[0:00] And welcome back to another episode of the Inner Power Podcast.
[0:04] I am your host, Peter Williams. It's nice to have you here. If you are a long-term listener, thank you so much for again joining me. If this is your first time, I just want to give you a huge shout out and a big welcome to say thank you. And of course, it doesn't matter how long you've been listening, please let us know if you like the episodes, if you've got any questions or follow-ups, please hit me up on socials. You're more than welcome because I like to get interactive with my audience where I can. And so it's always great to hear from you. And I just want to say a big thank you to anybody who does post, because I do read them all. It's like I get through as many as I possibly can, but I may not reply to everyone. I do apologize, but I do say thank you to everyone that does.
[0:43] But I do absolutely read them all. So thank you again. So here we are. We're jumping into this episode. It's going to be a little bit more kind of go with the flow, a bit more conversational. But, you know, I just wanted to first also say here that this was inspired by a beautiful friend of mine and the passing of her beautiful fur baby, which was, of course, unexpected and hard. Hard and you know when i received the message that my friend unfortunately didn't have the amount of time that they wanted with their beautiful fur baby it you know hit them hard and they've you know gone a little bit underground and kind of processing it which is completely understandable and you know i just thought it's it's a good beautiful way that i thought you know what?
[1:33] So many people love their fur babies. And for some people, their fur babies are their children and their family, which I completely understand.
[1:43] Growing up with animals and pets myself, it's all right, they're with you. And I thought, well, this would be a great time to just have a little bit of a chat around our pets and our fur babies and their passing. thing. So, I'm kind of going with it and with a couple of questions that I've had over the years. So, just bear with me. And of course, I'm going to leave you with a nice little.
[2:08] Thought at the end of this. It may sit with you, it may not, but it's okay. Please know that it's coming from an absolute place of support and love. So, you can hang out for that one as it gets there, but I'll leave you with that because it really has helped a few of my clients over the years. So, but of course, the first big question that I'll get, because, you know, I am a professional medium, which means connecting to the other side with the energy. So, that also does include pets. Yes. Okay. So, a very big common question is, hey, Pete, do, you know, do our pets, can our pets come through? And the answer to that, yes, pure and simple. Yes, they can. i do have the running joke of when people ask that of me especially at an event or in the show and they're like oh you know is you know is this is there happen to be any animals there with you know like you know my granddad or is any animals there with my other family, you know if the animal or your fur baby makes himself known i will bring them through but i I always have the saying of like, I struggle enough to connect people with their two-legged types.
[3:24] So, you know, four legs sometimes makes it a little bit trickier. But the truth is, no, it doesn't matter. They're both the same. And what's really kind of beautiful is that, you know, our pets have a very, very, you know, beautiful conscious state. They may not be on the same level of conscious state as what we are having the human experience, but they're having their own experience as well. But the beautiful thing is they take on and feel all the emotions as well and that's why they can also kind of come through because they are living and having experience no different to the way that we are so they do they do kind of come through their process may not be as uh in depth when they transition but the whole point here is i'm not trying to you know educate you about their passing because it's relatively similar i'm just educating you about you know how it happens and you know So, like, yes, it can happen. You can kind of connect with them. So, there's a few things here.
[4:21] So, this is just going to be nice and light and pretty straightforward. So, number one is, yes, they can come through. So, in my experience, you know, dogs and cats, yeah, come through very, very regularly. I have had birds come through and probably the strangest one that I've had was, yes, a horse. Did come through, right? That one did spin me out. I'm not going to lie on that one either. That was like, there's a horse here. So, even in my mind at that time, that actually happened up at Noosa. I've never forgotten it because it's just like, it's not every day you get to speak to a horse and not only a horse, but a horse in spirit.
[5:09] So yes, you know, some of you might be surprised. You go, are you serious? Are you pulling our leg? No, and I'm not pulling any other animal's legs. I'm not pulling any legs. It actually did happen. And even for me at the time, I have to confess, you know, it was really hard to get Mr. Ed, you know, the old TV show, Mr. Ed, you know, Wilbur. I had a lot of trouble getting that out of my head. It was like, you know, I had the whole, you know, show tune there, like, you know, a horse is a horse, of course, of course, and a horse can't talk, whatever it is. But that started coming through in my mind, and I had to kind of, you know, get out of my own head and get back to the task at hand and, you know, kind of connecting this horse. But it was also what made it a little bit more memorable was the horse that was connecting that night actually also belonged to an usher who was standing in the room. So, it actually belonged to them.
[5:57] You know, got the name, got the color, the breed, how it passed. They actually knew all this. Like, there you go. So, it's no different in bringing any kind of animal through. It's always been interesting with our animals and, you know, our pets passing. I've even had clients where it's actually been more important to connect them with their fur baby rather than their human family.
[6:28] Yeah. Yeah, that one kind of shocked me because, you know, I've never gotten to have a lady come to my office and she actually came down from about an hour's northwest of here, of where I am, and she made the trek. And I've got to admit, like when people make the big effort to travel far to come and see you, one, yes, you're very grateful, but two, it brings on pressure. There's like, there's an expectation. They think, okay, you know, we've got to do this. So, it does raise the bar quite significantly. So, anyway, I remember having this session with this lovely lady.
[7:07] And as she was sitting there, and I reckon she might have been late 50s, maybe hitting 60, you know. I remember she still had the dark hair but some kind of greys coming through, kind of coming back, basic kind of ponytail and kind of nice flying dress. But anyway, so we started connecting, started talking, and I remember throughout the process I connected with her first loved one, human loved one, and, you know, connecting through, get information, how they passed, what they looked like, the usual details. What was interesting is she kind of was really leaned back in the chair. Now, they're kind of upright. They were tub chairs, so you couldn't really lean back in them, but her posture and demeanor was like, I'm leaning back. And when you have that, it's a lack of engagement, and it also can be a very cautious type of... And she kind of gave me that yes, and, like, she wasn't saying that to me, but her look and her demeanour was- that's what she was saying. And, like, so all I could do was keep kind of passing on information and keep saying, I've got this, this, and this, this.
[8:23] Now, at that time, there was- at no point she was correcting me or saying that was incorrect or anything like that. It was just like, so I'm kind of just passing on, but there was a real lack of engagement from her.
[8:35] And I was like, oh, that's how, anyway. So I kind of worked through the first spirit and got how they passed, what they look like, the relationship, and of course, the lovely message that they wanted to pass on for her. So it was lovely. Then all of a sudden I'm like, oh, here comes the man. I've got this man here. Same thing. It's always a process because if we have a process when we do this work, it's a lot easier to receive the information because it kind of comes in flow so same thing seeing got this okay here's a name i connect with it here's a date here's the passing blah blah and kind of work through it again she really hadn't changed her posture or demeanor throughout this as well but just kind of like a gentle little nod going okay and okay and it was like oh okay and anyway so by By this time, I'm like, oh, right, you know, tough customer.
[9:28] That's the wording that comes to mind. This is a tough customer. Like, you know, I'm thinking, starting to go, right, you know, this lady is here and she is here to hear from one specific person. Right.
[9:42] That is always a very tricky situation, and it's not a nice situation to bring to a session because that's expectation. And I tend to find that with a high level of expectation, if you don't hit that expectation, all that's going to be left is disappointment. And that's more often than what you see. If you don't hit exactly what they're looking for, the session overall is not great. Despite who comes through what they say and any other information that you may validate may be accurate it it's not hitting that expectation so it was very hard because i'm like oh anyway so then even by this point i had another lady come through and i'm just literally like bringing because that's all i can do i can't control who's coming through so and by this point bring on the same thing this is what she looks like dates names how she's passed anyway it was fine on. So, we worked through that. Obviously, I've passed on her message. So, by this point, we're now around the 40, 45-minute mark, and this is meant to be an hour session. But the whole thing is like, it's going to go to where the energy takes it. It's not a case of, you know, when you're working with energy or you're connecting with people or even your fur babies, it's not a case of like, you buy an hour session or you purchase or you book in for an hour.
[11:03] It doesn't mean you get an hour. Like, you could get 40 minutes. But then I've had it on the flip side. I've read for people for two and a half to three hours because there's been that much energy. So it doesn't make it very great for the clients after their booking, but I still honor the energy.
[11:19] But it was just really, so we got to this point and we're kind of having the conversations and I would say, look, have you got any questions left? Because by this point, I feel like this is what we need to talk about. I think I passed on some little bits and pieces of information for herself because by then the spirit energy had dropped and it was just that little space. But in that moment, she was then saying, she still had that same posture. She still had the same demeanor. Yeah. Then she goes, oh, that was good, but do you have any animals over there?
[11:56] Now, truth be told, number one, as soon as I heard that, I was a little bit peeved because I'm like, I know clearly now you want an animal, but we've just connected with three of your family, and it felt like they weren't as important. I'm not saying they weren't, but just the way it kind of came across. But then I was like, right, because I had kind of been keeping it at bay. And straight away, I said, well, as a matter of fact, yes, there is. Here's this blue healer. It's at this age. I feel like we've got this kind of sounding name. I can't remember because I want to kind of work with a max. That's off the top of my head. But it's the whole thing. And I said, I remember. It was like it was a fatty liver and liver function issues that end up causing a pass that then float on the kidneys and whatever else. And this is what kind of called a pass. They passed about 12 and a half years, and they passed in the month of May.
[12:45] And all of a sudden, her whole demeanor had changed, and she had said to me, you're good. You're good.
[12:55] At that point i'm like oh my goodness i was like it was that's that's the expectation that's fine but i've learned that but but what was amazing her whole demeanor changed and ultimately she just wanted to hear from her fur baby and you know i can appreciate that now at the time i have to admit it was a little bit but you know kind of coming through that and talking about that it was like they can come through and they do that the other thing that i'm going to pass on here hear about your fur babies, people, and if you've got fur babies on the other side and whatever else, is that, believe it or not, when they come through and I love this, I really do. When they come through, your fur babies actually can do a whole lot more talking and passing on of information and messages about you and your life more than your human family. Normally, your fur babies see and know, because they feel, right? So, they see and feel and know what's going on so much more than what your actual human family will know. Now, I get this question quite a lot at the end of events in our little Q&As that we have. It's like, you know, they can, they come through, you know, what's the message? So, and I explain this and I explain why.
[14:19] And when I say this to people, it's amazing how many people, and this just happened recently up in Gladstone, a lady absolutely flipped out and tripped. She was in shock. And she was like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. So, she asked the question and I told her and I explained it very much similar to what I just did with you guys here. But what was fascinating, I said, look, here's the thing. This is why they know so much more. I said, I want you all just to pause and think about this for a second.
[14:53] When things are happening in your household. So, let's just say, for example, it's the master bedroom.
[15:03] Now, if you're in a relationship, you know, with your partner, and let's just say it doesn't really matter which end of the spectrum we're going to go here, whether it's the, like, you're about to have a big blow up and a big blue and get really gnarky with each other and have one of those moments or at the other end it could be like really loving really lovey-dovey really touchy-feely and you're gonna have one of those moments but what tends to happen doesn't matter which way it kind of goes these are those moments where we kind of if there are children around we tend to say get out of the room or go outside and play, or it's time for bed, or it's time to do whatever. It's like we usher and we kind of move our lovely children out of the way. But then what tends to happen is when you're in those moments, you don't really usher or push out your fur babies. Your fur babies tend to still be in that space and the room when you're doing those things. So whether it's the blue or whether it's With the lovey-dovey, quite often your fur babies are there.
[16:18] Seeing, hearing, and feeling everything that's going on. And I know that for a fact because they have come through and explained situations where there's been big arguments and what the argument was about. And they've also seen what has happened when you've got on the lovey-dovey side. And I can explain very specifically, maybe a certain maneuver or a position that you might I prefer.
[16:45] And it's the truth. I know it's really weird because some people go, oh, again, like, are you pulling a leg? Like, no, like, where am I getting this from? And like the client validates it.
[16:54] And so, when this lady asked, like I said, you could see the recognition in her face. She went red. She goes, oh my God, I do that all the time. The children go, but oh my God, the dog's always there. Oh my God, I never thought of it like that. So, it's really quite fascinating and it might be a cause for you to think about that next time you are doing something and you know just remember if you're moving the children on it might be a good thing to move your fur children on as well if you think about it but it's just a simple little thing that so many people overlook but they do come through and they've provided all that kind of information there as well. So, you know, it's always an interesting little conversation that I do have when the question does come up. And I just thought I'd share that, you know, with you here as well. So, but here's the other thing. And like I said, just sharing some little stories and anecdotes that have come over the time in relations to pets and fur babies. I just want to share here with you. So, if you can relate to those, I'd love to hear from you as well. So, it's always quite fascinating. But also to note, like as much as I can come through and I do acknowledge them when they do come through, like even on the Sunshine Coast just recently, you know, there was what, 270 people there.
[18:16] And as a lady did come through, I did acknowledge the dog that was there with them and, you know, the breed and the name. And, you know, I believe it was the father and the mother that were coming through in the spirit world and the dog came through, but it was the lady in the audience.
[18:34] It was her dog and it was with her parents on the other side. So, that was a beautiful validation to know that her dog, even though it just recently passed, it was only three months ago, her parents had met the dog and the dog was over there. So, it's a beautiful validation. So, if any of you have been wondering, like, do pets meet over, is the same? Very much so. So, they get seen to. It is a welcome home party for them as well. Well, connect up with loved ones and souls that you might have had multiple lifetimes with. And it rings a little bit of a true thing. You might've seen the movie, A Dog's Purpose, great movie, sad movie, great movie.
[19:18] Recommend it if you're listening to this and you haven't watched it, but you're surprised if you haven't, but that's okay. I'll mention it now. So it kind of sums up how animals serve a purpose and have different lives and kind of connect in and whatever else. But yeah, they do get to meet our family, our soul, our loved ones on the other
[19:36] side, get to greet them as well. But of course, the other beautiful thing is, of course, losing our pets and our fur babies is just like losing another loved one. And yes, if you've been thinking like, wow, will I ever get to see them again? The answer is yes, you will get to see them again. When it's your turn to pass, whenever that may be, they will also be there ready to welcome you home when it's your time with everybody else. And it doesn't matter how many fur bears. You could have had five, six dogs throughout your lifetime and 10 cats, whatever. They will be there. There's a connection. The connection is that deep and important to you. They'll be there to welcome you home. So it's a very, very beautiful moment. And I've seen that validated multiple times. But what's interesting too is just to highlight for everyone because I've all of a sudden got this image of like, oh, I'd love to, can you connect me with my, you know, my cattle dog?
[20:42] I could, but it's not really my forte. Like I said, if they come through, they come through. I acknowledge them, I do it, but it's not like I specialize in that. So, the easiest way to describe for all of you is that quite often there are actually some amazing people out there who can connect directly. And it's their thing to connect with animals. They're like animal mediums or animal readers, amazing people who talk like that. So, you're better off, if you're looking for a connection with them, you know, with, sorry, with your pet or for your past pet, that would be the line that you'd go for. And the easiest way to describe that for people is like going to the doctor.
[21:27] It's like, you can say I'm a doctor, but like there's heaps of different types of doctors. And the same thing happens in this wonderful energetic spiritual world. We all have a unique ability or knack or a natural area that we gravitate towards and so some people are really good with animals some people are good with missing people some good with just connecting with you know past loved ones some people are good about helping you with your future, some people are good with medical stuff like there's all these different categories.
[22:00] And even though some of us can do a couple of them but we all tend to kind of gravitate towards towards one or two of them and be very, very good at them. So, the same thing happens. No different doctor. You can have cardiologists, pediatrician, oncologists. They specialize. They can know things, but they know their stuff. So, the same thing happens here with the pet. So, if you're really looking for that, then maybe seek that out. That would be my advice.
[22:25] And of course, no different to any other way. No different to trying to find a medium with myself. You're like, go by word of mouth like because i personally don't know of any like i don't have any connections with it because i'm very busy on the touring on the road but best thing is to ask around and word of mouth is always the best way to find that there as well but what it brings me to is like and you know like i was saying at the beginning of this episode is that our pets are ...are beautiful because- and when you really think about it, like, not all pets, you know, like, not all animals, but think more specifically about the common domesticated pet...
[23:14] Those pets are more like they have a much shorter lifespan compared to human lifespan. So, as we know, like most dogs, you'd be lucky to get to 15 years. Most around the 10 to 12 mark. Depending on the breed, it might be less. You know, for example, Great Danes, I think they're nine, but I could be totally wrong. Like I said, I'm not a specialist. specialist but regardless both like when we think about cats and dogs especially they have a much shorter lifespan compared to humans and a lot of the time if you're a big pet lover you could have six or seven pets over the course of your lifetime so there's a real beautiful reason for this and this is what brings me and i want to pass on the message for anyone who is feeling this with their pets because I have seen a lot of the time people have pets and that pet really fills a massive void in their life and then only for them to lose that pet, it feels like that void has come back or even not doubled and it's just gut-wrenching and the grief can be very, very deep and very unbearable.
[24:29] And I'm just going to quickly share with you a story, and it's a personal story, because when I moved with my mum and dad to the Gold Coast from Brisbane, I was 12, starting high school. I had no friends, because totally different city, totally new school, no friends, really difficult time. Also, my dad was immersed in work, because that's why we moved, for his work. Work and my mum was also busy with work but again she had left her you know my other siblings behind so they were kind of growing up and 18 plus and so my mum also had very little support or social network so it was just kind of like her and I like looking after each other while we're transitioning to this new life in a new city whatever else now we're in a very very old.
[25:28] Holiday house that we're renting out which we're very lucky through friends that kind of just allowed us to make the transition because we're only going to be there for six months while we're finding you know a new house anyway so at the front of this like old i'm talking like old 70s holiday house so old in the 70s that we still had vinyl floors shaggy carpet and the shower was downstairs underneath the house and it was a concrete box so it was a real holiday house give you an idea we had to walk out it's like camping every day uh at the campground but anyway so at the front of this house was a massive massive norfolk pine and it was like taller than the house double-story house anyway so about three months into our stint into this rental You know, mum and I, we were close. We're still obviously still very close. But at the time, all of a sudden, we just heard this meow.
[26:27] Meow, meow, meow. And there was a white cat, absolutely snow white cat, stuck right up the top of this Norfolk pine. And we're like, how are we going to get this thing down? Anyway, tried to encourage it, wouldn't come down, kept meowing. It stayed at the top of that tree meowing. And I kid you not, for 48 hours straight. All night, all day, it was just absolutely petrified at the top. We didn't know how to get down. We called some help. This tree was so tall, like no one could climb it safely. But eventually, with some encouragement, like with opening a can of food and whatever else, because obviously 40 hours, completely dehydrated, probably starving, it kind of started to make its way down the tree very, very carefully because it's just not a great climbing tree. Up is good, down is bad. Anyway, it got halfway down. One of the Welfare League people had to climb halfway the tree and got it. Well, that was beautiful. And they said, well, thanks for helping this cat down. We don't know what to do with the cat. We don't even know where it comes from. We don't know who it belongs to. But the most beautiful thing is this cat adopted us.
[27:40] And that's the way I can describe it. It adopted us. We didn't adopt it. It adopted us. It literally just stayed with us. And my dad Dad being the very farming grown-up that he is. No, pets are outside. Stay outside. So we're forcing this cat to stay outside because we're not having pets. We didn't want pets. We've got our own pets. They're still in. They were still being looked up at north and they were coming down. We've still got a cat and a dog, but we just adopted this white cat and it adopted us. It was so bloody cute that it ended up sleeping in a baking dish in the garage. It loved this baking dish. This cat was so affectionate. it was just like when we did allow it inside when we kind of like you know feeding it it just wanted love and it was so beautiful like i know for a fact that my my mom and i fell in love with it and of course guess what we named it casper fancy that yes very original very white cat casper the cat white cat i've never like i've already got i had a cat megzy she was a junior megs cat hence Megzi, we've got a very original with our pet names, but Megzi was very...
[28:54] Bitchy, for lack of a better term. She would want affection when she wanted it, but she didn't want it. She'd scratch you, bite you, very on and off, very hot and cold. Casper was a male cat. He just wanted the love and attention, and so much, he'd just curl up on your lap or whatever else. But my dad didn't like it. No, get it out, get it out. It was one day that I came home, and Casper was on the kitchen bench looking at a pot plant. Absolutely, this cat was mesmerized by why this pot plant done. Ask us why. It was as if when you're seeing it, stare at it for minutes on end, it makes you wonder, what's it looking at? What are we missing? What are we not seeing? It was kind of like that. But of course, this was a huge, huge no-no for my dad. Massive no-no.
[29:41] Because cats and animals, house, he lets it go, but on the kitchen bench where you prepare food. No, never. So, he came up behind this cat. We didn't, like, you know, we're kind of paying attention to it. But then my dad literally thumped, like, boom, put his hand and thumped it right behind the cat to scare it. And it was so loud, my mum and I, we jumped out of our skin. Then, to our amazement, Casper did not move a muscle. Still just wagging its tail looking up at this pot plant and that's when my dad literally dropped all of his defences and he's gone, holy crap it's a true white cat. And I was like, what do you mean? He goes it's deaf. This cat is deaf. So now because this cat Casper had been meowing for so long, it was now sadly to say, pretty much a deaf and mute cat because it had meowed so much that lost its voice.
[30:45] And anyway, so from that moment, and that was when after that, my dad just didn't know what to do. He was lost. He goes, how am I supposed to scare or discipline a deaf cat? He didn't know how to do it. So he kind of like just gave up, which was really nice because I think it was later that night, he sat down in his chair and after dinner, we're watching TV and Casper jumped up on his lap and curled up on his lap. My dad was patting this beautiful white cat on his lap.
[31:20] Now, I'm 12 years old. We've had pets our whole life. I have never, ever seen my dad have an animal on his lap like that in my entire life. I was gobsmacked. My mum was like, wow, I can't believe this is happening. And it was amazing because I could see my dad actually enjoying that moment. And it was because this cat was not scared by him even though it was through his deafness but this this cat was not scared or intimidated by my dad and i think my dad just lost that ability to try and be that so he started really loving casper as well so it was this beautiful friendship and we had this beautiful cat and we had a beautiful time and it was absolutely Absolutely, without a doubt, what my mum and myself needed at that time.
[32:17] I genuinely believe with 100% of my heart that Casper was sent to us. This cat adopted us. It just loved us. We loved it. It was there. We weren't meant to have it. It was just like, what are the odds? You can't make it up and it just stayed with us. It didn't even know we're home. It adopted us. It was weird. Beautifully weird, wonderfully weird, lovingly weird. And it just adopted us. It was gorgeous. And this thing, I've never had a cat sleep in my bed that just wanted to get on the covers. I've never had that before. It was such a unique thing. And then, but again, my dad being my dad saying, okay, no, no, we can't have that. It's got to sleep outside because we don't want it to obviously go to the bathroom inside. So one night, it slept outside and it slept up on a veranda on the second floor just outside our front door. And I woke up the next morning and sadly to say my mum was in tears, my dad was visibly upset as well and they told me that Casper had died and this was probably only two or three months after he had adopted us, and I was gutted, I was absolutely gutted, my mum was gutted and I was even gutted because Because naturally, the next question comes as to, like, well, how did he die?
[33:39] And my dad said two of the neighbor's dogs had come up onto the veranda, and because he was deaf, he couldn't hear them coming. And he saw the dogs take Casper out, you know, from there. And that just made it all worse. And it was just like, it was just, it was absolutely gut-wrenching because we had this such a beautiful spirit of an animal to bless us with so much and give us so much love. And it was something that we desperately needed. And we're forever grateful for that.
[34:15] And it's from that moment, and this is where I help, and this is the message I'm going to leave you with. So, if you're feeling this or you're going to, it's a bittersweet thing, even when you lose, you know, your pet or your fur baby. But if there's one solace that I can encourage you to take from their passing is that it's no different to people in our lives. Pets and animals will come into our lives to give us a reason, passion, love, purpose. They come into our lives for a reason and that's a beautiful thing, no different to Casper. But what happens is when they pass, it's going to be sad and it can be, you know, hurt and the grief.
[35:05] But the beautiful thing that you can take out of that is when your pet passes, it's their way of saying, thank you, but now I know you are strong enough to continue on your own. I know you're ready for the next chapter. You are capable and ready for the next chapter without me. my time here with you has come to its end in as much as it might be sad, but it's their way of going you're ready.
[35:44] And that might take a little bit for some of you to process. You might have a friend who needs to hear that. But when you really think about the beautiful gifts times and memories that your pet and your fur babies give you when it's their time to move on, it's also our time and turn to move on too. So I'm going to leave you with that. And just remember, if you have lost a pet or a fur baby, no doubt, a lot of love, beautiful reason and purpose that were in your life, and they will still be waiting for you on the other side. Never forget that. That love, even from your pet or fur baby, never dies. And I just really hope this helps you or or someone you know, in some shape or form. Thanks for listening.