[0:00] Hello, everyone, and welcome to a very, very special episode that we have got planned for you today, because I have been waiting to get this one recorded, but my very extensive travel schedule has not permitted until this point, but we're going to literally venture into the other side. We're literally going to walk through this and explore this. With a lovely gentleman by the name of David McBride, who's joining me today, and he's going to share with us his near-death experience. So, welcome to the pod, David.
[0:42] So nice to have you.
[0:43] Thank you, Peter.
[0:43] Nice to be here, mate. Nice to be here.
[0:46] Now, we've got to give a little bit of context here about how this came about because it's not the usual circumstances. Now, it was a little bit usual for me. So, the way this has kind of happened, the way that David and I have crossed paths is I obviously was doing a mediumship event and at Ipswich, which is kind of like just west of Brisbane in Queensland. And I'll just do my usual thing. I've been doing it for a long time. But anyway, there's this kind of nice connection. And obviously, after the event, I really do love hanging around and answering as many people's questions as I possibly could. And of course, then I had the privilege of having the time to talk with you, David, at this event and obviously to hear your story. And I was like, I love this world, as you know, because I live in this world. But to have you like tell me more, I was like a kid in a candy store. So, but what was really fascinating, where I want to start this is, is obviously you've had this near-death experience, but what? Out of curiosity, what actually brought you to the event on that night?
[1:57] Well, there were two things. Firstly, my dad passing a couple of years before, and I was thinking maybe he might have come through or something. But in the background, I only spoke to my wife about this probably, oh my goodness, about eight months ago. And considering I had this experience three years ago, just over three years ago, so it It was sort of like, we'll go to, we'll go see Peter and maybe I'll get to talk to him or maybe it'll come up in the normal converse of the session, you know, of the night. And then at the end, nothing happened. And at the end of the night, I thought, you know what, I'm just going to go up and ask. I might feel like a bit of an idiot, but I'm going to go up and just put it out there and just say, is this what I experienced real or is it, you know, I know it is. And yeah, I thought I'd just wham, bam, drop it on you, basically.
[2:58] Well, when you did ask that, because I knew I could tell straight away that you were nervous, you were anxious going, you know, I could only imagine what was running through your head of probably thinking, what happens if he does tell me i'm making this up yeah what do i think of myself there's nothing like this you're an idiot but the good thing is it went the positive way so we didn't go down that path and i could just see straight away there that there was this weight that just kind of shifted and lifted from you absolutely when.
[3:32] When well like like we met later on down in the foyer I was like a different person It was.
[3:41] So yeah And again just to give all our listeners and viewers here A little bit of context like we were Talking for at least 40 minutes one on one And because it was so much To cover and so guys like strap yourselves In again because like this is going to be a Juicy one so we've got Unlimited time right now we don't know Where this is going to go but The thing that really hit me was as soon as we'd finished that conversation, I loved it. I loved talking with you. I loved hearing about your experience. And then you walked out of the room and then I'm just going, Pete, oh my God, I was the idiot. I'm going, I should have asked him to come on the podcast because this is a beautiful experience. This needs to be shared. This needs to be heard. And then I was like, it's okay. But I'm thinking, you know what? If it's meant to be, If I see him again or if he emails, I'll ask him because I'm saying, cool, spirit will tee this up. Lo and behold, I walk down the floor. What's happening? As I'm walking down the stairs to leave, you are also now just going to leave. So we happen to cross paths probably like 10 minutes later. So it's worked out and this is where we are. And you were a different person. You were kind of like almost floating as you were walking. I could just tell you're like going, oh, my world's changed.
[4:59] Yeah. Yeah, and look, I'm the most, I'll talk to anyone I'm, you know, a most positive person out there, and I'm always the life of the party, so to speak, talking. But when I came up to you that night, I was like a little kid. I was nervous. I had trouble getting words out. But as soon as we met downstairs, mate, yeah, like you said, different person, I'm back to this person. We'll just let it out. That's great.
[5:25] Now, I do want to backtrack here because you did mention, I know you mentioned it on the night, but you've also mentioned it here again, and I think this is what's really important, is that, you know, you're saying that you actually had this near-death experience, like, say, like, three years earlier, but it took a long time to actually even tell your wife about it.
[5:45] Tell anybody, yeah.
[5:46] So, what was the reason? Oh, tell anybody. Was your wife the first person that you told about, or was there somebody else?
[5:51] Yeah. No, my wife was the first person I told.
[5:54] Wow.
[5:54] But it was more- So.
[5:55] You were- Sorry, you were carrying this around. That's okay. But you were carrying this around for two and a half years almost by yourself. Yeah.
[6:07] Wow one wondering i'm a big internal processor and there's been a lot in my life that i've had to put away back in the little boxes back in the back of my head and that was one of them because i i didn't quite comprehend what happened and there was something came up where my wife's dad passed but was was coming to that and her sister i knew was really struggling with it so not wondering or why she's not feeling anything or anything like that so i told my wife and instantly again felt that relief because it was something i was carrying and then told the sister-in-law as well. And it, yeah, I don't know. It was something I was just internalizing and trying, really trying to understand.
[7:05] Yeah. And obviously, did you find that was more like going around in circles more often than not, trying to process it?
[7:12] I was doing laps.
[7:14] Okay.
[7:16] I was doing laps. So, and I, sorry, yep.
[7:21] Now, I was going to say, so even with this, like you're saying, you're doing laps, you're an internal processor, would you say, even though you're processing, which is fine because I'm a bit of an internal processor myself, which most people do know, but when you look at this, would you say there was a fear for you to like voice this or express this experience?
[7:42] Experience yeah in a way of i know it's a it's a bit of a weird way to say it but i i thought people might if i told too many people they might think of me as a nutter or one of these these people that go off on a tangent oh i had this near-death experience and you know oh and everybody saying you know you see the lights and all this kind of crap and you know and and as i'll tell you later mate it was it was nothing like that as i said it was just yeah anyway we'll get into to that later, I'm sure, but my fear was that I thought people would think I'm a bit of a dick or a bit of an idiot, you know?
[8:19] Yeah, and I think that's a hard one. I think the reason why I did want to, like, explore that a little bit more because we didn't get a chance, obviously, on the night to explore that. But it is a very, I personally find, especially when it comes to the male gender and spiritual experiences or spirituality in general, a lot of men struggle with the fact of acceptance amongst others because you're going to be considered a dick, an idiot, a pansy, you know, soft or whatever, you know, you could put on it. And that's why I just think it's valuable. And it's interesting too because, like, you know that you're not. You know that you're not. And it's just hard because you're thinking, what are people going to think of me? And that's why I thought this is just – and just seeing that shift and having that space to be able to express what you went through is so, so important. And that's why I'm also so grateful that you're on here and you're having the courage to like now really put it out into the world. You know, there's going to be a few extra people that know about this now, Dave. You do realize.
[9:28] I do realize that now, mate. Yeah, yeah. No, look, and it was literally from that night that we met and that first, oh, jeez, the first minute that we met that I felt straight away validation of what had happened and things. Or, you know, the understanding, okay, I'm not a lunatic. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a, you know, something I made up. I've got no fear with it now.
[9:53] And um yeah i love that bring it on and i and i just mean this is why i also really wanted to do this because you know your experience obviously your near-death experience but it's also your experience after the nde is also just as important because it's showing you so much and it's showing other people out there who may be feeling or you know kind of coming across the same feelings and thoughts that you have experienced to you know kind of it's okay this is important you're not the nutter it's okay you know yeah and that's nice so well this is cool this is i'm excited now so i'm gonna really kind of hand this over to you in a minute because this is great because you you only very briefly gave me dot point form of what actually happened for you so but we'll get into this now so i'm going to really hand this over to you because this is i can't wait to hear this in detail and i love it because just before we jumped on the recording, you've you've held up the piece of paper going i've actually sat down taken the time gone through this again and you said it was very emotional you've remembered very much yeah yeah so even Even to the point my wife.
[11:09] Just dropped me the tissues because.
[11:11] Oh, wow. I love it.
[11:13] But this is.
[11:14] Yeah. I can't wait.
[11:17] And, mate, you know, I'm a 6'4", 110-kilo guy, so. And to sit here and.
[11:24] Yes. You know. Yes, I do remember talking to you going.
[11:30] How's the air up there.
[11:32] David? I was looking up going.
[11:35] Yeah.
[11:37] So, let's start from the beginning. What led you here? Obviously, you were on a journey well and truly before having the near-death experience. So, you might just have to take us back, lead us into that, and of course, mate, the floor is yours.
[11:52] Yep, can do. All right. So, okay, three and a half years ago, had surgery for prostate, bladder, cancer. Cancer um now before that big surgery which was the seven hour surgery there was another three years before that so my journey with the cancer was going six years right um all up about nine surgeries to try to beat it the last one was the big one the seven hour one that that took my bladder my prostate my lymph nodes man i don't mind saying now because man i've got to get over Over this, I've now got a urine bag that I use. So going into that surgery was the biggest part of it because I knew coming up to all these other surgeries, I had this was the big one. This is the one that could get me.
[12:42] So to speak so i and i my wife knows and i remember saying it to her i said if i can get through this surgery i'll be able to do anything and meaning getting through this surgery was meaning waking up basically right so it was it so yeah so i went into the surgery seven hours they told me it was going to be about a week in icu then two or three weeks in in the ward to recover so i went into the surgery had the surgery the first thing i can remember was day three after surgery or and waking up in in in the normal ward and thinking hang on a minute and i said oh how long has it been and it was and i said oh three days and i said oh they didn't do it i mean nothing happened and but apparently wow the second day i was there i i got out of bed and walked and, And they said.
[13:40] Well, as soon as you can do that. So you've been having a week in ICU. Yep. But you're waking up on day three and they're telling you on day two, you got up and walked.
[13:47] I was on a walker. I had my eyes closed, but I just walked apparently with a walker. And they said, that's it to the ward. Thing is though, within, that was, what was that on the Saturday, the following Saturday, which was day seven, I walked out of the hospital. After seven days of after the surgery.
[14:07] Wow.
[14:08] My urologist doctors were just sitting there going, I don't know how, but you've ticked every box. You're fine. We can't keep you. So I knew then why?
[14:20] Because I remembered it. Because laying in bed at night, I had a lot of time to think and remember. And I'll be honest, like this whole thing, I sat there at night because I had the morphine button or the painkiller button.
[14:34] And there were nights there was one night in particular i remember just thinking constantly about it and wondering if it was fake or not and i couldn't get to sleep so and luckily i used the button and i went to sleep so okay that was the only way because yep it wouldn't stop and i'm thinking did i did i have that did i think it did i not did i whatever you know so anyway so i'll getting the bones of the axe there's a bit of prelude into how it came about so literally the i i sat before this a couple of days ago and and really sat when i wrote this bit of paper down and or i tried to remember the first thing that i remembered or first thing i saw when when it became apparent that i was in this yeah i'll literally read what i wrote down because i think what i wrote down was at that time it was just everything i had it was like being in an ambient lit space or an area but it wasn't a room it was it was right just it was it was just a place what you didn't define itself with walls or anything it was just an ambient lit room so it wasn't bright lights it wasn't anything like that it was just calm a calm room it was there was no No noise. There was no sound, but it was calm. That's all I remember. So I've written calm four times. It was just calm.
[16:00] Time didn't. Seem anything i didn't see myself lying on the table or anything like that it was literally i was in this this area then then it then it happened dad dad just was there he did i i can't remember him fading in i can't remember popping in or i can't remember you know he was just there standing in front of me but i remember he was like like he died at 84 and he was suffering dementia he was I held his hand when he took his last breath, but he wasn't that. He was in his 40s. He was in his 30s or 40s. He was this younger man that was just there, you know, and, yeah, it was, he just said, anyway, I'm going to try to get through this without using those tissues.
[16:53] Yeah, use the tissues, mate. There's nothing, because I can see you. For those who are listening.
[16:58] I'm just going to.
[16:59] Give that little kind audio.
[17:00] Closed caption thing here it's like you.
[17:03] Know as you're.
[17:05] Saying this you are.
[17:07] And it's but you're feeling every bit of it and i can still see as you're describing your dad being in that like just being there all right you're still in shock.
[17:17] Yeah you're like you and it's i.
[17:20] Love it because i as soon as you're recalling that it's like you're there with him again i can.
[17:24] See that with you the last memory i had of him before this was him struggling to take his last breath, on his deathbed and i'm holding his hand rubbing his forehead you know and then to the next time to see him and that like to give you an idea we couldn't do anything with his ashes for two years i had to keep them because i couldn't i wasn't ready to do that so that's how close i was to my dad right right then to see him as a strapping man that i remember him like when i was a kid and there's this this guy just standing there and he did the conversation wasn't like this it wasn't just a massive long conversation it was short it was sweet it was you know and he looked at me and we said that's enough pain now son it's time to rest because dealing with what i've dealt with in my life prior to all the surgeries um which is something different i don't want to get into that, um yeah that's okay it was it was it was you know i put a lot of way in the mind and and stuff like that and dealt with a lot of pain and things like that so so he said yeah it was it's time to rest I knew straight away what.
[18:40] What he said and what he meant, you know, it wasn't come to the light or anything like that. I knew it was, you know, let's go, son. Come on, you've had enough pain and, you know, let's move on. And like the true Bogan, I said, yeah, I remember saying, nah, all good, dad. I have too much to live for. So, and because of what's happening in my life and you, my life, you met at my beautiful wife, Ruth, and that's what I meant. I've got too much living to do with Ruth, my kids, grandkids.
[19:16] Everything since after the surgery and feeling so much better and was just been flying. I wanted to stay on the ground, you know. So literally, so that was, it was like two phrases, you know, you've had enough pain now, son, it's time to rest. No, all good, Dad. I've got too much to live for. and then he said okay son and that was it he was gone so it was so quick but it felt like an eternity if but calm the only word i can use is calm everything was like there was no there wasn't was there emotion i don't think it was like emotion of seeing someone you know like i didn't sit there and go oh my god it's bad oh my god i miss you or anything yeah it was just that straight conversation and it was just so calm and we just yeah and then he was and then he was gone you know and yeah so it was tough after that i think that's the other side of the processing of that i was doing for that for that while of trying to understand how how how he could be there that quick and gone that quick and and not anything else you know and again that another reason why Why we came to see you is to see if there was anything that he'd come back and go, it was me, mate. Don't worry about it. You know, it's all right.
[20:38] Son.
[20:38] It was me. It was all good. You know?
[20:41] Yeah.
[20:43] But yeah, and. So, yeah, so it was weird. So, now, the difference I've always...
[20:49] I'm really feeling it because I can see you... No, it's okay. I just want to just kind of give you a little bit of a chance to... Because you're, you know, this is you being this vulnerable, like, it's just so, like, refreshing to see. And honestly, I'm grateful and I feel privileged that you're sharing this and being able to be this open with everyone listening to this. And I can see that. and even as you're talking again just in case anyone's listening you know just want to show like you know you're really even now talking about this you're wrestling with this like wow like you've had this beautiful moment of seeing your dad as your dad as you remember your dad being in his prime and then all of a sudden it's like great your dad you're here you're healthy this is oh my god how nice to see you but dad now you're gone what like gone there wasn't like we'll We'll catch you later or, hey, we'll talk again soon.
[21:42] No, no bro hug or anything, nothing, you know. Or more it would have been with dad, it would have been a handshake, you know. But it was nothing. But again, while it was happening, it was so calm, it was so beautiful. But I miss it. I want it more. Not more that, but I want that feeling of him more.
[22:04] The connection.
[22:05] Yeah.
[22:06] It's the connection. it's it's the emotional connection it's like it that's the energy that's the energetic bond that we talk about when you have a bond with someone of like you know as you were saying earlier like you that's how close you and your dad really were like you know and you you had that and you felt that and you got that back and i suppose it it can be a little bit you know like you're saying i can even see there a little bit you know um disappointing deflating because you've You've got it back, and just almost in this same moment, you've lost it again. Would you say that you're kind of grieving him again a little bit or not so much?
[22:45] Yes and no. I know that's a cliche again, yes and no.
[22:48] No first.
[22:49] No, because I know he's all right, and I know he's gone somewhere because he was very religious, like not through his whole life. Something happened in his life when I was about nine that mum left and things like that and he was a single dad and he was before that he was drink you know he was an old sailor he used to drink he used to smoke and but when that happened he turned to the church and all this kind of stuff so he was such a different man from when when he when he passed he was a beautiful man everybody loved him so right, I miss him every day. I miss my dad every day. You know, I've got things of his old beer steins and things in my office and his, you know, things like that. And, yeah, I miss my dad every day. But I know now one day I'll see him again. I know that. And like we said in that one, you asked me that question. I still remember that question. Are you scared of dying now? or you're afraid of dying now. No. When I want to go, when it's my time, I'm not now. I'm all good with it. You know, I don't want to leave. Don't get me wrong. I've got too much to live for.
[24:08] Yeah, we've got to make sure we explain this properly to people.
[24:13] Mate, I've got a lovely life, you know, and I appreciate everything. And, yeah, I listed down, and I want to get this across. We talked about the energy that I've got. after being like plugged back into the mothership, so to speak, of that side. Mate, all my friends and everybody now call me the Everettie Bunny because I have so much energy, so much positive outlook. They're drawn to me. They tell me that they're drawn to me because of my enthusiasm, my love for life and how I look after people now and things like that. It was a change, even quirky little things. Going into, before surgery, I used to drink three 600 ml Mountain Dews a day. I don't like Mountain Dew now.
[25:04] Okay. Just on that note, I have, I know some people do have these changes when they have these kind of experiences, but do you, just out of curiosity with that, have, do you, like when you first started looking at the Mountain Dew bottle, was there a part of like, part part of you kind of going oh okay that's me and you did you taste it and then go oh my that's not me anymore.
[25:25] How did that happen how did you find out on on the as soon as i could get out by myself, i because i was at home for a little bit i couldn't drive because of the surgery blah blah but when i got out i i grabbed a mountain dew cracked it open and sipped it i almost had to spit it out it was it was that bad i did not like it wow and i was i was hooked on that stuff you know, and cornflakes. Again, cornflakes. I've got to have cornflakes four to five times a day, four to five times a week now.
[25:56] Okay, so you've lost the craving of Mountain Dew and you've adopted a craving for cornflakes.
[26:02] Yep, yep.
[26:05] So cornflakes was not on your menu before?
[26:07] No, no, no. And this is the other thing. Like, I'm a self-proclaimed meat-itarian, so to speak. So I don't eat vegetables, don't eat salads or anything. But this was just totally left of field sort of thing. So it was little weird things that I'm sitting here going, so is that why now I do this? Is that what's happened? Is it all these different things? But yeah, so many people tell me about the other side of it, about how they're drawn to me because of the positive energy that I've got now and everybody, yeah, they love it being around me. So it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool.
[26:44] So, and that's me. So, in this essence of when you're having it and the actual, like, you're in that room, you've met your dad, your dad's kind of saying, hey, mate, it's enough now, you've had enough pain. You've literally gone kind of almost the whole fact of like, hey, dad, I'm hearing you, love you, but not now.
[27:03] Not right now. And then it's kind of- Take a rain check.
[27:06] And got too much to live for.
[27:08] Which is a good.
[27:09] Thing because at least you recognize that at the moment of truth because it's a real moment of truth that one and then so like you said then your dad was gone and so when that happened it was that literally like it all kind of just kind of came to or it's like a darkness again and the next thing you remember is you're waking up in the ward or how did that how did you kind of come out of that.
[27:26] No went like i said when he when after we had that short conversation and i said uh you know it's good and he said yep that's okay son done it was like he was just not there again you know how i said he faded i'm not faded in or anything he was just appeared then he was just gone and i was in that room i i have no idea for how long it felt i can't recall that but then all i remembered was waking up in in oh the first thing i remember was was in the ward three days later that's the first thing i can recall and and just Just, yeah, woke up and there's Ruth standing there, which was pretty cool.
[28:07] And it definitely, it's cool and it's like, but it plays with your mind. And I can see why you would have been on a repetitive loop trying to work it out. Because in actual fact, you've got what on the surgery table is like at least seven hours, if not more, working through that. Then you've got like, well, I don't even know whether to count day two as, because, you know, typically you're walking, but you don't even remember doing that. So that's trippy for me. I have to admit, hearing you say that, I'm like, that's really trippy.
[28:37] But the fact that waking up at day three. So you've almost got three whole days of –, Like being unconscious and whatever else, but you had this one time in the room, connecting with your dad and waiting in the room, then you kind of wake up. And it is very well known that within connecting with the other side and as we do, time runs very, very differently for the spirit and soul aspect. So, it can play tricks of us going, but it's like, was I in that room for like three days or what's the story? It's kind of like, you know, technically not necessarily, but it's nice that you've kind of come out of that and you've done it. And what an amazing thing, like, you said that, so, some of the bigger changes, I suppose, since this experience, and number one's your energy, because, like, and I have to admit, guys, like, I definitely want to disclose here, when I met David, when we're talking, like, you were, man, like, I look at you, you are a shining light. You are literally the epitome of when people say, you know, we've got lovely sayings in spiritual circles of like, you know, shine your light. Yeah, yeah. Well, you do. Like, yours is on probably, like, way more than everybody else's. And it is. And I can see why people are drawn to your energy because it's like the whole moth to the flame.
[29:52] It's, you know, you are radiating. That's the best word I can think of describing your energy is it's a radiation. And that's why, like, you're radiating it out and people are being drawn to it in that sense. So, you know, energy is up there. I remember you saying, so do you still feel like there's any – I remember we had a quick conversation. We were talking about how, like, if you didn't have to sleep, you wouldn't. Do you still feel like that?
[30:16] The mind says yes, like that, definitely.
[30:20] So I could – yeah. Yeah.
[30:22] And, like, since we're speaking, I've built floors of houses from ground up and all this kind of stuff. And I'm working with a builder who's been a builder for 30 years. And he said, mate, he said, you're worth three apprentices. He said, no one works this fast. So, and he couldn't keep up with me. And we're talking lifting LVL beams that are 11 metres long and stuff like that. So, yeah.
[30:53] Just to clarify this, were you into building floors before, you know, having this experience?
[30:59] First time I built a floor, mate.
[31:01] First time I've built a floor.
[31:07] So, and it's like, it's interesting because you talk very big about like, even in the experience, you're like, hey, I've got too much to live for. Are you finding that zest for life? And do you just find that, because, you know, having read a lot about other people's obviously near-death experiences, like there's this whole like new sense of life. It's almost like you have a different viewpoint or a different take on what's happening in your life. Have you found that to be the case?
[31:35] Yeah, I've got a different outlook on life completely. I want to experience and just, especially with my wife, I just want to do everything as we can. Whatever I can do, I'll do. I'll do as much as I can. I want to develop land and put three houses on it. I want to do this. I want to go overseas. I want to just, yeah, whatever I can get into the funnel, bring it on.
[32:00] And so, would you say that, like, you are now more driven than you were before?
[32:05] I've been a pretty driven guy my whole life, but it's off the scale right now. Yeah. It's off the scale.
[32:13] Maybe your friends are going, how could you? You're like, they're going, you were full on before. Like, now you're off the scale. Like, you're off the chart. Okay.
[32:21] And I'm a national sales manager. you so and i run it doing it all stuff like yeah so like yeah give me give me seven days a week plus three and i'll be right so.
[32:32] Overall what would you say is the biggest change or impact this experience has given you.
[32:41] It's taken away i guess the fear like and i'll explain it more the fear that you know people always say oh you don't know what's on the other side you just what's going to happen to me when I die, blah, blah, blah. I don't care what happens because I know I'm going to be all right. And not having that in the back mind of just doing day-to-day stuff, people go, oh, what if I die? Everything is, where do I go? Do I go into a black hole? I'm going to go to hell. I'm going to go here. I don't care. I know I'm going to be fine. And that's a big part of me, knowing that. It might not be the be-all of end-all for anybody else, but for me, that's a big thing, knowing that everything's going to be okay. And eventually, I'm going to see everybody in this life that's living and in the future everywhere else that's not living i'm going to see them as well so i'm just going to get to see everybody again so it's just going to be a role on that takes gives me joy knowing that i'll just see people again.
[33:41] Look at your smile on your yeah i know like you can't like honestly like it's so like it's you're recalling it and you're feeling and you're going yeah i know they're going to be okay even if i'm gone earlier i know they're going to catch up with me later it's like and anybody who's gone before me they're waiting for me anyway and it's just like it you know it comes down to the whole thing it's like a train you're just waiting for your stop to get out and then you know the train continues on and you meet up with people when it kind of happens so so that's a i love that because it's giving you such a different it's hard to explain isn't it like yeah even sensing what you're feeling like i'm picking up what you're feeling i'm going oh this is a tricky one like yeah it's a knowing but how it's how do you like and it's hard to explain to people i just know it's like you know what i mean you just said that's the only word i can feel or phrase i just know it's going to be okay i know i'm going to be okay yeah i know i'm okay i know you're going to be okay i know they're okay yep in however many years mate i'll give you.
[34:42] A high five in in wherever.
[34:44] We are you know you know.
[34:48] So yeah it i guess it's that it's a cliche again and that inner feeling, you know, and you can't really see me doing that on the camera, I don't know, but you just, I don't know. Again, that word, calm.
[35:01] It's an internal thing and it's not a head thing. No. Yeah, and that's what we, so we, like, you know, in our circles, you've got to remember what kind of channel and podcast you're on here, so it's not going to be, like, not weird. This is our norm, okay? We feel like, he's coming to the dark side. No, but it's just like, it is your, you get to experience it. And I think that's the biggest thing is like, You know, just out of curiosity, you know, you're saying how obviously your dad had a change in his life and he found, you know, a sense of spirituality and faith through the church and he kind of had a big change in his life. Looking at your life before this, where were you kind of sitting with things and like with your faith or your sense of spiritual, you know, compass? What was happening here? Because that'd be just interesting to know how much that's kind of changed for you since this experience.
[35:55] Okay, so when Dad had his change, he went to the church. We were young. We went to the church. So I was brought up through Sunday school. I was a Sunday school teacher, believe it or not, poor kids, and went through the youth groups at the church and things like that. So I believed in God and everything that happened. And one thing, as I grew older, even though I kept those beliefs, I didn't believe that I had to go to church every Sunday to be a good person and to be accepted into heaven or anything like that.
[36:29] Now, I still believe I don't have to go to church to be a good person. I'll be honest, I don't know if the stereotypical words or placements of heaven and hell, all I know is this very calm area that I went to. I don't know if there's a heaven or hell. Confused about it a bit, You might be able to help me in terminology of understanding that. But all I know is that I'm going to, whether this is the halfway house that I went to, so to speak, before you get up or down, I don't know. But again, all I know is that it's... Calm and it's going to be okay you're going to be met by someone someone i know i i always think that someone when i do go now someone's going to meet me and take me wherever i'm going and i get the inner feeling that it doesn't matter i don't think there's that up or down i think it's just a place where everything's okay you know.
[37:28] Yeah i don't know i can see you i can see you in your mind i can see your mind going how else do i what phrase do i use it's gonna be okay i can see you go i feel like i'm being a little bit like lazy here like i need a different phrase or i need a different word but it's okay because that is ultimately the only way that it can do justice to what you're actually feeling on the inside it's like it's just gonna be okay yeah and it's a beautiful thing and like definitely in terms just to kind of clarify like you know from my professional kind of take on it in my opinion doesn't always mean it's that thing but it's like you were pretty much spot on it was a very much a halfway house that were you in because you were still like they always meet you and they prepare you before you're passing and in this space you know obviously going through because you're in surgery at the time so it was able to be in a nice calm quiet place to.
[38:20] Almost eliminate any distraction and so for you it was just about being there obviously the chance to have that meeting and it was your choice about whether it was going to be your time to go or not and that's why it's more like the waiting room not necessarily the meeting room because the meeting room is much that's the welcome home party so you're not you know because you decided there was more to do here you know in a good way like okay that that welcome home party's on hold okay the invitations date has been changed uh so we're gonna get there for you but it the beautiful thing is it's like you had that moment and I love that and I just think it's a great thing that you've been able to kind of share but I love it too because you also make mention here you okay?
[39:08] Yeah it's all good.
[39:10] No, it's nice, but just out of curiosity, because obviously something reacted or kind of like, you know, emotionally triggered you. What was that? What was going on there?
[39:18] Wondering who's on that other side because my mum's passed as well and wondering if their dad was, you know, if I would have said yes, it would have been just, like you said, the doors open and mates that I've lost and mum and everybody's just there, you know, and that was a raw passing.
[39:36] They're all there.
[39:36] Yeah.
[39:37] They're all there. Yeah. And as you can see, and this is what's important, this is why also when these connections happen, especially even in our own way of when you've had your own experience, that it's important that we kind of take it one person at a time.
[39:53] Yeah.
[39:54] Because you got a beautiful validation and a beautiful sense of healing and a knowing around your dad that he's okay and you needed that at that time.
[40:03] Oh, big time.
[40:03] And that's probably most likely. Luckily, that's probably why he chose to put his hand up to meet you and have that conversation with you and to know that and kind of do it. And all I say, when you have moments like this, as much as I love connecting people with their loved ones, you having that experience of meeting him, that trumps anything I can give you. You know, you can't take that away. It's your experience. You felt it. You know it. And it's unshakable now. Unshakable. And you just know it within, you know, it doesn't matter who can come up to you and say, oh, that wasn't real. You'd be like, well, it was for me. No one can take that away from you, and that's such a beautiful experience. But if we just had everyone waiting for us while we make our decision, overwhelming.
[40:48] Overwhelming. Yeah. A bit of peer pressure. It's like, we've got the party on hold. Do you want to come? You know?
[40:55] So, they do give you a bit of a helping hand. So, it's a beautiful thing. They're all going to be there waiting for you. And then the other thing too is like you've got obviously all your family, You've got all your friends, all that kind of stuff. And then the other beautiful part is, which is, it's a harder one to explain when you have an experience that is there's also souls over there that are part of your soul family that haven't necessarily been part of your family in this lifetime. And some of those people are the ones that you really love to connect with as well. So, you've got a whole array of beautiful souls that you'll end up meeting of when it's your time. But even with that, as much as you miss them, and of course, you would like to, you know, see them and meet them again, which you know you will now. Yeah. The beautiful thing is you've got so much more here to experience. Ah absolutely and and that's what you've got to make the most of because you're here you've got this experience i love your attitude considering what you've been through like of course you know we've got like if we just very basically split it into two lives like you said there's a whole bunch happening before this moment so you've got all that there but then you've got all of this in itself is an ordeal you've gone through that you are literally like going right i've i've lost Lost internal organs, I'm not 100% whole, but despite all of that, you have more energy, you have more zest for life, you have more understanding, you have more compassion. I would say you have more love because didn't you also mention that you're also now volunteering at a hospital because you feel like you want to be there? Is that correct?
[42:23] Yeah, at the hospital that I had the surgery at, I don't know if the names of hospitals and all that are relevant, but I do the men's health twice a year. They have a big gathering of men who are going through prostate cancers and all different kinds of cancers. And I get up and share my story to them and my journey. And I stand and talk with them afterwards. And the last one was, oh, when did we have one? Probably about three or four months ago. And there were 27 guys there and 32 online watching it. And one guy came up to me afterwards and he just said, I'm about to have that same surgery. And he said now looking at you he said i'm not scared i can get through this now because i've seen what you come out the other side and what you can be and i just said like go into it with your head high and come out flying you know yeah so and it helps people i love doing that i love helping people so anyway i can whether it's yeah anything see.
[43:25] There's that zest there's that energy going what is it bring it on okay.
[43:29] Do you need to do something.
[43:30] I'll do it for you like i could just Just there's your energizer bunny going, huh, huh, huh, huh. Yep, that's it. You're almost all that little prairie dog. What's going on? What's going on? Did you hear me? Did someone say my name? Like it's a very high energy that you have when you're just even thinking about it. You're going, cool, let's do it. Like I just feel like you're just like ready to go at the jump of a gun if it's habit. But I love that. And it's like you've come out of that. You also, and I think that's a beautiful thing that you could share your experience on the physical and obviously the mental, emotional aspect of surgery, going through cancer. Obviously, that's very, you know, helpful for people who are unfortunately going through that part of the journey, but knowing that it can be done and go through it, that's a beautiful thing. And that's what I love now. I feel like this is also an important part of your journey to express this. So, you know, and it's an amazing thing and it's like, and I love it. It seems so simple, like it's not this massive ordeal of a near-death experience. It's so simple, but so potent and powerful and life-changing.
[44:33] Four phrases or three or four phrases or whatever it is. How easy could it be?
[44:39] Yeah, and it's given you a whole different look on life. It's given you a whole different look on, like, death and, you know, what happens after life, and it's a beautiful thing. And, you know, I just want to say a massive thank you for taking the time to share and just seeing how open and vulnerable you are with this. I just wish so many more people, and especially men, could see this and appreciate this because the world needs this and the world needs people like you to be open, honest and share this as well. So, you know, with that, so a huge thank you for being open and honest and sharing that with us here. But to take us out, I'm going to ask you one more question.
[45:24] Yeah, mate, go for it.
[45:25] Okay. He's not prepared for this. This is the...
[45:28] No.
[45:29] So, the whole thing is now going through all of this and everything we've experienced, everything we've even talked about here, here what would be the message that you would love to share with the world.
[45:38] Live life to the fullest because everything else after that is fine you don't have to worry about it that's it's simple again it's simple live life to the fullest love the people you're with you know and and don't don't know i guess don't i don't worry about not don't worry about not seeing them again because Because you will. It's there. It's going to happen. But just live life and love everyone around you.
[46:07] That's what we're here for, is to love people, I reckon, and help people.
[46:12] Love it.
[46:12] If you've got it.
[46:12] Do it. What a beautiful message. Again, thank you so much for your time and thank you so much for sharing your story. It's been an absolute pleasure.
[46:20] Mate, thank you for helping me get this out of me as well. You know what I mean? and understanding and yeah, it helps me a lot and no doubt I'll go away after this and have a good think about it and do more thinking. But thank you to you, Peter, for helping me through this, mate. I appreciate it.
[46:40] Nah, absolutely, mate. I'm the same as you. I love helping where I can and I'm just so happy it's helping. I love that we've managed to also share this and bring it all together. It's been absolutely magical. Thanks again, mate.
[46:50] You're very welcome, my friend. Cheers.