hit that, you're like, cool, okay, we've done It's almost as if there is no pressure and there's no attachment to the outcome of what you're going to receive. It's a very, very specific type of energy.
[10:47] And, you know, most people who get to this phase have already gone through quite a lot. And what's interesting is, too, you will not be able to get there. Or progress to this phase of energy until you have been through the previous two. So, it's a really interesting thing. So, you can start looking at it going, you know, are you more concerned about the outcome and what you're going to receive or are you here going, yeah, I have that but what I'm doing and the energy I'm putting out there is more important now and what I'm doing rather than the outcome. That will help you to determine whether you're in push or pull so that's quite a big one there now what's really interesting too is and this was a beautiful explanation or analogy metaphor that was given to me and if we have a look at this and this is where it gets really important and this breaks it down for you so if you've had trouble kind of going you know pete i'm kind of getting you but i'm not 100 sure the better way of describing this is about, we're looking at these phases as an energy source.
[11:56] And when we have a look at this, we're going to think about it like, look at it as fuel or fuel for your car. Now, what's beautiful here is, is the type of fuel that you put in your car is going to determine how much you're going to get out of it. Now, if we take the push energy or the push phase, the fuel that you're putting into your car is like diesel. Now, what's interesting here is diesel is a very crude form of fuel. Now, but diesel's also, even though it might be crude, but it's interesting, it can get you further.
[12:37] Like, you know, compared to a normal fuel, where we're looking like unleaded or something like that, most people who have diesel cars will get a longer journey out of their tank of fuel rather than having unleaded. But here's the thing, if you're thinking about, I need this fuel because I need to get the maximum amount of kilometers out of it, the thing is, this fuel is about the outcome. You're looking at this as going, I need this for the journey. You're worried about how far it will get you. So, that's the destination. You're looking at the outcome. Like, if I put this amount in, how many kilometers do I go? okay, I'm better off going with diesel because it's going to take me further and it's going to get me to my destination. And you're focusing on the outcome rather than like the journey itself.
[13:31] So, we have a look at that. It's a very cute book, but you're using it as that push energy within you is the spark and you're kind of driving yourself and going bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, getting into that phase of energy of going, I've got to get there. I've got to get there. I've got got to get there. Just a few more kilometers, just a few more kilometers, and you're going to get there. Then we go the opposite way. Once we start having a look at it, and we look at the pool energy or the pool phase of life, this is when you're looking not so much for kilometers, but you're looking for that better fuel source. And the best way to describe that at the moment is almost looking at electric, because you still have to top up. You might have to top up more regularly, but you'll find when you're driving and you're doing it, the journey's a lot easier.
[14:20] It's smoother. It's almost like there's less maintenance on the car. You don't have to top up as often or whatever it may be, but it just, it kind of runs itself. You can hop in and you know you've got a certain amount of charge, but it's kind of like driving yourself, especially most car batteries. Car batteries have in their system, as long as they are getting a charge, they will self-charge. And this is what we talk about. So when you find that pull energy, you're going to have a greater purpose in life. And that's what we're really talking about here. You know the greater outcome. You know where you're wanting to go. You know why you're doing this. You know how you're going to help. You know what kind of impact you're wanting to do. And when you see this, you're seeing it as it's almost like you're spreading your wonderful energy and giving so much love and joy out to the world. And you know that you're giving of this. And that's the difference. It comes from the inside out. It's from in here. It's self-fulfilling. It's recharging all the time. And every day you wake up, it's like, cool, I know what I'm doing. I know why I'm here. Let's do this.
[15:26] And that's a different type of energy. Now, the other thing too is another great way of looking at this is start either, you can look at yourself, which is always the easiest one, but sometimes we don't like to look at ourselves because it can get a little bit confronting. So, if need be, just have a quick think about the people around you. You know, you can have a look, for example, at your partner. Maybe you look at your family. You might be looking at your brothers. You might be looking at friends, for example. And you can just have a look at going, what's really driving them at the moment?
[16:00] What's making them do the work that they're doing? You know, where are they going with this. And the thing is, is like, there's a big difference between people who are in that push phase versus the pull phase.
[16:14] I would actually ask you, do you know of anyone in your life, excluding yourself, but do you know anyone in your life who is actually in that pull energy? Is there someone around you where they are so clear about what they're doing, why they're here, where they're going, that they're just, they are, what I term as, they're living their life. They are genuinely out there loving their life and what they're doing. And you might look at them and some of the phrases that come up is especially if you're in the push side of things you might look at people go why do they have that life wow look at their lifestyle isn't that it now i'm not talking here about like you know a-list stars and stuff like that but at the same time you can take a little bit of like hollywood or even like taylor swift or someone one like that. They are living absolutely in the pull energy because they know with inside themselves that's what they wanted to do and they're living up to it. And once they hit that vibrational frequency, it starts to just create itself. So, it's a big, big thing. Now, this is the way we look at this, okay? And this is where we also start to identify. So, it's really important to understand those two opposites, obviously the push and the pull.
[17:31] So, we've gone have some goals, we have some checklists, but we don't see them as important. We're seeing as what we're doing in between as important. And you're just kind of happy to do that. And you'll find your life becomes a little bit easier. Your life becomes a lot happier. Your life becomes a lot more carefree. And I can tell you right now, this is where we all should be aiming towards. This is what we should be doing. And it is what we are all technically here meant to be obtaining is working towards that, finding that space within ourselves, finding that greater purpose, what we're here for, and to kind of get in that line where we're waking up going, I love being here. I love living this life.
[18:13] Now, you might be listening going, yeah, of course, I want that peak, but I'm nowhere near that. And that's okay because this is the journey. And this is what I wanted to say here at the end. So, that's the push and the pull. But the trickiest part is, is in order to get to this space where we should all be aiming towards to get to, the trouble is we still have to go through that middle part.
The Third Phase: Pause Energy
[18:33] And this brings us to that third phase, and that's the pause phase.
[18:39] Now, the pause phase, I won't lie, guys, it's intense and it's just where everything changes on you. This is very different. So, to help identify whether you are in this phase or not. So, you can't get to the pause energy unless you've just come from push. That's how it works. When you're in the pull energy, you'll continually be there. You already have been through this. You you know what you're doing, you'll know how to keep yourself on track. But we all go through the cycle from push, pause, and then to pull. So, we've gone on from the checklist, but then all of a sudden, once you really start to accomplish everything on that checklist, whatever it may be, right? What you will find is you're going to get to a point in life where that checklist is no longer one fulfilling you and you're going, what's next? Like that's And a great way to identify whether you're in that pause energy is kind of like going, well, what's next? And you also start to find that the idea of hitting or ticking off those boxes or crossing those things off that list, it no longer interests you.
[19:56] It's as if you're completely detached from it. It is the weirdest feeling because, and I've just been through this myself. This is why I'm explaining this, why I'm talking through it, because it is a doozy. Like this stuff, it just, it blindsides you and it comes out of nowhere. And it's all of a sudden you'd be going, right, I'm pumped. I'm good. I'm achieving, ticking things off this list and crossing that off. That one's gone. I've got this next one. Yep, I've got that. Tick that off. Boom, boom, boom. And you're motivated. You're inspired. You're working through it and you feel like you're finally getting on top of life and you're going, awesome. I'm here and I'm kicking some serious life ass. And you're going, oh, yeah, it's good. And then one day you wake up and just like a switch, that's gone. Boom. All that wonderful motivation, all that wonderful momentum, all of this desire and all of this push has just evaporated.
[20:58] That is your tank running empty. Your fuel that you've been running on, your tank is empty and you can't top up on it anymore because it no longer serves you.
[21:07] That is the best and easiest way to describe whether you're in this. But it's also been spoken to me and taught to me as what we call no man's land. And that's because between the push and the pull, which you want to get to, you have to go through this area where you've got nothing. And it's almost as if, cool, we've topped up the tank with diesel. We've gotten to our maximum amount of kilometers we've absolutely exposed that tank we've run it dry we have nothing left in the tank but we're still nowhere near our destination and now it's like guess what you've got to get out and walk and so this pause energy you also start to hit a really weird funky energy and this has just been real guys and i'm hoping this will help and And if you can identify this, this may help you and make you not feel so bad or be so hard on yourself. So, like I said, that motivation, inspiration, that switch just switches off. It's gone. And it's like someone's just pulled the plug out of the socket and you're going, I have no energy. The other thing too is your attachment, your emotional attachment to things. You may have spent hours. You may have spent like weeks, months, or even years working on something, working towards something, building something, and then all of a sudden, it's just like you're going, but this doesn't suit me anymore. There's nothing here for me anymore.
[22:35] And that's kind of like, boom, it hits you. It's like it's really interesting because it's changed your reasoning. You are recalibrating. And I don't mean this in a bad way, but you might be waking up or you might be going through the days and even though you've got things to do, the motivation is at an all-time low. The inspiration is at an all-time low. You are finding it a struggle to get moving, to find any level of momentum. People around you, it's interesting, you're hearing things and you're hearing people talk about things and you just start going to yourself, I'm hearing you, but I'm still just not interested. And this is no man's land because like you have to work through this by yourself. This is a very, very deep, it's a very, very important part of the journey, but I'm not going to lie, it's rough. The other phrase that you might be catching yourself to help identify whether you are in this area of your life or not is you might be starting to say to a lot of things in your life and not in a negative sense or a derogatory sense, but you'd be just like, you know what? I'm really sorry. I just don't care. And you're saying, I don't care. It's not meaning like you don't have any like care or sympathy or emotion towards it, but it's, you're just unattached.
[23:56] You're completely detached from things. things and it's like this massive like recalibration of your energy and that's where you might be finding. So, if you're starting to feel that, you feel like it's all kind of lost and that's mean. It's a great way of describing you're feeling a little bit lost and you're like going, I have like I had good ideas, I had good things and now it's not there. The same energy is not there, same momentum is not there and you're feeling lost, then you are definitely in a pause energy. The reason why it's great to look at this as a pause energy is because that deeper part of us, that beautiful soul, that inner section of us, connecting with that energy, it is showing us, it is speaking to you, and it's showing you, helping you to identify that going.
[24:48] Yeah, you're on the right track, but the reasons or what's been driving you or the fuel source that that you've been using, is no longer serving you. It's definitely not saying it was wrong. It was probably perfectly fine because it's got you to this point. But right now, it won't get you any further. So now you're going to have a look at going, okay, so what is going to get me further? What is going to be the driving force?
Identifying the Pause Energy Phase
[25:14] And the easiest way to describe this to you, and I really do hope this helps you, is that you start going to go, that driving force, the energy that you're looking for to get out of pause mode and what pause mode is for, is it's asking you going.
[25:33] What's the greater purpose in this for you? What is the greater calling in this for you? What is the greater mission here for you? And then you can ask all of those things again, what's the greater purpose, mission, and driving force for everyone else with what you're doing? It's a big calling and it's just asking you to kind of go, there is something more. And where most people struggle with this is that you'll be trying to rush it. You'll be getting hard on yourself. You'll be starting to go, I'm trying this, but I still don't have the energy. You can't push your way out of pause.
[26:20] That's the thing. You are going back to old behavioral patterns that have worked for you in the past. And I'm going to tell you right now, they will not work while you're in this phase. You can try and try and try and try again, but I guarantee you, you are going to go, yep. And you might have one or two days. You might be lucky. You might have a week of it going, yeah, right. I'm finally there.
[26:43] Guaranteed to only find not long after you straight back down, falling flat, feeling disconnected and detached from everything again. And all you're going to do is get hard on yourself. My advice is, please don't. Just reflect. You're going to have to do all those tools. You're going to have to do all those things to reflect on this because it is asking you some very, very deep questions. These questions need to be nurtured. These answers to these questions need to be teased out. There is no rush on this because it's a recalibration. So it's really important that you understand that. And this is where I just want to say, give yourself permission just to stop. This is the problem. Because so many of us in this world are in this push energy of go, go, go. I've got to do, do, do. And I've got to do this. I'm going to meet this. And I've got to have this. I'm going to get that. We are so ingrained from that we are in that energy, it makes it so hard just to sit, stop, and actually pause. This pause energy is asking you to do that exact thing. Pause. When you pause, you reflect, you see, and you start to understand and work out what, works for you, what is there for your greater good, and what is not.
[28:11] And you've got to honor that. You've got to really feel into it. And it's going to be challenging. I am not going to lie. It is going to be huge for you. But I'm also just saying, take your time and don't give up on yourself if you're in that phase. You are probably so much closer to bridging that gap and moving into a wonderful pull energy and moving into a phase of your life where you're going, I really know what I'm here for now. I know what I'm doing and it's just going to feel wonderful. You're going to feel absolutely lit up. You're going to feel like you're on fire. You're going to feel so full of energy and that's what it's calling you to do. So, honor this space.
Understanding the Three Phases of Energy
[28:57] So, they are the three phases of energy. The push, checklist, go, do, do, do, do, do. And when you have a look around, The best thing is just have a look at people around you and you'll see what people are in there. Not everyone graduates from that. But if you are, then you are in that pause energy where you're going, this no longer serves me. I don't want to do this anymore. This is not me. This is not working. But you also know that there is something greater for you. You have a calling for something more, but you're just not sure how to get it. You haven't really given yourself the time or space to look at it. And this is what it's asking you to do. So, you've got to honor this time and your phase. How long that pause phase lasts for you, that's anybody's guess. The more that you acknowledge it and sit with it, my belief is that it will be shorter in duration, but the more you go against it, the more you try to force your way out of it with that push energy, the longer it's going to take. So, that's something to be mindful of and that's a very important tip for you. And then, of course, on the other side is we want you to manage to bridge that gap and get across into that wonderful pull energy. You know what you're here, you know what you're doing, you know what lights you up and the universe is just holding his hand out going, come with me, let's do this together and all of a sudden, you're going to be on fire and it's going to be amazing. It's a beautiful thing and that's where things start coming to you naturally.
[30:27] This is when we start talking about the abundant energy. This is when we start to talk about the manifestation. This is when we start to talk about the magnetizing things in life. This is where you see people go, why are they getting that? they just managed to have all these things is because they know who they genuinely are. They know what they're here to do. They believe it 100 or even not 1,000% within themselves going, this is it.
Achieving Abundant Energy
[30:49] And with so much of that, it just oozes out of them and it just kind of feeds into that. And that's something that we are all here and capable of achieving. It's just about matter of honoring it. And here's the other thing.
[31:05] You're not ever really going to be in one, like two of these phases, it doesn't really work. You're either pushing, you're pausing, or you're just at it and universe is pulling you along. So, the whole thing is now you got to start to identify where you are. If you're in the push, that's okay. Work through those things. But if you're in the pause, take your time. And if you are in that pull energy and you'll listen to this, I say to you, awesome, go at it and start living the dream. Start really helping and help those people around you because I guarantee you probably already are in some shape or form and you've found your thing. You've found your reason and that is beautiful. I love that. And the whole thing is, even if you're not, it's there for you. It is inside of you and you are capable of finding it and you deserve to find it. And I want that for you. And I'm just hoping by explaining these three main phases of energy.
[32:03] You will go through them. They are there. You can identify where you are, and you are all capable of reaching that pull energy. It's waiting for you. So give yourself the time and just nurture it. That's going to be an important thing. And of course, if you want this, you obviously can come back and listen to this. But I've also typed this up. You can also check this out on my blog. So, and you can go to the blog there, and you'll see the three P's and you can have a read of that as well. Sometimes I know people like to read it or you can share that with people or share this podcast, but hope this has helped. The three phases, the three P's, push, pause, and pull. Love to know where you're at. If you are still unsure, if you're listening to this and we're kind of working through it and you're still unsure where you're at or you've got questions about it, please hit me up or you can message on the blog, message on DMs. More than happy to help you out and kind of work through it because when you do, do. It just kind of helps and allows you to take that next step or see where you're at. It's a great little diagnosis tool. I hope this has helped you. And of course, if it has, let us know. And I look forward to chatting with you and keeping connecting with you in the next episode.