[0:00] Hello everyone and again thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of course if this is your first time tuning in uh thank you for stopping by but boy oh boy what an episode you have probably decided to jump in on this is being drawn on from a lot of personal experience And again, this has also been inspired to help a few lovely souls who have been really doing their best to chip away at, you know, their life and trying to connect better with themselves and obviously looking for that part of it. But I know that they are also experiencing frustrations.
[0:55] So, if you are that person, if you're finding yourself, you know, I'm looking for something, don't know what it is or, you know, you might have started but you've dropped off the bandwagon a little bit but now you're kind of jumping back in or you're not sure where to start, all of these kind of things, then this is probably the episode for you. We're going to go deep here, okay? I can't even promise you this is really going to go with it. As you can tell, I've got a certain amount of script here that I want to or points I should say that I want to get through, but who knows where this is going to lead. So, I just want to advise you, strap yourself in and away we go. But the biggest thing here is it's about not giving up on yourself. It's one of those things like this has been a journey for me. I've been very, very fortunate, I'm very blessed and I'm very, very grateful for the fact that I can literally get up in front of hundreds of people at a time and really connect, help and speak with belief and conviction, just trying to inspire people to understand that there is more. And I feel like the world...
[2:09] At the present time is screaming for more of that. And I'm just playing a very, very small part in that bigger mission, I suppose, of trying to help. And I just feel like there are so many people.
[2:29] Looking to, you know, move forward in their life, but are not even sure, you know, how to, or maybe you feel like you've already tried but you feel in yourself, that you're not succeeding or it's not happening fast enough. You know, what you envisaged in your mind as to what was going to happen or should happen has not quite, you know, transpired just yet. And the whole thing is if you're falling into that category, again, this is the whole thing about like don't give up on yourself. This is a journey. It really, really is. And if you embrace that notion of it's a journey and not the destination, you'll start to understand and live and experience this in a very, very different way. Now, what I'm also noticing and you might have noticed it yourself or you might have people around you where it seems to be there is a good thing by the way that there's a lot more people waking up. And what I mean by that is a lot more people are starting to look for something.
[3:50] Now, what that is, that's obviously very individual and it's very subjective, but what I'm meaning here in this context and especially in the spheres of my world is when people are kind of coming just like, you know, I want to start this journey, but I don't know where to begin or I don't know what I'm looking for. It's like, it's so overwhelming. Of course, it is because there's a lot here.
[4:12] So, there's a lot of things to kind of unpack. But what I've decided to do is try and help people to understand more about the journey by unpacking some of the things that have become very, very apparent to me in my journey and some of the things that I value a lot in my journey. Now, and I'm doing this hoping that it might just inspire a thought or it might inspire an action. I'm not saying you have to at all be these things. Like, you know, it's not that at all. This is just a case of me sitting down, you're having a conversation right now, you know, no different to if you're sitting down at the coffee shop with me, we'd be talking about these things and this is what we're kind of looking for and just helping you to, kind of like listen to someone who has kind of been on the path, so to speak, on this spiritual journey and spiritual path for a little bit longer than what you might have been. And the reason why I do this is so that way you can learn a little bit quicker than what I did. It may save you some time and And...
[5:35] I hope it can also save you some pain, hurt, or agony along the way. And that's always what I strive for with this as well. So, when I've really reflected on my journey and getting here to this point, it's massive. Like, where I started as a teenager, look, who would have ever thought? I can tell you right now, like, not in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I would be, number one, speaking to thousands of people, like, you know, hundreds and thousands of people on stage.
[6:17] Never would have thought I'd be traveling, you know, my home country, let alone doing international stuff. I never would have thought I'd be doing, you know, retreats. I never would have thought of myself as someone who was going to be an inspiration. I never thought of myself as someone who was going to be a speaker. I never thought of myself as someone who was really going to communicate and help channel messages, you know, from spirit and universe, or let alone help people in their lives. Like, none of those things were on my radar. are. And I think that's purely because I was always just enjoying that part of myself and I saw that as a fun part of myself. And that's what's kind of led me into it becoming a little bit more of a, well, it is my career. I was going to say a little bit more of a career. That's not true. It is my career, it's my vocation. It's just what I do. So, I've had to come to accept that and step into that part of my being as well.
[7:20] And I think by breaking it down in that journey, it just helps most of you to
[7:24] realize, just remember, it's going to take some time. And these are some of the things that I have noticed. I'm just having some, you know, introspection here, some reflection, just talking with you. And you never know, this could very well just help you to kind of do it. So, the one couple of things here that I've noticed that are very key things, and if you're you're on this spiritual path, spiritual journey beginning, this might just kind of like inspire to start somewhere and not feel so overwhelmed. And that's what I'm hoping and that's my objective here with this particular episode anyway. So, the one thing is like it is probably I can't even remember what age but as I've been saying like I remember when I was seven years of age.
[8:09] And I was year two, I would literally at break go and lay down on the chair and I wanted to know what it felt like to die. Now, it's interesting, like, I think most kids at that age are questioning death, like, what's, you know, what's death or what happens when we die, maybe along those lines. I felt like I took it to the extreme. What does it feel like to die? Like, what is it going to feel like? I actually did. So, I started laying there at lunchtime, holding my breath, literally, and then going, Christ, that's- because I know that in order to die, you stop breathing. So, I just held my breath and stopped breathing. And of course, you know, I get to a point where I'd have to breathe and I'd be- and then try again. And of course, I never had those experiences. But it's interesting though, I do recall-
[9:05] Living and having those memories of doing that. So, it's interesting because when I reflect, I have always like been a seeker. I've always sought out the deeper understanding of life and not just life, but also existence.
[9:23] You know, I have always had this fascination and knowing that there is an existence beyond our physical world you know it's always been there and i believe and i really do think that it did take me to become that teenager to have a little bit more of the mature mental capacity just to start asking or feeling the right things obviously it's seven it's very early and it's very like you know the brain's not fully developed the critical thinking part of the lobes not there yet so but then later on so like almost doubling that so another seven years and fully enough seven spiritual cycles aren't they i've just clued onto that one well hello like saying welcome back i feel like my guys go welcome to the party so you know at 14 here's another spiritual development and that's when i obviously started connecting that's the meditation that's the exercises that i was doing so it was always something there. It was the bigger calling there, it was a yearning. It was a yearning for connection to something greater than myself.
[10:36] And that yearning is in here, this is in my chest, it's in my heart, it's got nothing to do with my head. Not once was up in my head kind of just pondering, oh, you know, oh, I wonder if there's something greater. Nope. It was deeper. It was like, no, there's something here that I need to look into. There is something, you know, bigger here that I need to discover. But of course, there's no tools, there's no instruction manual for that. So, you are at the mercy of your feelings, you are at the mercy of your experiences and of course, it's just having the ability and willpower to experiment, I suppose, and have a go and try different things to find out how you can activate that side of yourself. So, that was a big thing. This also put me in good stead. dead.
[11:32] This is why I'm super grateful. So many people struggle with this in life at the moment and I'm just so grateful. I feel like I discovered this really early on. That's me. At the age of 14, being able to meditate, taught myself. It's not like my parents were into the spiritual scene and teaching that. Even though I've got four older siblings, by that point, I was by myself anyway. Way, they were, you know, more busy, you know, either partying, traveling overseas or seeking careers, stuff like that. So, it's not like I had this helping hand or, you know, this pedigree of spirituality flowing through. It was very much a self, you know, journey. So, I'm very, very grateful for that. And so, what I have found that because I started that early, you know, No, I have always found that connecting with that and valuing, I should say. So, connecting and valuing with inner peace. Personal growth, and of course, harnessing that inner power have been paramount.
[12:48] I'm not 100% focused on it all the time. Absolutely not. So,
[12:53] please understand that. Just because you might be starting this path or you're on this path, but it kind of comes in waves and this is what I call the unfoldment. You're not going to get all of this at one time because was we're just not equipped to deal with it like that. So, you know, we have this opening or the awakening, as I like to call it. And in these terms, like, you know, all of a sudden, this greater, you know, seeking or deeper understanding starts to bubble up within you. Then all of a sudden, you feel like, you know, you're looking to connect with something more. All of a sudden, inner peace and personal growth start to come to the forefront. You're like, Like, where's this coming from? These are all signs and symbols to let you know that it is something greater calling you and you are starting to really open up on that level.
[13:45] Now, along with this journey, then comes, you know, the increase in self-awareness to the energetic world. That for me is key. It is almost like the number one on my list right now. And it's like, it's what's driving me. Like, I feel like this is part of my purpose and it's also part of my passion. As you can tell, hence, I'm here talking about it. But it's the whole thing, like, the self-awareness is huge. And I feel like self-awareness is very geared towards anybody who is, like, on a spiritual energetic path or having that awakening. So, wherever you are in that, you might be finding that.
[14:26] And what I mean by self-awareness, like, I think what's really important here is, like, Like, you know, I just feel like I've been prompted by my team. Self-awareness is where all of a sudden you really start to see and feel things differently. And you may not have. This is where it gets confusing. This is where I find people might have a slight panic or sometimes they get frustrated. You might be finding, for example, you know, the people around you right now. And you're just like, I don't know what it is. But all of a sudden, it's like overnight even. And these are not the right people. Like, there's nothing wrong with them. They're still nice people. But it's like, then I'm not connecting with them the same way that I used to like a year ago or two years ago. It's like, there's something missing there. And it's like, they're nice, but it's like, it's not enough.
[15:16] So, that's a key thing. It could be popping up in your workplace where you're kind of going, this is just no longer fulfilling me.
[15:27] Like, yes, it's helping me to exist in this world, but there's a deeper part of you that's now saying, but isn't there more to life than just doing this? There's nothing wrong with what you're doing. This is just part of that self-awareness and a part of that awakening. So, it's always a big thing. Self-awareness is huge.
[15:49] I cannot overstate how important that is. It is absolutely massive. What you'll also find is that when you're having this and when you're on this path, like, understanding, believing and knowing, like, that there's something more is- and having that sense of purpose or finding that purpose has really driven my desire to contribute more positively to society and the world. That's a deeper one and you might find that's been stirring within you or it currently is stirring within you you don't have to know it but it's again that awareness of like you are going.
[16:34] There's something more here for me you can't describe it it's so hard to articulate and speak to about people it's what you'll find is that you're doing like you know if you're watching in the video here like it's like it just wants to come out of you it's like we're so deep within your body you it's almost like you want to and forgive me but your body movement is almost like you want to regurgitate or you want to almost vomit but in a very positive way that's possible, because it needs to come out that's this whole body motion this is the emotional feeling it wants to come out it's it's like it's so deep within you like in that pit of your stomach and And it's like, now it's ready to come out. It can't stay inside any longer because you've been ignoring it, ignoring it, ignoring it. And now it's like saying, no, it's time for it to come out. So, you know, you'll have that understanding, you're believing, you might have- if you've got the knowing, great, but you need to lean into this. And this is really, really important as well. The more you ignore this, or the more you push this down, I honestly believe, and I I can speak from personal experience, you'll find life will get harder.
[17:49] And that could be in a multiple way of things. You might find you're off the path and out of flow, so to speak. So, all of a sudden, you might find there's like you might be out of a job or the job changes or things change. Like it's as if they're showing you like, no, you're out of flow,
[18:07] you're out of alignment and they will give you the nudge to let you know that very thing. The question is, are you going to listen to the nudge or is it going to take, you know, a bit of a shove or worse yet and don't let it come to this point people you might end up with the serious sbs this spiritual bitch slap boom right don't let it come to that because that's when they smack you down that's when you start looking at physical health that's when like your world feels like it is crumbling down all around you and if it is happening for you if you find yourself in that position, like number one, please know that, you know, most of us have been there. I've been there myself. It does suck. I really do feel for you. I really, really do. But please know it's happening for a greater reason.
[18:59] They are helping to prepare you to build a beautiful new world for you. And it's so important. The only way to do that is it has to remove the current structure, the current frameworks that you've put in place because they no longer to serve you. It's the equivalent of like taking a house and going, cool, this house was built like in the 1950s. But what was once, you know, the 1950 style of house, yes, it's still usable, it's still feasible. But look at today's society and maybe it was only a two, three-bedroom house, but you know, you might go, no, I've got more kids and they want their own space, whatever. But the whole point is knock that down, rebuild, you can create something still in its place that's It's now more fitting for you at this current time. So, hopefully that will help you to understand that as well, but it's really important.
[19:51] And don't let it get to the SBS. Don't let it get to the Spiritual Beast Lab. That's my advice on that one. It hurts. I'm telling you, it hurts. So, yeah. So, the other thing here is like what you'll find is the more that you stay on this path, the more you stay on this journey, you'll, you know, continually seek a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. Life and it's almost like i and this is why i describe it to a lot of my students clients i kind of like liking it to an archaeological dig you know so when you might be finding like a dinosaur fossil what happens is when they usually discover these it's just one little section you know might be this one bone that just kind of sticks out and you go oh my god there's something here and so all of a sudden the team comes in and then they start where that bone is, because it's coming out of the surface we finally see it's been revealed hence like it's an awakening it's like hey it's no longer covered here it is and all of a sudden they've got to slowly start brushing away at this first bone to start to figure out.
[21:03] Number one, where is- how big is this bone? What bone is this? Because obviously, it belongs to something more, to a greater picture. And of course, how big is that picture? How big is this fossil? How big is this dinosaur? Like, so, you slowly have to dust and you slowly have to uncover what's happening here for you. And of course, as time moves on on this journey, you're continually dusting off. And sometimes it can get a little bit frustrating because you feel like you finally mapped it out or you've got to figure it out, only to realize, oh, crap, this dinosaur is twice the size that we thought it was. And that's the way it kind of works. But you'll always be continually dusting off things. You'll always be continually working at it. And that's where I find that if you're on this journey, you are going to value that personal growth. And that's what it's all about. out, but working through and dusting off those fossils and applying yourself to this personal growth, this is what's ultimately going to help you to achieve a greater sense of inner peace. But then that also gives you the ability to harness that inner power and that connectivity that you might be seeking. So, that's another one there that I thought that was important to bring up.
[22:21] You might also find like these simple ones, like this is one of my personal favorites, Hence, I love technology today and obviously, this program, even having a podcast. But like having the space and to talk about this stuff, you know, being able to read up on and connect with, you know, and about spiritual or mystical experiences has really helped to affirm my beliefs and path. What I have noticed more recently is a lot of people who are having these, but they don't have the people or the space or environment around them. To support that or to nurture that side of themselves.
[23:04] Cannot stress that enough. It is really vitally important. And even if it is, it's just like seeking it out, like listening to a podcast like this or reading a book and eventually, you know, reaching out or being a part of a group or community, it will really help and foster you and that encourages more growth rather than
[23:23] you feel like you have to do it on your own all the time. Now, as you continue along this journey, right, you'll find that you are going to have to really work out what your values and your ethics are. Now, like I was saying, sometimes these change or sometimes they crumble depending on what kind of journey or what section of your journey you're on. But once you do get them, you will know and hold your values and ethics really close to you. This is a strong and very pivotal part of the journey because as I always say, your values and your ethics are like the compass. Without knowing these, you're going to have no idea how you're wanting to move forward. You're going to have no idea whether these people are right or wrong for you. For most people in the world, we actually go about this using our values and our ethics subconsciously.
[24:29] And while that helps us and helps us to live in the world 80% of the time, which is great, but imagine if you could really be aware of them and apply them consciously, not subconsciously, but consciously. It becomes a game changer. You start to really value your time, your energy, and your space, and you are not willing to give it over or up to people all the time.
[24:59] One downside of this, I will point out, you may very well find that you start to lose a lot of people. All of a sudden, your friendship circles, you know, let's just say, you know, you've got 10 people in your friendship circles. It may very well shrink down to, you know, being able to count your really good people and friends on one hand. You might even be- you might have space, but it will happen because all of a sudden, you value it. You value your time, your energy, your space a whole heap more and you only want to share it with the people that matter the most or you when you do you have that greater sense of belief and purpose in yourself and that's when you're willing and that's what drives you to share your time energy like i do and because it's okay so you know Be aware of that because that one is, I find, a bit of a thrill killer for people on the journey is because they feel as though they are doing something wrong.
[26:03] When they lose people, especially in their social circles. And as you grow and as you drive for these things, for that personal growth, deeper understanding, deeper connection, people around you who are not on that same wavelength, it's nothing bad. It's just that simply that your vibration and your frequency is changing very dramatically and they will no longer be connecting or sitting at the same vibrational frequency as you. This is not a good or a bad thing, but you just have to honor where you are at. You also have to honor and respect where they are at. And sometimes that means a bit of an uncoupling. It doesn't mean you're going to lose them forever. I find the good ones who really understand this, you don't understand. You don't really like miscommunicate. You don't- you see each other eye to eye. You understand that you might have different things and the whole thing is you can still connect in some ways.
[27:10] However, if they're not, don't despair. Sometimes you just have to honor that part of your journey. It can be rough. It can be tough. And it feels like it hurts because you're like, wow, like Like, I wanted this, now I feel like I'm doing really well, I feel like I'm more positive in my life, I've got more understanding in my life, but now I have no one to share it with. That is a very common experience as you're on this journey. So, if that's happening to you right now, don't despair.
[27:40] If anything, you're going to have to start looking at it from the perspective of, again, now that that space has been cleared, it's making room for the beautiful people who can can and are willing to meet you at that frequency that you're at. So, keep that in the back of your mind. So, some of like the values like that I find that a lot of people on this journey do hold because there's a commonality here and these are mine. Of course, you can add to these. You can even might even find go, oh, this helps you to understand the journey a little bit more.
[28:12] But kindness, integrity, and respect for others. They are a common theme that I find with about people on this journey.
[28:20] One of my biggest values is integrity. It's huge. And as soon as someone in my life steps out of that part of integrity, I'm, it is like, I can't help it. Like, it's just there. It's almost like a guillotine for me. It's like, boom. It's like I can kind of see it. And it's just like, makes you aware. So, knowing your values is super, super important for you as well. So, that's what's important. So, there's just a few of the things that I'm hoping that will help you to identify. And because this journey is not easy. It can be really hard and it can be really, really lonely at times. I feel you. I get you. I've been there. And sometimes I'll probably still end up there at some points. But the whole message here around this, wherever you are at on your journey, please, please, please, please don't give up on yourself. Understand and think of this as now, as if you have been chosen.
[29:29] It's almost like the universe said, you're ready. And the universe has reached down and pointing its finger down at you and saying, hey, you're ready. It's time for a quest. And this is a very personal quest and where you're going to have your own unique experiences so you can have your own unique understanding of what this is all about for you. And the more you embrace that, the more you understand that, then it will become easier. But it's also important to know that you don't have to do this journey alone.
[30:12] And to finish here, I'm going to leave you with this. Loss and failure only come when you stop. They only visit those that have given up. Don't worry about knowing what your purpose is. Simply believe you have one. Master that and you will never give up on yourself. And today, right now, that is not you. Don't give up on yourself.