[27:44] Okay, guys, welcome back to the Inner Powercast. I'm Pete Williams, and I'm joined here with my absolute amazing good friend and colleague, Daniel Douglas Hunt, who in part one, in case you missed it, was on fire talking about everything and leading us into about it's not all about the money and making us aware of obviously where we're at, taking snapshots of where we are with our own money and kind of really really introducing us to the program, the subconscious programming and where it all comes in. Now, it was an absolute chock-a-block episode going into it. So, definitely recommend going and listen to that. So, you'll get a bit better of an idea of where Daniel is coming from in this episode. But now, we're going to start helping you. We're going to talk about this and Daniel is actually going to take us through some steps here. And what we're going to be looking at specifically is like number one is like getting a snapshot of your own personal wealth or financial thermostat where you are in your frequency and then also how get you started in that process of how you can start changing that how can we start with ourselves by doing that so welcome back daniel it's nice to have you here again are you ready for this i know i am.
[29:04] I'm so ready for this like oh my god it is there's the the shadow has changed it's okay i know sorry guys.
[29:09] I tried the sun's chasing me i've tried blocking it i love the sun though i'm not complaining yeah so this is where we can get i can go deep and this is obviously why we have programs and podcasts and free content so that way those who are truly looking at changing and shifting their wealth consciousness their wealth frequency there's resources for you because there's There's a lot of things that, especially when I was learning this and what you coach my clients through or help people through, it can seem like a lot, but it's really not. And like Peter said, it's the awareness piece. So we introduced in episode one a little bit of the subconscious mind, like a teeniest bit of how it operates and what it's responsible for. Everything. Everything. We talked about the printer example. And so awareness is the first step with everything. We can't change or improve something we're not aware of. And Carl Jung always says, and he's a famous metaphysicist, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you'll call it fate. Now, our unconscious mind runs everything. Go back to the first episode. So we want to look at what is the current wealth frequency or thermostat as we talked about, or the paradigm I currently have. And a simple thing to look at is just how you relate to money. So for example, we use the phrase relationship with money. And I want to do this in a slightly different way. I want to actually personify money and make it imagine it as a person like it's a real you're in a relationship with money. So if you have a significant other.
[30:29] I'm your bank account.
[30:30] What's up, baby? I'm out of the bottle. You're my money. So a funny, an interesting way to start beginning your awareness of how you relate to money and your relationship with money is what do you think money would say to you if it were to describe its relationship? Now, for a lot of people, you would not date this person. You wouldn't. You would not date, I'm avoidant. I get stressed out. I hoard it. I don't look at my bank account. I get mad when bills come through. and so just even asking that question of like what thoughts what actions behaviors that right when you.
[31:04] Put it when you put it like that i'm like yeah that's a i don't even want that person in my.
[31:08] House right exactly and we talk about money's energy everything's energy how you relate to it how is what your perception of it is going to be your truth your beliefs everything internally shapes your external world so we want to get understanding of where that is that's one way to kind of, and I encourage you, take a pen and paper, spend like 15, 20 minutes and say, how would money describe me? How I think about it, how I speak about it, my actions with it, my behaviors with it, and really ask yourself, would I want to be in a relationship with that person? Okay.
[31:38] Can I just get you to slow that one down? That was really powerful.
[31:42] There were some amazing questions.
[31:44] I know. You are so on fire. It's just like so in flow. I was just hearing that so guys this is a great chance like we're going to slow that down for you because there's amazing questions in there so how would if your money was talking to you and that's me correct me if i'm wrong here describing you yeah how would if okay if money was describing you what would it say is that correct yeah like yeah what would money say and what what prompting questions could we have there so.
[32:11] Imagine again you're personifying money because everything's energy everything's your energy everything's energy if you personified money and you asked money, what would it say you think about it? What are your thoughts about money? How would money describe that? I'm worried about it. There's never enough. I'm scared. I'm angry with it. Just looking from the lens of, again, money is your partner and it's describing your relationship with it. What would it say of how you think about it or how you speak about it? Or your actions with it or without it, your behaviors around money. And if you describe and you see how money would describe your interactions, your thoughts and words about it, would you want to be in a relationship with that type of person? For most of us, probably not. And this isn't to make us feel guilty or shameful or angry. This is just to get an awareness of our current thoughts, beliefs, behaviors around money. It's one way of doing it. It's kind of fun and you can just, again, it's flipping the perspective of seeing it from a different lens and different way of thinking. It doesn't mean it's the truth, but also this can be a really healthy way to build a different relationship with money because, okay, you're going to list a bunch of stuff and it's going to be, for most people, not some nice stuff for like, I avoid it. I get angry at it. There's never enough. No problem.
[33:33] Well, I was depressed for a while. I didn't want to open it up. And every time I'm using you, it's like, it's never enough. It's like, it felt heavy. It felt draining.
[33:42] Yes. And now talking about frequency, when I'm in that state or frequency, what am I resonating with? What am I now calling in if I'm always in that constant dominant frequency around that? And we can begin to uncover, and Peter, let me know if you want to go here, more into, again, it's not about the money, but everything. Money is the result. It's the manifestation of the whole results paradigm that actually creates the money. But the first step around this is, and there's different exercises we can do. The relationship one is a fun one to just shift perspective and be like, huh. And it's an easy way to say, okay, how can I shift my thoughts about money? Thoughts are frequency. How can I shift how I speak about money? If I know money's energy, it's limitless, it's abundant. The more I have doesn't mean someone else has less. There's multiple ways and come through. Can I begin to speak about differently? And knowing my words and thoughts carry frequency, that will change how I feel. Over time, that becomes my new dominant vibration. Eventually, that's going to give a different result. Can I change my behaviors with money? If I was in a relationship, what would be... A good way to be in relationship with money? Well, you'd probably spend time with it. You'd probably learn about it. You'd probably not ignore it. There's little tweaks in your day that can shift your thinking and your words and your actions with it. And it seems silly, but again, we're talking about it from an energetic, but also belief and identity and actions. And all this stuff is going to help change the different results and increase your wealth frequency simply by becoming aware of what's currently going down.
[35:08] Yeah i love that because with those things and that's why i can only encourage every single one of you if you listen to this and you're really getting that that will give you that awareness this will start to and it's it and let's face it like we know both of us daniel like it's never pleasant to become aware of these areas that we've sometimes ignored yeah um for some time and you know it does it like you have moments like i you know but this is what's important i think you know here's a great stepping stone to raise your awareness that's your first step everyone you've got to get that awareness you know daniel's just giving you a fantastic little exercise, to give you your snapshot of where you're really at and you know i'd love to you know you know to hear this and I'll pass this on to Daniel as well. We can have a great, we can even jump on a Facebook Live later on and help you out this episode where you can pick her brain and we can do that. So, let us know what your snapshot is. Let us know what your feelings are. Let us know your relationship, your partner. What kind of partner have you got in your financial world right now?
[36:20] It could be.
[36:21] Yeah, let's give it a... You know, it could be like, you know, I want to say maybe if you're going to personify it, let's make it a little bit more fun. Give a relationship, identify them with a famous actor or maybe the role that they've played in a movie. And that will give you a real good idea of, you know, how your money might be talking to you. That's a fun way. What kind of, what character are they playing? So, you know, it's really fascinating. Like you can do that. So, and it's also interesting here too, because now we're going to jump into, and Dania, you brought this up about the results paradigm. And this is a big thing because this is going to, now that we've got a snapshot here, guys, we're going to help you to help change or increase your thermostat here. And it starts with this. So, Dania, walk us through because again, people's blocks are like, you know, I can't do this. It's not enough. I don't know how to charge. judge. Whatever lovely little voices in your head are telling you that you can't do something that's around money. This is where we're jumping into it. This is where it's really important to jump in and you'll start to understand why you may be having these thoughts. But not only that, we're going to have a look at how we can start to also, again, move these thoughts on as well. And this starts with, as you were saying, the results paradigm. at home.
[37:39] Yeah, it's a framework I love to share with anyone. And I want to preface this before getting into this. No matter what level, let's say we're talking about business, I work with people who are very successful, make a crap ton of money. We're talking tens, millions, hundred millions, and they still work on their money mindset. They still work on their subconscious mind and their nervous system stuff. So it doesn't matter what level you're at, whether you're new, you're not an entrepreneur. Money is involved in everyone's life. And I really want people to not take it personally or feel guilt or shame around maybe what's coming out for them. Because I want to remind you that you've learned everything about money. You didn't choose this. You weren't born and say, I'm going to choose to struggle with money and think money is evil and think rich people are greedy or whatever. You didn't choose this stuff, but you're just becoming aware of the current programs that are running the show. And like we said in episode one, are currently creating your results. And until you actually have awareness and start shifting them unattached, seeing them for what they are, they're not you, they're stuff we learned, we can then begin to shift them. Now, the results paradigm is something that's going to give you understanding and clarity as to maybe where you're operating from, and what's actually going to begin shifting your results. So I'll say this very briefly, I can talk on this, we have a workshop on it that goes deeper into this. But I want to give you awareness as to maybe why you're not hitting a result or you keep being the same result and give you some exercises and quick questions that can help shift you out of it.
[39:07] Like in the moment. So I'd call it the results paradigm.
[39:11] It's not exactly linear, but I'm going to speak as if it is to just keep it very simple. So let's say if you're looking at a piece of paper, R is on the far right. That's the results. Result is I'm wearing a green shirt right now. That's a result. There's an amalgamation of thoughts and words and actions. Maybe I saw it, maybe looked at the weather that resulted in me wearing this green sweater. Okay. Your money and your bank account is a result. Your health is a result. Your relationship is a result. It's just the end manifestation where it's an amalgamation of thoughts, intentions, energy, co-creativeness that's led to this physical result. Make sense? Yes. Now, we operate in a universe where there's laws of cause and effect. So an effect can't happen without a cause. That's the result. Now, I'm going to speak about where most people get stuck in the cause when most people spend most of their energy and it's the biggest mistake in causing all of us to stay stuck. So thinking of law of cause and effect, right? The cause is, again, my thoughts, actions, behaviors that led to an effect of me wearing a green thing. Effect or result, same words. Okay. So if you look at letter R, what comes right before R is action, law of action. We have to take some action to have this microphone. phone. It was once a thought, now it's a thing. There was action required to make this microphone I'm holding into this reality, okay? So most people think they have to work harder, work more how-to, the strategy action.
[40:37] It's definitely a necessary component to create the result, but it's only the last thing that comes before the result, okay?
[40:44] Now, if we go before A, so R, A, and then right before A is your state. Now, I'm going to talk about this again real quickly because we can dive in this deeper, but think of your state as your emotional set point. So for some people, it's easier to explain. It's how you feel. When you feel like crap, you typically take or don't take certain actions and get different results. When I feel confident, bold, badass, I typically take different actions and get different results. Can we see it creates a domino effect? So looking at it from that perspective or looking at it from law of vibration, law of energy, law of frequency, your thermostat, what you're giving off and what you're resonating with is also your state, okay? So, what my main dominant vibration is over time, Peter, chime in if you want to add some stuff too.
[41:31] That's right. Okay.
[41:33] But I don't know if you had a thought, you're like, oh, I want to share this. Feel free to add your stuff in too. But think of it like an antenna. Whatever you're giving off, you're also calling in law of attraction, right? So, your state really drives and impacts the actions you take or don't take, which are the results you get. So, from this perspective, Even just here, we can pause and say, hmm, before I take this next action, what is my current state? Can I shift my state? Can I fine tune and shift my frequency to have a different action to get a different result? It creates a domino effect. Okay, but there's something that comes before your state is thoughts. These can mirror each other. So again, R on the far right, then before R is A, then before A is state or emotion, and then before state is going to be thoughts. These are interchangeable, right? But for simplicity, we're going to say this is order. Thoughts and words carry frequency. I can think a thought and it can change my state. I look at my bank account and then now the actions and And results are, it's a different pathway versus I can think a different thought, a more empowering thought. I can shift my state and shift my actions, shift the results. Okay. My words carry frequency. So a fun exercise, which Peter, you know about is how can one word change my state? Let's go through it. You've heard of pressure language before? You've heard it. Yeah.
[42:51] I have heard of pressure language before, and I do teach some of my clients pressure language.
[42:55] That's a good reminder. So let's go through this really quick. So I don't, I know I can talk forever here. like if.
[43:01] You're watching the video right now you'll say you can see like.
[43:04] I'm so excited just like she's.
[43:06] Getting all like she's chugging the shoulders she's.
[43:08] Like getting ready to go in the boxing ring because here's why like so like it's about working i'm like if you just couldn't even just if you understand this framework you can shift one dialogue back and it's going to create a different domino effect right so like even with state you can change your state so many ways music breath work like thoughts right but going back to the thought pressure language so many of us say things like i need to spend more time with the kids i have to make more money oh my gosh i should right now when we if you say that do this as an exercise as a listener so say something like i need to fill in the blank i'm just going to go with i need to make more money just become aware of how that might feel does it feel really inspiring motivational could even be i need to.
[43:50] Pay the bills.
[43:51] I need to pay the bills i have to pay my taxes damn the tax right now.
[43:55] It's yeah our tax our tax time is coming up.
[43:57] At the time there's right so.
[43:58] That's It's going to be good.
[43:59] Yeah. So notice, as you say, I have to, I need to, or I should, just get aware of how it might feel in the body. It doesn't usually feel that fun. Now we're going to do the waterfall effect really quick. If you change, I need to, to I could, I could pay the bills. I could make more money. I could spend more time with my kids. Notice if there's a change in your state at all. Now the fun part is some people might feel worse and better. There's no right or wrong here. Just observe. Now say, I can. I can make more money. I can pay my bills. I can spend more time with my kids. Just take it on, try it on for a while, and do it because it's not going to work otherwise. And now say, I get to. I get to pay my bills. I get to pay my taxes. I get to make more money. I get to spend more time with my kids.
[44:42] If you notice a slight shift at all in your energy or your state, you're already learning how to change my thinking where I'm directing my attention and words to shift my state from a very small microscopic level that will shift the actions and shift the result. We say words out loud. If we're saying them out loud, we're thinking them thousands and thousands of times all the time. Now, I don't want to get too deep here, but when we're in pressure or low vibe state, we're actually operating from our dumb state. Eight so when we're in pressure or stress and just can keep super simple here we're actually becoming dumber because the subconscious mind when it senses a perceived threat when there's fear when there's stress when there's pressure down it shuts us down so blood leaves the brain to go into the body to get ready to fight or flight now when that happens science.
[45:29] Guys what don't he's talking about this is actually science.
[45:32] This is.
[45:32] Exactly what happens and it's like we do lose the blood But we.
[45:36] Do lose this.
[45:37] Like our thinking starts to become very erratic with no real thinking process. It becomes spontaneous, becomes reactive.
[45:45] It so takes over. So that's why. Yes. And so this is where it's like, if I can change my thinking, my words to get myself out of fight or flight at a low subconscious level, because most of us spend 90% of our day in low level fight or flight. When you recognize that, oh my gosh, when I'm here, I'm actually becoming dumber. And now it's such a sophisticated mechanism of the body. It's doing its job, but we need to uncover what the trigger is, what the root cause is, so it doesn't keep happening.
[46:10] However, so if I can just even imagine bloods in my brain to go into my body to become strong, to fight or flight from this threat that's perceived as a lion but rather it's just a number on a screen or going live or saying no to someone it's perceiving it like a lion about to kill me we lose access to what peter was saying is our creativity our intuition our seeing possibilities which are all elements that are going to help us get out of the situation and create a different result now where our thoughts kind of house is our subconscious mind where do do they come from? Our identity, our beliefs, our emotions, our values are all housed in our subconscious mind, which in episode one, we spoke about a bit, runs everything we do or don't do. So we must, or we get to, even must is pressure language, become aware of the current paradigm identity beliefs running the show that are creating your current results. So we can see now, it's not about the action. Action's necessary. It needs to happen. It's required, law of action in in this world. But can we go back one ring and say, can I shift my state for the action? Can I shift my thoughts or words about it to shift my state, to shift my action, to shift my results? Or can I even shift at a deeper level at the root cause of what's driving that? What's the belief? What's the identity? What's the values that are driving that whole domino effect that is creating the current results in my life?
[47:26] I don't know how long I spoke for, but a real quick rundown of an overview of a framework that is going to help you recognize, oh, it's not everything wrong with you, but rather it's not just about the hard work action that's a part but can i just go back one step and as you go back one step over time to create a new dominant vibration frequency your wealth frequency begins to change too.
[47:48] Wow sorry i was gonna say it's like i probably.
[47:53] Went over the half an hour mark sorry.
[47:54] No you you're well within the framework yes because i keep going there's more to it but that's and then i know like i'm thinking it was just one of those one of those things are like i hope everybody else was uh breathing go back rewind pause it rewind, now but there's a lot there to take away but as you can probably sense it's more about there's the great exercise about taking that pressure language and kind of like it's and as daniel was saying just taking it one step back now again, You can see here that one thing we're trying to really make you present to is increasing your awareness full stop, you know, and there's some fantastic, like, you know, we've got that snapshot of personifying your money as if it was, you know, your partner and what it'd be talking about. That's making you aware of what that state you are going to be in when you're talking to that partner, aka your money.
[48:53] And of course, that will change how you're doing. But obviously, then it's like having a look at where... And where we started taking us here is having a look at how we can start looking at it. Because when we have that precious state, you can take it one step further back and that will help you to change how you're interacting with your money as a partner. It's changing your relationship with your partner. And of course, we know that we are all striving for a healthier relationship in any area of our life, whether it be through an actual real relationship partner, whether it's going to be through your money, whether it's going to be in your own personal health, whatever it may be, we are always looking to better that. And that's a fantastic, simple way to look at it. Now, as much as we're here, it's not about the money, that framework that Daniel's just given you, you're going to apply that across the board. I do not really want to make sure, everyone, that you understand how powerful that is. We just used the simple concept of money, but that framework can be used for.
[50:03] Any area of your life and because this is what we do this is where we connect with this we are all about understanding the science the connection to our body understanding our energetic states our emotional states and making sure that they are going to work for us not against us and that comes back and loops back beautifully back to what you were mentioning before daniel in episode one about the subconscious programming yeah and that's because they come from somewhere Yeah.
[50:33] And that's the work I get to get into is subconscious reprogramming, nervous system regulation. You get to reprogram that stuff. It doesn't have to be hard and laborious. You don't have to really have to do trauma. But the framework gives you an awareness of like, oh, most people just operate from action, action, action, result, and they get frustrated why they're not changing. The framework is just to give the awareness of a little bit of how results can happen. And obviously, we can dive deeper into each letter. But with the awareness itself, it helps create space to become unattached and not personal. It's like, oh, okay. Now I know if I can actually have a way you have all the power and control you want to change anything. And recognizing that it's not you, it's just old programs. We obviously can dive deeper into clearing emotions, old beliefs, identities and stuff that aren't serving you. But the framework itself, if you just wrote that above, and before you're about to take an action, shifting one step back is going to create a different frequency, different results. That's going to go a long way in the long run, right? But for those who want to dive deeper and clear the emotions or energetic blocks or subconscious programming, you just dive deeper because that starts at, again, at the root cause of what truly drives everything that manifests in your 3D reality.
[51:37] Yeah. And I think that's an important thing too here just to kind of recap on is like this is just a really great, simple starting block for anyone. Yeah. This is not asking you, like, as Jamie said, not to relive anything. You know, you don't have to go deep into this stuff. But if you did this exercise and you're going through this exercise and you're like, wow, this has really helped me, you may now go, wow, I want to really understand this and go deeper. That's where we got suckered into that.
[52:06] Yeah, I can't believe that.
[52:07] I don't know how many times, like, we're going deep into this. It's like, you know, we come out, it's like we always carry an emergency poncho because, you know, just in case, you know, the world throws a weird energetic vibration at us and we, you know, I reach out to Daniel. Are you feeling what I'm feeling? Are you going through this shit storm?
[52:26] Are you okay over there? Because I'm not.
[52:29] Yeah. Yeah. It is that energy that kind of comes, but it's also nice to know that, you know, but these are very powerful tools. These are tools that, you know, I pass on, Dania passes on, but we've used them ourselves. And that's what's helped us to get where we are today. And that's why we just thought it was a lovely chance for us to make you aware of where it is, get you started, you know, on this process of, you know, it's not all about the money. And it's one area of your life, but it's an area of your life that, as we talk about, you need to look at. Like, I loved it when you said you've got these lot of clients that you're working with, like, millions of dollars, but they're still working on that mindset. Yeah. So, it doesn't matter where you are. You might be millions of dollars in the negative. It doesn't matter. You can change. Yeah. And that change always starts with yourself, and it also starts about that emotional state and energetic state that you're coming from. And, you know, we, because it's intangible, I think that's the biggest thing, isn't it? because it's intangible, people, Because it gets so caught up in the head, there's nothing outside besides, you know, a bank statement. We don't even get paper anymore.
[53:43] Yeah.
[53:43] But, you know what I mean? Like, it's because of that, it's a trouble thing to get out of the head.
[53:48] Totally.
[53:48] It's hard to conceptualize, you know?
[53:51] Yeah. And we don't learn about it. So, it needs steps to do it. And one thing I'd love to leave people with too is to kind of become aware of where you are operating from is asking yourself a very simple question before you do take an action, before you do take, shift anything. Thing is just ask yourself what the intention is behind it. You already have all the answers in yourself. You know, if you're about to invest in a program, if it's actually aligned for you or not, or if it's coming out of scarcity or fear. And so what is my intention behind this action, this program, this investment, this whatever it might be, that's going to give you an awareness of where your current subconscious state might be at, where it's, am I in fear or scarcity, or am I in abundance and growth mindset? Pausing even before I have a conversation with your parents? What's the intention behind this conversation? Becoming more of that conscious creator versus reacting like Peter was saying is what's going to get you back in the driver's seat of creating the life that you want on your terms and shifting your results. So a simple power question you can ask or put on a sticky note is, what's my intention behind this action? And you'll become aware of where we're currently at. And then, okay, before I do this action, can I shift my state or my thinking? Or do I have to clear it somehow energetically, subconscious or nervous system before I move forward? It saves a lot of heartache, time, money, stress, just by becoming aware of the intentions behind stuff.
[55:08] It is. And I think I love that. And that's a great way to kind of like real power question to leave on because it is. And that's been intention around money, intention about what you're wanting to do. That's been even if, you know, coming full circle here, talking about if you want to start this path or you're wanting to, you know, whatever, whether you want to be the coach or whether you want to be the healer, the reader or, you know, whatever you want to go about it is the whole thing is don't worry about the money. What's your intention for it and if your intention is good your state will be there and the finances will reflect in that of course unless there is a deeper seeded issue and then you know if you have that then you know you go look for it you start with these exercises and go for that but intention is such a key thing like you know i massively about that because intention is the control of energy so it's a great thing to have down and look at that as well but you know what what an amazing couple of episodes here i'm so privileged that you got to you know have you here and share that and exercises for you for with that it's so good but it's it's been lovely and like you know what i know that this is going to help a lot of people and of course guys you know don't be afraid to go back and listen to this a couple of times because it takes practice.
[56:33] It takes the hardest thing and, you know, intention. What's your intention? Well, I can tell you right now, if you're asking yourself that question, you are already starting to learn to get honest with yourself.
[56:45] And if you can do that, you are going to start to change your life in a big way. And that, your intention, your self-honesty, being able to look yourself in the mirror, being able to admit when you need help, being able to kind of go, hey, I want to change my life. Guys, that's your inner power and anything can change. Your job can change. Your life can change. Relationships can change. Your money can change. It can change and if you have that and you follow that, will change and that's the most powerful thing but again daniel thank you so much for your time insight and wisdom thank you it has been amazing as always thank you for having me definitely be having her back in for a future episode and if there's anything in around the lovely if anything in these episodes has really triggered you or you want to know more please reach out and of course if there's any topics there i'm more than happy we can get daniel back on here and she can You can absolutely fill us in on any of the other missing pieces that you feel like you'd like to know about. But in the meantime, Dania, where can people go and research more about you? Where can they reach out to you if they want to go deeper with some of the exercises you shared with us?
[57:55] Love it. So, you can find me on Instagram at Dania, D-A-N-Y-A, Douglas Hunt. And then I also have a... My website is that as well, And my podcast is Play Bigger. So, I take people through a lot of these exercises. And really, my job is just to connect you back to yourself. self. You already have the answers within. I just get to kind of come in and clear all the stuff and help you become aware and shift it so that you tune into your flow, your intuition,
[58:18] your higher self, and truly live life on your terms. So, Dania Douglas, I'm pretty much anywhere. And thank you so much for having me, Peter. This was fun. I know I can speak fast. I'm passionate. It's because I love it. But maybe just slow down the podcast episode or re-listen to it again. But genuinely, take your time to go through the exercises because like we said, even the intention question, you really get to see where you're operating from. If it's coming from a belief or scarcity, whatever energy you do in the cause ends up in the results, which Peter also shares about too. So we want to shift that to shift our results. So thank you for having me. I love this. If you have any questions, reach out. Happy to be back. Coach you guys through some stuff. Otherwise, Peter, thank you.
[58:58] Beautiful. Love it. And we'll definitely whack the IG and the website up in the show notes as well. So you can click on the link there and go and check her out. And of course, she want to go deeper she will daniel will absolutely help you out with that she is amazing coach and her results speak for themselves so again thank you so much and we look forward to having you back soon.