[0:00] Hello everyone and welcome and thank you so much for joining me back here on the pod, the Inner Power pod. It is nice to be with you and I am really looking forward to just being here and having a chat with you about the restless soul.
[0:28] Yeah it is something that i have dubbed it's my term okay so don't go off and start googling it it's a it's a petism that i have dubbed and the energy recently has really brought this to the before and that is why i have felt a calling to sit down do this particular episode as i really do believe it will help anybody else who might be going through some of these symptoms or conditions and working with the energy at the moment where and you can't explain things so we're going to take it through so i really do encourage you depending where you are but if you're at home whatever i would yeah just make sure you're sitting down with a nice cuppa because it's just going to be you and me here for this episode going through things and hopefully this can help you as well so again thank you for joining me of course this is your first time being with me thank you for joining and being here so the restless soul the energy of of the moment and at what i'm talking about the moment like we are literally in it it is the eclipse season it is full moon tonight night at the time of this recording and i'm usually not even that concerned with these particular planetary movements and situations and astronomical things i.
[1:57] Do believe in them don't get me wrong however but right now the energy boom different i have never experienced energy like it at the moment it's kind of come good but it's been real stop start stop start stop start you may have very well been going through this in the lead-up so for the previous two weeks kind of like pretty much september late august september at this particular point then she's kind of going through but even it's a bit talking about the energy at the moment this is what's prompted the episode however what i'm going to be talking about is not obviously very specific to this moment the only reason is the energy at the moment has brought up these symptoms and brought up these situations which has made me kind of really kind of reflect and this is, giving you some tools i'm actually going to talk you through an exercise if you really want to get into this so this is really about listening about the soul this is getting down and connecting.
[3:01] With that real true essence of yourself this is not something that everyone has the capability of but this is where it breaks down and i want to come back to something that is going to become more prominent you'll probably hear me talk more and more about it if you're new to the pod you won't be aware of this but if you've been following me on my journey with the inner power podcast so far you will be aware of what i have dubbed the ees so for those of the uninitiated in case you've forgotten it's okay you're forgiven no the ees is what i refer to as your energetic and emotional sensitivity.
[3:43] Now the reason why I talk about this is because I'm now finding it an easier way, a more relatable way for people to understand how the energy works and how some people so-called more connected than others. Now it's quite interesting, I was speaking with a client today and it's funny she's like no peter you definitely have a superpower and i'm like you know of course i have a bit of a laugh because if you don't laugh it's like and it's like it's not really a superpower the whole difference is is that i am just more energetically and emotionally sensitive to the overall feelings and what i'm tapping into which is of course the beautiful spirit energy now also while i'm here i just want to clarify just i'm going with this guys so bear with me and i'm just feel beautifully aligned here.
[4:47] That I'm being guided to really help. And I feel like this episode, wherever you are, and whatever time you're listening to this, you are being called to this episode for a reason. Therefore, I feel as though right now, like I said, I'm being sensitive to the energy, I'm being sensitive to the feelings that I'm receiving, even right now, recording this, that I'm being called to, right, Pete, slow down, come back, explain this part too. So when people talk about that connectivity and we talk about the abilities some people refer to be able to connect with spirit you know as a gift and all that kind of stuff for me it's an ability i believe we all have it the only difference is some of us are more sensitive than others now what are we connecting to this is why this little drop in just before what are we really connecting to, and someone actually did ask me this the other day, which is a very good question, and I can understand the little bit of confusion, was, hang on, Pete, when you're saying you're connecting and you're sensitive to this, at one point, I'm talking about soul. Then at one point, I'm talking about spirit. And then at another point, I'm talking about universe.
[6:07] So their question was what's what and what are you connecting to so in case this could be just something i want to walk you through this and make sure you know everybody gets a full understanding of what this is so the easiest way to explain it is almost think of it as layers is probably just the easiest way to visualize this in the mind and if we start at the very top universe universe is my lovely word that's that source energy the greater overall energy so some people of you in the christian times or christian line of things you'll be talking about god or you could be talking about jesus and the christ like energy which is all there and it's connected with it as well so you have that overall energy whatever you wish to call it right so there's a universe energy so what i'm talking about like the universe is giving us i'm talking about the real overall energy in itself is showing this. I love referring to it as universe personally.
[7:09] Because universe is scientifically proven to be forever expansive. It is always expanding. It's never retracting. And expansive energy is very positive energy. It's about growth. And this relates to us very individually as well, because growth is a big factor. So universe is the overall arching side of things. Then we come to spirit. And when I say to people, especially when I'm doing my work or I'm connecting, I'll be like, oh, connecting with spirit here. And even as I'm recording this and, you know, talking this, I'm actually connecting and channeling the spirit energy. So how is this different? It is universe.
[7:54] Yes, but the spirit energy is encompassing the universal energy, but it's a reference to the actual encompassment of it and the connection to its consciousness. Consciousness the spirit energy which is connected and belongs to the universe but it has a consciousness it is a living entity and it's also a living being if you would like to look at it that way and it has its own energy it has a very abundant very robust energy and it's the consciousness and that consciousness means it thinks it feels it has purpose it has all of these beautiful things and so when i'm saying oh spirit's telling me this or i'm connecting to spirit like i'm talking about the overall conscious energy then of course we come to the soul and when we talk about the soul now the soul is an individual identity and this is my take guys you You know, you can take it or leave it. That's completely fine. And I'm always open to working on it and refining it. That's the beautiful part about this work. So the soul energy is an individual container. Yeah. And an individual conscious energy which actually exists and belongs within the spirit energy.
[9:20] So if we kind of remember like the Makushka dolls, the Russian doll set where it's like there's a doll within a doll within a doll.
[9:27] That's probably the best way to explain this. The big overall doll is the universe. The next layer in is the spiritual energy, the overall consciousness of that. And then further in which is a little bit smaller again you'd have like a soul energy which is within myself within you listening within your friends your family all the beautiful living beings that have consciousness with on this planet the planet itself has its own consciousness and it so it has its own sense and it kind of belongs to that spiritual energy and so forth so i just wanted to explain that and clarify that as we start jumping in here to talk about the restless soul energy now it's also important that i took you through that explanation because that also helps to understand that as the energy shifts changes expands accelerates changes frequency or vibration at a higher level on a universal or a spiritual or spirit level this of course naturally flows down and has a direct effect or connection to our soul so therefore it will respond.
[10:46] Directly to those changes that are coming from the higher energy of the higher consciousness So, I'm hoping that this is making sense. I'm hoping that you're following here. And so, this is what kind of comes about.
[11:00] Now, bear with me. We're going to take another quick side tangent here.
[11:05] Because what's also important in this process as we're talking about the restless soul, and this is a nice little can of worms that I'm going to open up. And the main thing here is not to come up with a specific answer. This is more about just opening one's mind, opening to exploring the ideas. Is. And the more you have a mindset of openness, of exploring, of questioning, that's a very healthy mindset when you're dealing with this beautiful vastness of energy of the universe and spirit and this consciousness. Because there's so much of it that we just, as humans, cannot fully comprehend.
[11:47] So in this moment, I want to have a look at, we come down and of course we all have our own individual soul, as I was just saying. Now, each of our souls has its lessons and its plan. The number one thing that you're here for is growth. That's how lessons come about. We have to go through growth. Yes, I hate to say it, sometimes that growth is only achieved through hurt and pain. Not ideal, not great for us. However, it happens. So, we have to go through this growth. Now, as we come down here and as we live our beautiful life that we do, we are given a mighty, mighty gift, the most beautiful gift you could possibly have. And that is the gift of free will. And free will connects to the power.
[12:40] Of choice. So as much as we come down here with our lessons, we come down here with what we desire to learn and what we've kind of planned to learn, once we get here, we have that beautiful gift of free will and the power of that gift is choice. Do we want to do that? I could say yes, I could say no, I could leave it, whatever I want to do.
[13:03] That's what can happen and so sometimes we don't always accomplish what we want to do while we're here and it's completely fine it's okay however there are some points during your existence and during your time however brief it might be on this planet and in this lovely body of ours and as the soul in this particular incarnation There are points where even that beautiful gift of free will and that beautiful power of choice will also get hijacked. It doesn't happen very often, but this is when your soul speaks to you. This is when the soul really comes out and it's saying, hey, you need to really stop. You need to pay attention here or something's happening. Now, this will appear when this moment or these moments, because for me, there's been many, but these moments do appear. But they're going to appear differently for every single person. And they will appear based on your level of energetic and emotional sensitivity.
[14:32] So let's just say there's a scale of 1 to 10, I'm probably up there around a 7, 8, maybe a 9. Okay, majority of people are probably hovering around the 4 mark, 4 to 5, and there's also a lot of people that are in between on all different levels. So because of this effect we're all going to be have different reactions so how do i explain this for myself and the reason why i'm being called to do this because i genuinely feel that anybody listening to this episode will either have very similar symptoms to possibly what i'm doing because i'm kind of like at a higher sensitive level so you'll be able to understand that if you feel or you're believing that you're not like at a seven or eight in sensitivity you might be in that mid-range, you'll be able to understand some of what's kind of coming through and you can apply this to yourself. So, what really came up here and the reason what prompted this episode was because it was Saturday and I had my time up in Darwin, I was up there for an event and I was literally.
[15:38] Kind of going, it was a little bit of a mess. I'll say it didn't, nothing was super smooth about this trip. Airfares changed, flights changed, I had to change hotel bookings. It was one of those things. However, at the end of the day, I surrendered to it and go, okay, I'm going to be there for this amount of time. The most beautiful part about it was, is after a whole big whirlwind trip around the world with California, Europe, then of course, was coming back touring a little bit more of australia i had a day in darwin and i thought this is going to be a beautiful day i'm just so looking forward to having a day like really a day like there's nothing to do there's no one to meet there's like you know i mean there was i was like wow i can really just take a day and really time out and chill during this and i
[16:32] was like in sweet sweet, it's going to be beautiful and warm. I'll be able to enjoy the pool. If I'm there, I could read because I've got a lovely book that I'm reading. Maybe when I'm done that, I can do some journaling, really just enjoying these beautiful soul-nurturing exercises. I thought, sweet. Well, lo and behold, I reached this day of mine. All I'm going to say is that's when the restless soul appeared.
[17:03] It took me a little bit to latch on to what was going on because it's not always immediate. So I'm going to walk you through and describe it and hopefully you can understand some of these symptoms. You might be able to apply them to yourself and just help understand what's kind of going on.
[17:17] So I had all these beautiful ideas. And as you can see, they're not like super stressful ideas. They're very, very nurturing ideas. They're very things that I do enjoy. Like they're my downtime things. Whenever I get a chance to do them or I get a calling to do them. And also another big thing that I love doing when I'm done with it is I love walking the Esplanade there because it's beautiful and green. It's right on the water. The birds are amazing. The dragonflies. It's just very nurturing and I love that. But come this beautiful Saturday, my day, chill day, well it really did become a chill day but in a very different way. Anyway, I literally woke up still early enough. It was 8.30, so that wasn't too bad for me. And I managed to go out and get my coffee and toasty across the road, which I love to do, which is lovely, by the way, and got back to the room. And then I was like, okay, by the time I enjoyed that, I did have one radio interview to do. So I waited around for that. That was lovely, smooth. Then I was like, I really should go for my walk before it gets too hot. And in that moment, as soon as I thought I wanted to do that, there was this niggle.
[18:36] Now, it's not in your mind. It doesn't come from your mind. It doesn't come from your head. It's not even a thought. It doesn't even pop into your head. This is a knowing. This comes from deeper within, and it's as if you can feel a resistance. It's as if it's like, no, I'm not going to do that. And I listened to that, and I was like, oh. And I was like, and I thought it might be just from the late night because my flight got in. I might be like, okay, we'll do that later. Anyway, so I told myself, right, but go and get yourself sorted. Go and get your bottles of water. Go and get your kombucha. Go and get your snacks that you need because I'm here for a couple of days. So I managed to get out. I went for a walk to good old Woolworths, the supermarket, and I came back.
[19:28] Now it's beautiful. Like we're now looking at one o'clock in the afternoon and this is prime time. pool time. And I was looking at it and looking outside my window. I was like, this is beautiful. I should really hit the pool. As soon as I thought that to myself, again, this deeper knowing and resistance is like, and it wasn't even a niggle now. This was a hard line.
[19:59] Nah. It's like, it's this super a very strong resistance of a no but it's not like no we're not doing that for me like personally it's like no it's it's like casual because you know each other it's very different and it's like and then it's it's so powerful because all of a sudden it's like enough and there's nothing else behind this answer or feeling. There is nothing else. It is a pure and utter resistance to the thought or idea. And you're like, oh, and it's no different to like when you might be like parent to child, like you might be talking to your kids, convince them, let's go somewhere. And they're like, I don't want to go. And all of a sudden it becomes so problematic. And like by the time you actually convince the child, the energy's gone out of it. You don't want to go there anymore. Like the whole mood's changed. You're like, fine, we're not going today. We'll do it another day. This is that kind of energy. Or vice versa, like where you might be talking to someone else and they're like, no, no, no. It's the same thing. Like, okay, cool. It changes your whole feeling. It's almost like there's this totally different energy involved and it's just not agreeing with you with what you want to do.
[21:22] The thing is, this is all happening internally. And if you're having or if you've experienced this kind of like level of resistance, if like I'm very fortunate because I'm a little more sensitive and because I work a lot with the energy and channeling the energy, I can hear that part of that voice of nap.
[21:42] And it just and it does. But when this happens, like I've been working with like this for a long time, it's still a shock. Because oh and it's like okay and so all of a sudden you're left with that awkwardness, but all alone in the room or wherever you are it's just this little bit of awkwardness because now, you're starting to question what should i do because that felt like a really good idea i was looking forward to that but now it's like no i'm not allowed to do that and this is like where i say the soul very seldomly comes out and does this but it will do it when it's important really really important and obviously this was very very important and then all of a sudden throughout the day as the day progressed all i could do was keep prompting myself with ideas or activities so pool wasn't good going for a walk wasn't good maybe i'm like cool we'll just Just chill. I'll get on the computer and do some computer or even play a game on the computer. No. Right.
[22:56] So, I'm out of ideas. And it's as if I just, I'm like, what do I do here? And you'll find this, that's where the restlessness comes in. Because all of a sudden now you're aware that nothing is going to hold your focus. Nothing's going to hold your attention. all the usual go-to things that you would do to relax chill time out center ground any of those particular activities which are really good activities these are the super mindful activities these are the activities that help with your energy to center your energy to You've come to raise your E-E-S, and yet, like, it all kind of dissipates. And it's like, wow. And so, this is when you start to become a little bit of that kind of nobody.
[23:53] And it's when I had like these three or four thoughts and prompts and I got this clear resistance and a nut come through with it, I was like, oh, and it took me back. It took me way back and immediately a memory flooded in. And it's a memory of when I was really starting to open up to this when I was 14, 15. and my teenage years specifically. And during that period, there were times, and I still recall it, and my mother, I absolutely love it, I can see her face right now in memory, I'll get to it, but she also kind of suffered the collateral consequences, of my soul having these mood swings is probably another way of looking at it. And there were times when I was a teenager where I would come home from school or be on a weekend and it's like there was so many wonderful things to do go fishing swim in the pool go to a friend's house go out in the boat do this park heaps of different things but there was times when i would literally just be walking around the house as if i'm looking for something to do but whatever i'm looking at whatever pops into my mind None of it is what I want to do.
[25:21] That right there is the restless soul. That is the soul really kind of coming out going, look, I've given you free reign. You've been doing what you want to do. But right now I need to express what I want to do. And I was walking around the house and sometimes, and I would, I remember one time very specifically.
[25:45] Going into my bedroom, coming out down into the kitchen, hi mum, da-da-da, then walk out past that into the living room, sit there, TV on, within a minute, TV off, out of the living room, back into the dining room, back into the kitchen, hi mum.
[26:03] It's that quick conversation. Then straight back to my room. I'd do something there and then within two minutes back out into the kitchen and this must have happened about five or six times back and forth and I remember I eventually came to the kitchen and I was like mum and she's like can you just stop this she's like just what what are you doing like you just you're hovering and it's it's what I don't know what you're doing whatever it just do something like what is this like and i remember she used the term it's like you're like a normal nobody and it's like oh it's like you don't know what you're doing and you're hovering and i've never forgotten that memory because it wasn't until she could give me that real objective observation that i understood what was going on and in this moment and once i reflected on that and i've gone wow okay i'm having a restless soul day this is when you really have to stop surrender and let it happen you have to get out of your head and you really have to kind of go this is you know i have to go with this so even on that day i literally once i latched on to what was going on because like i said it's been a while it's been a long time since i've had one of those days, but once I latched on and that memory came to me, I'm like, right.
[27:32] And then it was like, you have to listen. So...
[27:38] It literally became nothing. Like, it was a nothing day. Like, I'm glad I got supplies because I literally did not leave the room. I needed to insulate. I needed to obviously be by myself for whatever reason. The bed, I'm so grateful it was super comfy. And a bit of TV, a bit of movie. Even the movie, like, I'm not interested. Like, and I was resting. It was just like this whole day of nothing. And I was like, okay, because nothing was interesting me. Nothing got my attention. And it's also in this space and I've learned this and I've done a wonderful exercise here because again, another memory flashed into my mind and I'm going to pass this one on to you. So, if you're looking to, you know, increase the sensitivity or you're looking to have this little bit more fine-tuned connection, just stay tuned for a couple of minutes and I'll give you an exercise that I did for me. But be warned, it's not the easiest. But in this, the whole point is, like I said, depending on where you are with your level of sensitivity to the energy and to your emotional state, this will come through differently for some people. But what you'll find is the common theme or thread of a restless soul is it's almost a little bit of zombie mode.
[29:01] And it's a great way to describe it because everybody's zombie mode is a little bit different, but the patterns are still there. If you can reflect it upon yourself, you'll realize, oh, I've had that mood and all I really wanted to do was this. And it's just something that you have to do. It's probably not planned. It usually never is. You don't plan this stuff. When the soul really speaks and has its moment, they are never planned. It literally will happen in the moment. so you might start to be able to reflect on going hey have i been feeling this recently or hang on have i experienced this kind of energy somewhere in the past before but it's just because i bring this up because i wouldn't be surprised there's quite a few of you that have been drawn to listen to this episode that may be experiencing this for those who are not necessarily like super hypersensitive on the scale, kind of like that midstream. Sometimes too, what will happen is your physical body will shut down on you. Hence, you will be sick or you might feel very fluey or in some shape or form, your body will go in transformation.
[30:08] The reason for your restless soul, it does serve a purpose. It won't serve a purpose necessarily on the day that you're having it or on the days that you're experiencing it. So just be mindful of that because you won't really get it because otherwise it wouldn't be a restless soul day. But the whole point is that it will show itself and have the reason that's coming.
[30:34] If you are experiencing these symptoms or you're going through this on any shape or form, I'm going to tell you right now.
[30:43] Absolutely accept it. Accept the time that you've been given. I was very grateful I had that one day to myself to have that restless soul day. But now, every time, and I look back on it, every time it comes out like this, you are getting prepared. Your soul is overriding you to fully prepare you because mentally, logically, you may not be preparing yourself adequately.
[31:13] Therefore, this is big change. This is because to affect your soul on that level, like I talked about, like coming down, universal energy into the spiritual, conscious energy, and then feeding your own soul is reacting to this change within a higher frequency.
[31:32] And it's now bringing itself out physically. It's telling you, hey take this time because something big is coming the shift or change for you is coming on a level that you may not be prepared for but by having this it helps to connect and realign itself with a higher frequency and so things are going to happen whether you like them or not because this is a big push forward in your path. This is a big push forward in your growth. So that's the bigger message here. And this is what I said, if you've ever experienced this, this is not just for no reason.
[32:19] You are totally being prepared here. Now, again, if you're going, wow, yeah, I kind of feel that, don't stress. And don't even worry about what it is that you're being prepared for. That's a fool's errand, right? Your soul knows it. Trust it. don't overthink it because that overthinking is what made your soul really step up and take over for a day or two in the first place so it knows best you're going to have to trust that so that's really important i wanted to really help you and hopefully that has helped you to understand it now you might be listening this episode and you'll be like oh pete i've never really felt that i can't really identify my patterns i don't know what that is that's okay so i'm going to leave even finish this episode by giving you an exercise that I was introduced to from a lovely mentor of mine at the time, quite a number of years ago now. I've got old Lisa Williams when I went with her. And this exercise was listen to your soul exercise. It's really simple. It is really simple, but really hard and without sounding and kind of coming across the wrong way, it can come across or you may feel you're a little bit bored.
[33:34] So that's just the warning. So here's the exercise if you want to have a go at this. And if you practice this and you really do this, this will massively put a big jump on your level, on your EES, on that sensitivity scale. It really does.
[33:53] So how do you do this exercise? Pretty simple. number one really clear your day and i mean clear your day have nothing you you can't have anything, on this day if you're doing this exercise you need to plan this okay because you're, literally asking and you're going to start bringing this energy out so you don't know where it's going to take you or what's going to happen so you need to have a blank canvas, nothing on your calendar to the best of your ability if you can do this for a whole day let's just say from nine till seven at night, you are going to get a full dose of this exercise and, you'll get a far-reaching, a better connection to your soul. If you can't do a full day for whatever reason, just try and pick a good four, five-hour window. But personally, I tend to find that a whole day is way, way better because you get the full dose and full understanding of this exercise. So once you make sure that you've got nothing going on, what's also kind of important here is just really switch your electronics and your devices off as well. You don't want to be worried about emails. You don't want to worry about anybody calling you. Almost kind of set it up of, you know, saying, look, call me if you need me, but I'm pretty much on do not disturb. It's your day. Once you have done that, here's the thing.
[35:15] All you have to do is you need to find a comfy spot couch is mostly recommended for this and get comfy because you're going to sit in this couch you're going to sit in this chair, And you have to sit there and you have to, in your mind or out loud to you, say, okay, soul, what would you like to do today? And that's it. You ask the question and then you must wait. That's right. Wait. It's not what kind of comes, it won't come to your mind at all. It won't even be a thought. This is the tricky part. But when you're connecting with your soul and communicating with your soul, it's not in your mind. It's a feeling. Hence, it's energetic and emotional sensitivity, not mental or thought sensitivity. So, you're going to have to sit there. And I mean sit there and wait.
[36:19] That's the hard part because we are so on the go, go, go, go, go. And I can tell you right now, you will wait. You may prompt it with ideas. Is. No different to what I did the other day, where I was like, oh, I should go for a walk. Nope. And if you feel resistance, you need to honor it. What about reading a book? Nope. Let's go and jump. Nope. And you really have to honor it. So like I said, it might get a little bit boring, and it's hard because you'll be sitting there going, well, there goes one hour, there goes two hours. And you're like, I'm not doing anything. And your mind will literally probably go, this is a waste of time, but it's not, because you're finally slowing down, and stopping enough so you can listen properly. Now, as you go through this exercise, just be aware, you might only do one thing all day. And you know what? That's completely okay, and that is actually quite normal if you do this exercise.
[37:18] When I originally did it, I believe I only did two things. And I remember, and it's interesting, you don't get hungry either. I remember, I was like, oh, we should have lunch. Nope. And you're not even hungry. Physically, you're not even hungry.
[37:30] It's like, wow, okay. You want a drink? Nope. I think I only listened to music, and when I went there, I knew exactly, it was like, no, it was like straightaway, rainforest music. That's all I wanted to listen to. I didn't want anything else. That's me. Even as you're sitting there, no TV, no music, nothing until you hear your soul speak. You might prompt it, but you got to listen to it. You might want to go, you don't want to have a bath. And it's amazing because it really shows us and highlights the fact how busy we really keep ourselves. And as much as we think we're enjoying things on a very deeper level, it's still stuff that fills our day and it's not always an enjoyment or it's not always something that we really want to be doing.
[38:21] And it just highlights these things. So anyway, that's the exercise.
[38:26] And if you learn to get that exercise, you might be aware of it. But just remember, if you're experiencing a restless soul day, honor it. Don't ignore it. Something beautiful, wonderful, big is coming for you. So get ready enjoy the downtime and if you want to have a go at this exercise please do and i'd love to hear how you go but anyway hopefully that helps you any questions feedback on it love to hear from you drop us in the socials dms and of course if you're on spotify you can make a comment straight away i love it because i get those immediate but i love it and i really do hope this has helped you and understanding a little bit more about you and your soul until next time enjoy your day.