[0:00] Hello everybody and welcome back. It is Peter Williams here and you're joining me for another episode here on the Inner Power Podcast. It is nice. I hope that you are all well wherever you may be tuning in to this. So this episode is just completely inspired by events that have unfolded this week. Anybody who's been following me on the socials, you would have seen that like literally this week, I had received a letter. But what was interesting part is that that letter is from myself.
[0:38] Yes, that's right. So, I literally did receive a letter from myself. And I know that might sound really like weird or a little bit like, why would you do that? Even to a point where, and fair enough too, a lovely follower of mine commented on the thread and was saying, well, unless you were like writing multiple letters to yourself from multiple countries, why would you be surprised about receiving a letter from yourself unless you're, you know, a few extra spirits in, of course. So, that was a very, very fair comment. So, if you're listening to this and you're not sure, I'll just set the stage here for you so you kind of understand. And that's what I mean. This is all about understanding like there is no such thing as coincidence.
[1:27] There really isn't. The more that you delve into the spiritual path, the more that you start to work and connect with your own self, your own energy, and of course, that beautiful universal energy, then you'll really start to find that there is no such thing as coincidence. The only thing that will get in your way is your own head about whether it's, you know, meant to be something for you or not. And that's a totally different topic and saying there. But the whole point is you'll really start to realize that it all kind of flows and happens as it's exactly supposed to. So, when it kind of came to this letter and the whole thing is when I- I was in shock like literally the night before that.
[2:15] I had received this letter. I made really big decisions about, you know, my life and my business because let's face it, they're intertwined. I like realistically, my business. So, making big decisions, it just doesn't affect my business. It affects me, which then of course, affects my family. So, literally the day before, I had made these decisions and then that's why why in the morning, I get the lovely reminder from the post office that you've got mail. I was like, oh, we'll see what that is because, you know, pops in. Anyway, it was from myself. I have to admit, my heart skipped a beat going, oh, crap. Oh, my goodness. What did I write to myself?
[3:01] So, I'm going to read this letter out to you in a moment. But like I said, I just want to set the stage so I can clarify.
[3:07] Like, you know, But I will just get it out there in the open. I don't have a habit of writing letters to myself to make myself feel important. So, the whole point is like this, there is a context to this. So, and this will help you because I also want to put in here another message connected with there's no such thing as coincidence is I also want to encourage each one of you to stretch your comfort zone. Zone, really honor that calling that is something where you're kind of going, it might be a little bit out of your comfort zone or what you're looking at may very well be a little bit like out of your reach. Now, that could be in multiple ways.
[3:50] You know, for example, it might be out of reach for you in terms of financial value or it could be out of reach in terms of like physical distance. And so, for me, that was pretty much the case when I decided to have a look at this program but I knew inside of myself there was something bigger calling here and I'm like I want this and I need this and so I literally did not worry about the logistics I just decided to go right I'm going to make this happen and very fortunately it has happened which is great so for the last couple of years being part of a wonderful program run by a current mentor of of mine, which is lovely. My name is Jez Webmore. You can check him out. He's very much on the same wavelengths as super business guy, but he loves his woo as much as I do, so which is great.
[4:42] But the whole thing is like around it though is every like couple of times a year, I go over and obviously, I meet with a whole bunch of like-minded people, which is amazing by the way. And I will.
[4:56] Absolutely say that is what I have been missing for a longer part in my journey was connecting with people of like mind and having people of, you know, the caliber and of the tenacity of the focal points and all of this wonderful energy that you're looking for. You need to have those kind of people around you because when your times are getting tough or when you're funny, you're not feeling very motivated or there might be a level of uncertainty in decisions that you want to make, it's really, really important to have the right people around you. And I'm very fortunate that's what this has led to. And there's a whole bunch of other the benefits, but I have to say, the biggest benefit is the people that I have met through this program, the people that I still talk to. Like, if you've been listening to the podcast, you've already spoken and heard some of them speak and they're beautiful. There's more to come by the way. Like, there's quite a few in the pipeline because these people are amazing and I love hearing their stories. I love hearing their journey because I think we've all got something to offer. But that only came about by me stretching that comfort zone. So, that's kind of led me to that. And so, I'm literally getting ready. I'm like, gotten here in the studio, got to get this recording done because this is like really in the moment. I love doing recordings in the moment.
[6:22] Not everybody who does podcasting recording likes that because, but I'm very much always on the go. If you're listening and you're not new to my world, you will know that how busy And literally next week, I begin that trek again back over to the States where I'm going to be connecting with this lovely, lovely bunch of people again.
[6:44] Kind of go on that. So, I'm in here doing this and that's why I'm just being in the moment. So, for the last couple of years, I've been doing this. It has been amazing and out of a whole bunch of stuff. And if you've been listening to the last few episodes, you'll very much be aware of how I've been talking about the last couple of years. It's been the energy has been really interesting to say the least. It has been a real head, you know, for lack of a bird, it's just like, I just simply say, it's been head fuckery. So, we might have to bleep that one out. But it has been, it's just the headspace has been intense. It's been all over the shop. It was like, I felt like I was in a pinball machine being bounced around with all these different ideas ears and whatever else. So, you know, it has been there. But what's also interesting too is like I said, if you have been listening, you'll also know that especially from April, this started to lift or that clarity started to come. And since then, like a lot of things have become really clear and I've really started to understand how I'm supposed to be working, how I'm supposed to be moving forward with my energy, how I'm supposed to be moving forward with all the wonderful tools and knowledge that I can offer people.
[7:58] And so, this is why it's all kind of lit up. And this has, and I kid you not, all unfolded in these last couple of months. So, these last and more so in the last three to four weeks, boom, the energy has been beautifully intense in a nice way. Not that crushing and confusing type of energy, which we've been putting up with for so long. It's been beautiful energy and the channeling and the connection that I've had and the clarity that I have received has been beautiful and I'm very very grateful and thankful for that especially after the last couple of years that we've had so it was interesting so anyway where this kind of comes in and where this letter comes in and this is why it took so long for it to get me here is I actually went over to the states in early December last year when I first connected with James in the the program, he has a big live event. And when I heard about that, I was like, that's what I need. I need people. I knew that's what I needed.
[8:58] However, at the time that I joined, I joined COVID, which means everything shut down, everything went online. And I was like, well, this is not what I want. And anyway, so even though it was held online, I decided not to attend. That was primarily due to time zones. I appreciate my sleep and I value my sleep. And as much as I'm keen to learn but three days in a row getting up at 2.30 and doing eight hours yeah not my kettle of fish so I let it pass and I thought I'll just wait and so fortunately enough.
[9:33] I was lucky enough, there was the first time back in multiple years to having like this live event, which is called BBDB Live. And it's been amazing. And I went over there, yep, I'm doing this, going over. It was massive. There was a thousand people at this event, which was just insane. So, the energy was just off the chart. Everyone was buzzing. It was just a lot of fun. I was kind of like fortunate because I had met people in a small couple of groups before. So, I actually knew some people, but lots of new people coming in. Just lovely, lovely event. So, this happened in early December last year. And then we did some- we're here, we're listening to some lovely guest speakers, which were amazing. And we're going through some personal stuff and there's great practical exercises for ourselves. And I remember we went through this and I believe it was either on this last, session of the second day or it's the last session of the last day. I can't quite remember, but I know it's very much towards the end of one of the days because of blurs, because you talk massive days when you're having a conference like that. But it was one of those sessions anyway. So, we came out and it was a beautiful for visualization.
[11:01] And a beautiful like meditation which was taking us through ourselves and deepening the connection with ourselves and delving deep in and around what may be holding us back. So, it was a very powerful meditation and visualization.
[11:20] And you got to think, there was a thousand people going through this exercise. The energy was just insanely good. I know there was a few people there who obviously had a genetic impasse.
[11:37] They were a bit overwhelmed, naturally so. I'm lucky I could handle it but there was a lot of energy in that room and there was a lot of beautiful heartfelt energy coming out of this.
[11:50] And I remember very, very vividly going through this visualization and it's about bringing some of those deeper aspects and you might not even know they're there but it's externalizing them instead of having them inside of us instead of having them roll around in our head where we just tend to ignore it even though it keeps coming back up but when it's in our head we tend to just let it sit there and we will ignore it however when you external internalize it, you faced with it. And that was the whole point of this meditation and visualization. And it was to face yourself and to face those shadow aspects of yourself and to face those fears, whatever it may be. And so, the beautiful thing is through the process. And the great thing is I take people like, you know, with the inspiration of that, got my own version, which take people through, which is amazing. The results is always amazing. So, I do that on my retreats and the mini retreats that I'm hosting as well.
[12:57] And the beautiful thing is, it's like taking them through that, you literally face it. And it's very, very powerful. Confronting, absolutely, but powerful because you find a different part of yourself. self. You tap in to a very deeper core part of yourself because when you look at it, you see it and go, why is this holding me back? And the beautiful thing is that these deeper parts of yourself and like these parts that you're like kind of ignoring, they come out and you've got a visual aspect and it's like a little cloud or mist or that's what it was for me. Everybody's kind of different But the most beautiful part is like, you know, you face it and you face it by going through it, And I remember so vividly that when I stepped forward into the darkness, and I stepped forward into that shadow and that mist, and it was like, yeah, of course, you're a little bit apprehensive. But as I did, the most magical thing happened.
[14:09] As soon as I stepped forward into that mist, it literally just moved. It was as if there was this, every step I took, there was this magical force or barrier like that was connected to me. And this mist and this shadow, it just moved out of my way and I was seeing myself as if shining my light, not massively, but just like if you look around, you get to see a little kind of light aura around my body. And because of that, every step I took, it acted as this barrier where it just, this This mist just moved around me and it couldn't touch me. Not once as I was walking through this cloud or this mist did any of it touch me. It was as if it couldn't touch me. So, it was very, very powerful. But then the thing that shocked me the most was when I stepped out of this mist and I got to the other side. That is when I got the biggest shock. Shock and surprise because as soon as i did i felt this beautiful beam of light.
[15:30] Just hit me and it was on that like angle of like you know 45 or 60 degrees it wasn't like directly coming down to me it was like when the sun is a little bit like right it has risen above or setting and it beams onto you like that and it's like it just and this light not just beamed on me. It pierced me. It went through me. It touched my soul and kept going as well. At that point, I literally did have this whole overwhelming sense of peace, calm, and if it's a word, trueness. It felt like I hit a very pure part of myself and that was very, very important. It was so beautifully intense, but in a calm way that as a result, I literally just had like little tears running down the side of my face. I wasn't crying. It wasn't like crying or sobbing like that. It was just this beautiful feeling of like oneness and ecstasy and that it's just literally the tears just started rolling down my face. And it was very, very intense. tense. So, that was the visualization. So, that's why I wanted to set the stage because there was quite a bit to this. And then we worked.
[16:52] Now, having a look at that visualization, having a look at that meditation, what is the message to yourself? And now you need to write a letter to yourself.
[17:02] And so, you really are in the moment. You are 100% in the moment. Like, you are not like critically thinking this, you're not overthinking this. It is just like, you are writing from a very, very pure part or space of yourself. And so, that's what I wrote. Now, it's like, it's a bit hard unless you're watching the video. But like, when I got this letter, I was like, oh, what is it going to be? And then literally, like when I opened it, it was the smallest little page. It's not even A5. I think it's maybe just lucky to be A5 and it's only one-sided. And like I said, it was this big thing of after making the decisions about my direction and about where it wants to go, this letter arrives. So, to give you the full context, so once we had written this letter, this was happening by the way, this was happening in California in the US.
[17:55] Once we obviously obviously wrote the letter, we put it in an envelope and we self-addressed it. But once you've done that, you hand it over. So, we give it to the people who are running the event. So, that means it's literally out of your control. You have no idea when this letter is going to be posted, let alone when it's going to arrive because it's coming from a very different place in the world. And we know unless you're with Amazon, you know, post is going to take its time. So, you know, it was just really, really interesting. So, and as it turns out, it eventually obviously got posted from Arizona. If you actually see the post, yeah, it's got the Arizona's and then there's a stamp of a dog on there as well, which is interesting. But yeah, so it kind of, that's why it took its time to get here. And there's no such, you know, thing as coincidence because it arrived the day after I had made these decisions. And I love it because these decisions based around me and how I wish to help people.
[18:55] In the future. And as much as like, I'm always going to be doing the spirit work because I'm always connected in that sense. But it's just fascinating because obviously, the last two years, like I said, going through the head stuff, going through lots of chatter there and trying to figure things out. We're looking at Dharma, you know, lots of big stuff, which is going to be another episode coming up, by the way. But it's really fascinating. And I was talking to my staff and I was literally about going, this is how it's going to happen.
[19:25] The program that I started working with last year, those of you who are following me, you'd be aware that it was a beginning of this year and last year. I kind of said, look, I'm done with this because there's a new format coming. Well, I did discover that format. The format works wonders. Anybody who joins me for that format always gets something out of it. Like, I literally just held one in Albury a week ago.
[19:49] I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. And seeing people actually connect not just with themselves but also connecting with their loved ones was truly amazing. Like, I love seeing people. Like, as I'm literally guiding them through a different visualization and meditation, you can see when people are having a beautiful experience emotionally. Emotionally and it starts to express itself physically. So, it's really, really powerful. And so, I was having this discussion with my staff and it literally came down to going, you know what I'm going to do? That particular format, I want to give that to people. I want to help people with this.
[20:33] That's what I want to do. I want to help. I know this is here for people and I want to help people with this. I want to show people to connect in their own way. And that's why the program's that little like it's a little workshop program format and it's called get out of your head because that's where most of us are and where i was for the last couple of years but um that's why that's what was very like you know you know i've always got kylie minogue you know can i get you out of my head that's where it kind of also came from because once you get that song in your head it's very hard to get out of your head so it's about getting out of your head and and showing you the quick tips and stuff like that. And so, that's also coupled with April. So, I'm sorry if I'm jumping around here, guys, but I'm just trying to give you the full context.
[21:17] So, it's also interesting too because quite often, you know, when we're moving forward, we're asked to look at goals. We look to formulate goals, to make goals for ourselves.
[21:28] And what was interesting is in April with the lovely group of people that I've been with, again, we're asked to, What's going to be your kind of like hairy, scary goal? What's a goal for you? But this was asking about financially.
[21:40] And I remember as soon as I was sitting there and had a good mate of mine, who's featured on the podcast, had Nick Demos with me beside me, and as we were asked this question, I looked at him dead in the eye, and it's interesting because he looked straight back at me, and he had the same look, and that look was I just said I have no number. I said I'm done with this. I don't resonate with money goals. I just really don't I'm not that I'm not driven in that sense and he looked at me and he agreed he goes me too like and we kind of both sat there like a little bit like deflated going like this is not where we're at the beautiful thing then was as we kind of sat with it we didn't really talk much after that because we just got into our own self and connected with ourselves. Anyway, so I ended up writing a number down. And anyway, so I saw Nick writing down and it was interesting. Then once we had finished that little bit, we turned to each other and I said to him, guess what? I found my number. And he says, me too.
[22:56] And anyway, I said to him, and it felt so good, like really, really, really good. And the whole thing was, I said to him, 10,000, that's my number. And he kind of looked at me and 10,000. I said, yeah, 10,000. And I said, it's not money. I said, but I have a goal. I want to help 10,000 people with this new format.
[23:22] And I remember he goes, I love that. And he just, then he had a chuckle because he's like, he was very much had the same kind of number about helping people. And so, that's where it kind of it comes from. So, when I was discussing with my staff this week last night, I said, this is what we're going to do and I'm going to be putting this format out here because I just want to help people with this. And my goal is to help 10,000 people with this new format. And from that, then I know people, if they want to come to my soul reboot mini retreat that I've now designed, that's where we can. And then if you want to stay in that space of support, then you can have that support within a power and come along and have the same meet and greets that I have like really benefited from and have missed over the many, many years of doing that. And I'm like, this is where it's going. And I'm like, this feels right. This is how I want to help people. I like helping people in groups because I find with this energy and what I experienced last December with like a thousand, it was magical. Some people think, oh, that's too many people. But it amplifies the energy. It's actually the opposite. It's beautiful energy. And that's kind of what I want to create. And so, that's why I'm like, no, I'm going to do this. I've literally booked it. I have the first Soul Reboot mini retreat happening in late October, November.
[24:41] The great thing is it costs affordable because I'm like, no, I want to help people with this. So, now, we're like, boom, we've got things going. There's going to be a new website release kind of coming up. Oh, my God, there is so much happening. It's like, here it is. And so, I had this discussion and my staff were like, oh, Pete, this feels really good. This feels amazing. And like Linda, who's a copy of a lot of this, she's lovely. She's already been busy going. She gets inspired with it because she gets into the energy as well. So, it's just been magical. And then, of course, the letter. The letter arrives. And I was like, oh. And I did. Like I said, my heart skipped a beat. And I thought, I've got to get coffee. Just in case. Because I'm like, what the hell did I write? Oh, this could be it. I'm thinking, I have to admit, I'm thinking this is probably going to be a little bit of a spiritual bitch slap coming to myself.
[25:32] I was like, oh my God, what's going to happen? Because you do, like when you're in a moment like that, you completely forget what you have written. But anyway, I saved this very purposely for last because once I finish reading this- I'm going to leave you with it to ponder because what I had wrote was obviously very, very profound for me, but I also believe that it's very, very profound for anyone who is listening to this episode. And there's no such thing as coincidence. And you are listening to this episode for a reason. So, this could very well be it. So, without further ado, do. I will read this very short but very potent little letter and I encourage you to listen to this and you can insert your own name to this once I read it. So, the letter that I posted, wrote myself and has arrived this week after making these decisions goes like this.
[26:29] Dear Pete, remember what you have discovered. You you. In amongst all the travel and running around, in amongst all the business and work, in amongst all the connections you do for others, remember that that connection is for you. It's important to allow yourself to be you. Seen and heard as you.
[27:00] Let go of all the rest of the chatter, and be the light, bright, fun, and caring you. Signed off from the true you. So, that is the letter. I believe there's a message in there for you. If you have been with me on this episode to this point, please know that that message is also for you. And on that note, I'll let you ponder that and I encourage you to write down anything that might come up for you. Thanks again for listening.