[0:00] So we're back in the Inner Power studio, and I am so excited because I have finally managed to sit down with a very, very good dear friend of mine and colleague, Daniel Douglas-Hunt. She's just taken another swig of her tea before she gets, and we've been, in all honesty and transparency, we've been talking for two hours before we hit the record button. Yeah. Yeah, two and a half. and I feel for her, for your viewers who are watching the YouTube, you can see that she's holding her microphone like a reporter and she's ready to get engaged with us right now. It's going to be a whole bunch of fun and of course, we are here and today's topic because I've brought her in because this is her speciality. This is absolutely her jam, her wheelhouse and it's not all about the money. Now, Dunja has helped heaps of people. She's a massive mastermind. She's a coach in her own right, and she's helping people literally across the globe, and we're so, so lucky to have her here. So, Danielle, thank you so much for your time, and I cannot wait to get into this with you.
[1:07] I can't wait either. Thanks for having me. I'm laughing because you and I have generally spoken for two and a half hours. I'm like, okay, we should record now because that's what happens when you catch up with good friends, you just get into the topics. It's so fun. So I'm super happy to dive in and I can't wait to help people just understand more about themselves and money and to make some shifts and changes today. So let's do it. Back to you.
[1:28] Yeah, I love it. So the biggest... Back to here in the Australian studio. So here it is.
[1:35] It's a a beautiful thing because it's a great topic because this is something that i have noticed a lot with a lot of people in in my world or have come into my world and they they want to start something now whether it could be in the energetic realm whether they might want to be a healer a reader you know even like they might be astrological whatever they might just want to start something but i tend to find that a really big statement or statements that come up will be around like, oh, I'm not good enough, I don't know what to charge, or I don't have enough money to get this started. Like there's a whole bunch of things and statements that revolve around money. And this is why I thought this is great, would bring you on here and talk about it's not about the money. So that's what we're going with this conversation. So guys, if you're here, you're going to really have to get comfortable, get your cup of tea. Hit pause right now. Go get your cup of tea.
[2:32] Get some Kleenex. Get a journal. Get some Kleenex.
[2:35] Maybe. We've anticipated some tears maybe. We might be crying.
[2:39] We might be laughing.
[2:41] But the whole point here is like we're going to really look at this and this is going to be really beneficial to so many of my listeners. I'm so grateful. But before we jump into that, would you be so kind just to give your personal rundown of your story and how you've come to be this sought-after wealth manifesting machine.
[3:03] Love it. Man, you just pumped my tires. I need to come on your show more often. Yeah. So, it's funny. I've never... I wasn't in this world before. So, I don't know how long you got, but I'll keep it short because I can talk about myself all day. Just joking. But really, I grew up in sports. So, my first career was with Olympic athletes. And I thought that was my dream career. It was until it wasn't. And then I delve into the world of neuroscience, manifestation, energy, spirituality, and fell in love with that world. And so I left my Olympic career, safe salary job, spent all my time doing my degree, thousands of dollars, thousands of hours, board exams to chase something, a little nudge inside of me that said, go down this path.
[3:45] I couldn't name the path, didn't know what it was, but then fell in love with it. And a lot of this is really unbecoming everything I thought it was. So I had to go through identity crisis. I had to let go of a lot of beliefs. I wasn't an entrepreneur or a business person, but I was used to being an employee. So I've pivoted almost every year of my life, but I didn't start here.
[4:05] However, I say that because some people I know listening are like, there's a little whisper going down right now of like, oh, but try this, or I've invested all this time or money, or this is what I'm known for. I get it. But at the end of the day, unless you listen to that whisper, you just end up feeling a bit more empty or unfulfilled. And it's just a matter of time until that little pebble turns into a rock, turns into a boulder. So I fell down this rabbit hole and then got into coaching. And I just loved it. I was so fascinated to be able to create change at the true root of where results and change come from. And I realized I've actually been doing this with Olympic athletes. I just didn't know it was called mindset or subconscious reprogramming or etc. So I've been doing this for a really long time. But I switched to working with entrepreneurs because entrepreneurs change the world. And there's no limit. And when more entrepreneurs are out there putting their inventions, their ideas, their programs, etc. And they make more money, more good happens in the world. And so I switched to coaching. I coach for many high-level entrepreneurs and their masterminds, speak, podcast, run programs. But I just love it because Because it's really, truly helping people unbecome everything they're not to tap into truly who they are. Their highest selves, getting back into flow, intuition, and living a life fulfilled on fire. Can I swear on this podcast? Can we cover that? Yeah.
[5:24] It's going to put an end though. But it's going to happen. I get passionate when I talk. But really making a shit ton of impact and income. Yeah. On their terms, getting people back into the driver's seat of their life. So, that's a clip. We can expand on anything, but I want to dive into the helping people with their money stuff because that's where most people get stuck.
[5:41] But I love that. But even right there, and that's what I know for a fact, why we connected up so like quite easily, it was just energetic and synchronicities. Yeah. Listening to that whisper, that's what's got me onto this path. I wouldn't be having this podcast. I wouldn't be talking to you for, oh no, it's going to three hours, three and a half hours. No, because if I didn't listen to that whisper and, you know, kind of fulfill it and, you know, that's the biggest thing. That's why, you know, it is inner power. Like, it's still amazing to me. A lot of people go, why inner power? It's like because it's always us. It's always from inside. Even though I channel, I'm aware of the energetics, I do all of that stuff, but none of that's possible without me or, you know, I can't decipher it or deliver it without me. So, that's the inner power. And I love the fact that you talked about listening to that whisper. I'm pretty sure our listeners have no problem with the swearing because, you know, anybody who's attended my live shows knows I like to drop an F-bomb here or there. Yeah. So, it's completely fine. So, see now, guys, we've just got all of that out of the way. Now, we're going to get really into the flow of things. Yeah. Let's go. But it is. And true, though, like it's interesting, too, because the entrepreneur space. Now, this is what's interesting. I agree with that. And this is why we wanted to talk to you about this topic because a lot of people, and especially in my world, probably wouldn't even consider themselves an entrepreneur.
[7:08] I didn't.
[7:09] They probably because, no, and I didn't consider myself an entrepreneur either. But I think this is important too. So, if you're listening to this going, I'm not an entrepreneur. No, this is probably actually going to be more for you because you don't even realize that you are being nudged towards that path. There is no real word for the pre-entrepreneur, so that's what we're going to dub you. There is no word for you. But if you're thinking about doing anything, and look, it doesn't matter where you're at in your stage, but if you're thinking about charging money or for an exchange of a service of any kind, it doesn't matter. That's legitimate. It's legitimate. And the thing is, it's going to be there, but it tends to be a real hang up for so many people to actually get started on that journey, to listen to that whisper. And like you said, if we have more people doing this, the world is going to be a better place. It does. We do change the world. And there's your first lesson, people. Like, you know, see, look at that. Don't you got it out of the gate. Like, just start doing this. You will change the world. And it's so true. Believe in yourself. You will have an impact.
[8:16] That's why.
[8:17] I love doing it.
[8:18] Sorry let's have a look at sorry i'm not trying to cut you off but see i'm getting passionate we're going this if we go here we go people though like when you're your most fulfilled happiest self like when your cup is overflowing this because this can go into the topic of like self-worth like not enough doing things i've always been told or feeling selfish for following my passions even though maybe my parents colleagues partner says et cetera. What happens to the world when everyone is following what lights up their heart, when everyone's happy and fulfilled and has money, they're not worried about money? You think we'd have as much stuff going on in the world right now? Probably not. If everyone is actually following their dharma, listening to their own inner guidance, which everyone always has their own answers. Anyone who says, I have the answers, I'm telling you what to do.
[9:03] No, a good coach or mentor is going to coach you back to your own inner voice and your answers. Only you know what's best for you. But unless you actually allow yourself to have the courage to ask, and then to listen, and then three, have the courage to act on that whisper, you're not supposed to know the how. I didn't know how I was going to go from a safe salary career, where my whole world was, to now this thing that I didn't even know the first step. But you figure it out. The how gets revealed to you. It's just more just really recognizing the power of when you're your happiest, when you're your most fulfilled, most rested, most abundant, you're a better parent, a better partner, You contribute to the world differently. Your energy shifts. So you're literally changing the frequency of the world by you being your best, authentic, most fulfilled, aligned self, regardless of action you take. Just take it from that perspective. Because I know some people are like, oh, it's going to be really selfish for me to follow my dreams. Oh, I can't because of X, Y, Z.
[9:55] What's happening on the other side of that, the more we're not following that or the more we're not listening to the inner whisper, right? How much does that eat away at you over time or anger or resentment or doubts or it's shifting that. Just shifting you changes the world on itself. So corny as that sounds, think about it. If everyone's fulfilled and happy right now doing what they love to do, I think the world would look a little different.
[10:18] Wow. Look at that. 10 minutes in and boom, there's a mic drop already.
[10:22] Okay, cool. I can actually drop it.
[10:24] It yeah i'm so sorry microphone i'm so sorry for who's ever doing the fight that's probably allowed no but no but but it's it's a such a valid point of it this is my big thing is always say to people you know your head will get you through the day-to-day stuff but your heart's going to get you through life and if you start to lean into that passion you start to lean into to what is going to top up your cup and fill up your cup, you are a better person all around for everyone around you. And I think that's evident because if you don't believe what we've just talked about and what Adanya just spoke about, have a think about when you've been on the receiving end of someone who hasn't been really fulfilled or passionate or then try to also then think about have you ever been in the presence and receiving end of someone who has been in their full alignment and passion and purpose. What's the difference? You know, just reflect for yourself. But, you know, like, again, we'll just see where this goes. But obviously, our main thing is, is like, you know, we're looking here because a big block for a lot of people is the money aspect. It really hits a lot of people. And where do you see this for people? Why is this the significant problem for a lot of people to get started?
[11:50] Because it's so funny, depending on where you're at, obviously, you're listening to Peter's podcast, Spiritual Energy. This is not new terms to you. A lot of people, if you just start from a place of money's involved in every interaction of your life, whether you're conscious of it or not, we're looking at how I'm going to spend something, what I'm going to buy, what I'm going to get, how I'm going to make it, my job, can I afford to go on this date, et cetera. Everything revolves around money in this 3D construct from that element. And most people are not taught one about their mind how their subconscious mind works or their nervous system we're not taught about money the energetics of money financial stuff we learn things in school but like let's be real i don't unless you're an engineer who uses x equals squared i don't use that anymore so most of us are operating from old programming old patterns old beliefs that were learned not chosen when you were born into the world you weren't chosen like money's bad, money's hard to make, money's evil, rich people are great. You weren't born with any of the current beliefs you have either about yourself or money or what's possible or your business. So my role is really helping people become aware of what are the current paradigms, identity, beliefs running the show.
[13:00] What got us one result in your current world, let's take the bank account, for example, whatever is your current bank account is just a pre or it's a manifestation, which thoughts turn into things of old ways of thinking, being in actions. That's it. But most people will see that number and either stress, not look at their bank account, or be worried about losing it, or how do I make more? Like money really is a center for everyone's life. And most people don't have a good relationship with money because we don't understand it or our mind or our body or energetics and how to really create more abundance with it. So when people are operating from an old paradigm and not really understanding how we create results, no wonder we say, I can't do that, but. I want this, but. No matter how much action I take, nothing changes.
[13:47] I feel like I'm stuck or we're doing things operating from a place of validation or self-worth. This shows up for a lot of my high achieving A type entrepreneurs where they're achieving, achieving, and achieving, but they're not fulfilled. They have all the money, but they're not happy. It's not to say you can't have money and be happy, but it's more to recognize it's involved in every aspect of our life. So to shift our beliefs about it, our identity, our paradigm, to understand how we actually create results, to shift our relationship with it, changes everything. And just like we started with, it's not actually about the money. It's never about the money. It's never about the actual result. But it's going to stop a lot of people from moving forward or operating from fear or limitations that were learned, not chosen. And until you uncover what those identity patterns, beliefs are, and begin to understand energetics, your nervous system, your mind, no matter what we do physically in the 3D, it doesn't really change. We're operating from like 5% versus is the 95 which we want to operate from now i said a lot of big words and maybe confusing things so beauty if you're like slow that down roll that back explain more let me know well.
[14:51] The good thing is for most people listening to this we'll have a you know rewind button and to.
[14:56] Replay yeah it's.
[14:59] Okay so yeah it's a wonderful.
[15:01] You come from the paradigm.
[15:03] And you're going to be operating from all.
[15:04] The leads yes and that's not intelligent but like there's some things that people would say to me when I was new to this journey. You're like, what are you talking about?
[15:13] But this is the whole thing. It's new. It's just new. It's not, I mean, by no means is it saying that intelligently. It's just that when you really step up, like even for myself, even like the energetics realm, it's like every area has its own language. Every area has its own world. And I know for a fact that when I wanted to have a better relationship with money, I had to go out of my way and learn. And it's not taught in school, let's face it. It's just really not. Even though it's the one thing we all have in common and operate with. It's the one thing we don't get taught about.
[15:49] And we don't want to talk about. But let's not go down that rabbit hole. Even think about this. People don't want to talk. Oh, it's weird to talk. Why? Everyone interacts with money every day, but we don't want to talk about it. But it's full pop. But it causes the most stress in people's lives. It causes separate... It's seriously the thing that centers in everyone's life. but how many of us actually have an understanding, a good relationship to it? And I'm not talking about investing the tangible stuff. I'm talking about subconscious mind, nervous system, identity, beliefs, emotions, et cetera, energetics, look what you're talking about. That's all what actually creates the end result of more money and more wealth.
[16:22] Okay. I think this is a really good point because it's awareness. And as you know, and everybody who's listening, I'm always about the awareness. I'm always about the energetics, about the more we can increase that awareness, I mean, it's obviously the more astute and the more conscious we're going to be of how we're living. Now, money is a really good point because it is like some people don't even realize they have already have a relationship with money. And that relationship that you're already in is obviously going to impact any future decision you're going to make around either career or that will involve either making money or spending money.
[17:00] Pricing.
[17:01] So, having a look at...
[17:02] Receiving money, all that stuff you talked about. It's like getting started. How do I do this? How do I price? Like everything. Yes. Love this.
[17:09] Yeah. So, having a look at this, and let's jump into this, like relationships with their money. Like, have you... What kind of extreme examples have you seen? Like to give people an idea. No, because this is really interesting because... Everybody has one. We know that. But there'll be a lot of people listening that, do I? Like, I've never really considered it. I've probably never even thought about it.
[17:34] Yeah.
[17:34] Yeah. It is a bit of a weird concept for some. Like, I didn't know that for me personally, I remember going back and I think I was quite, you know, spendthrift or wasn't really mindful of money when we didn't have a lot. And then, you know, it was a conversation with my wife going, you know, she came home, which goes, I didn't have enough money to pay for the milk and the bread. And that was really embarrassing for her. And that was a game changer for me because I became aware of where it's at. But then also, I had a very specific point where I know for a fact, I really, and I'll say it, I hated looking and opening up my bank account and looking at the credit card debt that I had. Sad that was just downright depressing full stop because it doesn't matter what i did minimum payments blah blah it was never going anywhere and all i was reminding myself of i'm in debt and it's almost like this self every time i'm looking at it you're not good enough you're not earning enough you're not doing this enough like and it's really weird this bank account doesn't have a voice these numbers don't have a voice but it was as if that's what it was saying to me and i I didn't realize that was the relationship I was having with my money at the time. And it was very, very deflating in an instant. But, you know, when we're talking about a relationship of money, can you elaborate a little bit more on that for our listeners?
[19:03] Yeah. And everything I'm saying, I... I should have started with this. When anyone speaks, there's usually three things that kind of happen. It might be something new you're learning. So you're like, okay, but it also might butt up against your subconscious belief system. And quickly, your subconscious mind is what runs everything. It runs 95 to 99% of what we do. Your heart's beating, your hair is growing. I'm talking right now. I don't have to think about how my tongue's moving or my hands. It just happens, right? So your subconscious mind is really powerful. And it runs everything on going to program once it's become automated. So for example, and I'll loop back to your question, don't worry. This is what happens. I go on tangents, but I really want to anchor this down because this is going to answer like, what's wrong with me? Nothing's wrong with you. You have a supercomputer and a nervous system that's so beautifully designed, but it's designed for the archaic jungle times, not the sophisticated world. And so it's responding constantly trying to keep you safe into what it knows. The thing is what you know is what you've learned, right? Right? So money, what did we learn about money? For most of us, we don't get into that. But if you look back on even just having an awareness of what did I experience growing up with money? Did I experience my parents fighting all the time or maybe separating or maybe there's abundance of money? Did I experience like, make sure you turn off the lights when you leave the room because you're just going to waste money. So you can start to have an awareness of how you understand or relate to money based on kind of going back to what grew up, what was around you?
[20:28] What do movies did you watch? Now, some people can say this is tedious, but if you really want to create wealth and understand your relationship to money, we want to look at where our current picture of money is, our bank account, how it makes us feel when we look at our bank account or pay our taxes or charge prices. And what you're going to become aware of is what has been programmed in your subconscious mind that you didn't choose, you have learned.
[20:50] So your subconscious mind that runs everything, its job is to automate things. For example, you brush your teeth. Do you think about No. But if I was to ask you to brush your teeth with your other hand, it'd be kind of a bit awkward and clunky. But over time, if I did that enough times with intention, it'd become an automated program. So your subconscious mind, once we've done things enough times with intention, or there's an emotional experience around it, or I have a thought and I think it a lot of times, that forms a belief or a habit or neural pathway that now becomes automatic program that runs your life. And until you uncover that program, it's going to have the same output. And where I'm I'm going to ink this in a metaphor is, it's kind of like printing a picture. And you go to the printer and you're like, oh, I want this printed in color. What the frick? And you're getting mad at the printer and you're slamming on the printer and like this stupid thing. But most people are getting mad at the printer, which is the output, the result, which we'll get into the results in a sec, versus going to the computer, aka your subconscious mind and saying, we need to create a new program and print it in color instead of black and white.
[21:53] I say this because what most people's relationship with money is all learned. And we have to uncover and become aware of what is my relationship with money. And relationship, think of it like how I relate to money. So what are my current beliefs about money? When I say fill in the blank, if I were to say money is, what's the subconscious thought that comes up for the listener? A lot of people, it's like money is hard to come by. Money is evil. Money is greedy. Us versus them. And you're going to start to become aware of a dialogue of subconscious thoughts that have been programmed that are not yours, but are now beliefs running the show. And a belief is just a thought you continue to think until it becomes your truth, but not the truth. And we can talk about various money beliefs because a big one, especially people starting out and people scaling their businesses, is you have to work really hard for money. That's a belief.
[22:44] Why is that a belief? It's a belief because we can find examples of that being true. through, we also can find examples of people who don't work very hard and have a shit ton of money. And we can also find people who work really hard and have no money and work really hard and have lots of money or don't work at all and have lots of money or don't work at all and have little money. So we're beginning to understand, huh, what's the program and awareness? And the easiest thing to look at is what is your current picture snapshot?
[23:10] So if you look at your bank account right now, and we're in seasons like ebbs and flows, but that's your relationship to money. What's your current, how do you feel when you spend money, when you increase your prices, if you're an entrepreneur, when you receive money, you become aware of the thoughts and the physiological response that occurs with money itself. Now, that is how you relate to money based on your old programming, your old paradigms, your old identity beliefs. And until we uncover and reprogram that, it's going to print out the same picture, no matter how much action or work you take. And so this is where it's not about the money ever, forever because if I have a belief that I have to work very hard for money, when I don't work hard for money, my subconscious mind is going to bring me back to what it knows. That's its job. Its job is to protect me first and foremost from experiencing maybe things that I've experienced before at a young age that created an emotional response that it didn't like. So it's going to see that now as a threat and look for it all the time, trying to make sure I don't experience it again. But it's also, its job is to prove you right. So it's going to scan the environment experiment and delete and generalize and automate auto information coming in to only prove whatever you believe to be true.
[24:19] Aka the printer program. So go back to the example of working hard. Let's say I'm scaling my business and I'm working hard, I'm working hard,
[24:25] I'm making money, I'm proving more evidence to my belief. And then I start to hire a team, or then I have more time freedom. What typically happens unless the entrepreneur or CEO or whoever, when they increase their wealth income externally, if they haven't regulated their subconscious mind and nervous system to that next level of wealth, they end up going back to where they were. It's kind of like feast or your famine cycle. And no matter what they do, they always return back to what I call their wealth thermostat, which is what the current program of your money is.
[24:54] Wow. And it's fairly, I think that's a really valid point to make here. And it's just something you just touched on right at the end there. And it was just, and this, I mean, I think this will help people to kind of really sink it in and, you know, be made aware of this. Because I remember Remember, when I first heard about this, like here's your wealth or your financial thermostat. This is the frequency, guys. This is where you're currently at. This is like the temperature of the oven, so to speak. And it's like where everything just stays nice and warm. Everything's kind of just a constant. And so, even though from time to time, it might heat up or it gets cool, but eventually, you'll come back to that middle point where it's very comfortable. Comfortable so that's the that's the what danny was talking about there well thermostat and about kind of doing that and that's the feast and famine like there was so much to unpack i'm like oh my god i'm like i'm like i'm listening this way this is where it's great it's recorded yeah we can go back and listen to it a couple of times yeah hey look i literally i don't know about you but i literally have a separate playlist where it says podcasts worth listening to yeah over and over.
[26:04] And I have a list for them and it's like this, I feel like this one, even though this is my own episode, I feel like I'm going to put that in the list so I can come back and listen to you talk about it again just as those little friendly reminders to kind of come in. But yeah, it's just talking about that, you know, wealth, you know, or financial thermostat where you're kind of doing it and I think this is going to be, A great thing that we obviously will get into in part two, you know, and talking about that because what we're going to do is, you know, with the help with Daniel, we're going to help break down how to get into some of those things and obviously, maybe also look at identifying where your thermostat is at so you can get a good snapshot for yourself. So, this is, you know, what's going to be coming up in part two.
[26:49] What a tease. What a tease, Peter.
[26:51] I know, right? Let's just say it's like i'm good at this no but i'll just because that is so much there and like this is just the introduction but as you can see everyone like daniel really this is her thing like this is her jam she's just a wealth of information and i cannot wait to go further into this so stay tuned and get ready for part Part two coming your way.