[0:00] Hello, everyone, and again, thank you so much for tuning in to the Inner Power podcast. It has been some time since I've been able to get into the studio and get some new episodes done, and it's been both good and bad reasons. The good reason is I have managed to run, host, facilitate, and help 63 amazing souls with the inaugural soul reboot mini retreat what an amazing three days to take people through they were intense but they were super positive and the feedback has been absolutely wonderful and now already in the thick of getting ready for number two in 2025 and we're starting that one in February. So, if you're interested in that, hit me up in the DMs or comments or message out to us or whatever else. But I wanted to, as soon as it was done, I did. I wanted to jump right back in here and talk to you about it and all these amazing moments. And the technological.
[1:13] Gods said, no. I have had hiccup after hiccup after hiccup, But alas, it is the energy and the universe saying, hey, Pete. Just go with it, allow, and just be. So that's what I have been. And the most beautiful thing is just recently in the past week, I've been just sitting with it and being the energy and being the flow. And for those of you who have been on or who are on my email list, you would have received a few of the emails that I sent out. And it was just about being in the moment. And I was not at all expecting what was kind of coming through.
[1:58] I had an idea. I was like, yeah, I might reach out, might see how you're going. And then, boom, spirit jumped in and we're like, time to pass these messages on. So, it was a really beautiful, energetic space to be in last week. That's why I kind of sat with it. And it was so nice to connect with so many of you. And I absolutely appreciate every single person who took the time to reply to those emails and letting me know what you thought, where you're at, and all the rest of it. And as much as I may not reply to everyone, please know that I absolutely do read every single one that does come in. So, I do appreciate your time doing that. But the messages and the replies that are received around this were really powerful and even moving for me. And that's why I have now looked at it and going, you know what, this is really important. I find the message is really important. And so, I wanted to put it here and share with all of you who are listening, whether you are an avid listener of my podcast or perhaps you have found me for the first time.
[3:11] It doesn't matter. I feel like this message does need to be passed on.
[3:16] And so, that's what I'm going to be doing here in this episode. And the title, which again was just coming through, is Don't Be Afraid. Hence the title of this episode. And it's about Don't Be Afraid. And it's all about the energy. It's all about the changes that we are facing. And it's also about how we are feeling this a little bit more in a collective. And I feel like this is why, even as I sat down to type it out.
[3:46] Good old guides, channel, jump in and took me through that process. So, this is the first email that went out, but this is the most important one I feel like I needed to share and it's an important message. Now, you've got to understand that whenever you are listening to this, whether you're going to be listening to this as soon as it gets released, which will be in a couple of days, or whether this episode might have been released and you might be listening to it months later, or it could be a year later. It doesn't matter when you're listening to this, the message will apply. This is the beautiful part about when I get these channel messages because we are not all in sync with the energy at the precise time. And if you are reading or you read the title of this episode and it called to you, then this message will absolutely apply to you. So, I'm just going to walk you through what was said. And then at the end of this episode, I'm going to leave you with the beautiful little channel note that Spirit gave me for this email. And I'll read that because I can never, ever repeat the channel messages the same way as when they first come through. So, I've learned that the hard way. I'm like, if it's that important, I was fortunate enough I was typing so it's on record. So, I can literally verbatim read that to you and so you can get the full effect of the message that was delivered. But how this email started...
[5:11] And I did like the way this kind of came out. And this was obviously very pertinent and did tie back into the Soul Reboot. So, anybody who's listening came on that, you'll know this question when I ask it. As the biggest one is, it's like, how are you? When we listen to that phrase, how are you? Now, the thing is, this phrase has become so colloquial now that we don't really own the answer. to that question. So, how you. As you're listening to this and you're listening to me, and I'm literally now genuinely asking how you.
[5:53] When I'm asking you that, what would your genuine, honest answer be? What is the true feeling that comes up for you when I ask you that question? Right here, right now, as you're listening to me, or even if you might be watching this on YouTube, hopefully you've just got this little private space. And if not, the best thing is you can do this in your mind with me as we're working along with this. And that's so important because that's a private space. So just genuinely answer these questions as I'm asking them. So what I'm saying, how are you? What's the true feeling? what's the honest answer? You know, is it going to be like, yes, Pete, I'm excited or, you know what, I'm feverish and I'm feeling, you know, the holiday vibes or it could be, you know.
[6:50] I'm really blah, like, you know what, I'm over it. I'm feeling flat. I'm feeling, you could be even going, you know what, I'm upset. I'm angry for whatever reason. We're not looking at the reason. Just acknowledge your answer. Just say it to yourself and say it in your mind as if you're talking to me right now. How are you? You know what, Pete? I am feeling blah or whatever you wish to fill that in with. The whole point of asking this question, and this is what the energy is. So, whenever you're listening to this, this is the energy and it's creating and it's going to be bubbling up and it's kind of encouraging us to really allow these things to come to the surface.
[7:42] And what it's encouraging us to do, it's encouraging us to be aware and it's encouraging us to feel again. These are two huge things that are going to become more and more important for us as we start moving forward. And even in your life, where you are right now, you are also going to need these
[8:08] two things to really help you to get to where you wish to be. So it's so important to make and allow the space for you to be aware of how you're truly feeling. And of course, also to feel those feelings.
[8:28] For too long and for so long it just feels as though we have been so busy in every sense of the word so so busy that we just push our true feelings aside and we push them aside or we push them down and we don't acknowledge them the way that we should now fine this will help us to get us through the moment. But here's the next question.
[9:00] How long is that moment? For some of us, it could literally be the day or the hour, okay? And that you might get through that pretty quickly. But for some of you, as I'm genuinely asking you, and if you're acknowledging these true feelings that I'm asking you to be aware of, these feelings may very well stem back to something that you've been feeling for a week, maybe a month, or could be longer. But the whole thing is it's so important that you actually acknowledge them. And by acknowledging them, we're no longer pushing them aside. We're allowing them to come up to the surface so that way we can really be present with them. Now, the whole point here is if you're listening to me in this episode right now, you can no longer live in that space of pushing aside or pushing down or I'll get to it later. It's so important because you are already in the shift. You are already being encouraged. There's definitely new and exciting things in and around your life that are going to be coming in. But until we start to look at this and address some of this, you are going to find that you're going to be falling into old patterns. And this is what it's asking us to do now here's where we're just gonna be in this moment.
[10:30] As you are acknowledging and becoming aware and actually feeling the feelings that have popped up for you, what's really important is I'm not asking you to really look at them. I'm not asking you to deal with them. I'm not asking you to solve any of the stuff that's been in and around what's caused these feelings in the first place. I am not asking you to do any of that right now. I am simply asking and encouraging you to acknowledge them.
[11:06] Just be and take this moment to be with those feelings. That's it. Just you and those feelings. Nothing else. No solutions. No worries. It may be bringing up other things. It might be bringing up conversations. It might be bringing up memories. That's okay. Allow them to bubble up, but just see them for what they are. And right now, in this moment, as you're listening, just let them bubble up. Don't hold on to them. Don't go diving into them. Don't get attached to them. Just literally allow these things to come up and just be present with them. If you're going through all of this and you understand it, you're having these feelings come up, then the whole big important is this is the time and this is the space because we are really in the midst of the shift and right now if you're paying attention to this then guess what you are in your personal shift and this is a big one so this is why it's important to acknowledge this because it's going to help kind of you to become aware it's going to make you aware of where your what resistance might be, and it's going to allow and create more space for you to move forward, in the life and create the life that you're looking to create.
[12:30] There's something in this where you're ready. You're ready for this. You're ready to acknowledge these things and no longer hide from them. And that's what's so important. But these shifts, okay, it's different for everyone. But these shifts, they could be like subtle shifts. You might be going, you know what? I just want to eat better. I want to start the gym or I want to wake up early. You're feeling the need or desire just to make some, you know, kind of close, smaller, personal changes in your life. For some of you, you might be finding that the energy around is not so subtle. And by meaning of this, which I have seen, I've spoken to a few people about.
[13:13] You might all of a sudden come to realise that people in and around your life and your space and your environment, just like you're just noticing there's so much change there's a distance or there's just downright negativity like you know it could be family life home life work environment you might be just feeling like it's changed suddenly where did this change where did this what happened here like it was fine like a month ago but now everything's changed right these are the things so you might be experiencing the not so subtle version so either that or you could be experiencing both where you're now recognizing it and acknowledging it from the outside environment, but you're also starting to feel the desire and the want to change and shift on the inside.
[14:02] So it doesn't matter whether you're having both, one or the other. The whole thing is if you experience any of those, you are being encouraged around the shift and to acknowledge these energies.
[14:14] So it's asking you to create the time and the space Thanks for listening. For yourself during this time. So, this is why it was titled, Don't Be Afraid, because when we are faced with these things, and things can change subtly or not so subtly, but when they do and we're not 100% ready for them, it can cause us to have a bit of a jerk reaction. It causes us to pull back. And quite often, we may feel like we need to either withdraw and kind of hunker down and let the storm pass over thinking that it is like that. But in this instance, it's not. This is about the calling for you to really get ready to step up and step forward.
[15:03] It's always a big thing. And that's where this message comes in. So, even though this is a nice shorter episode for you, I want to leave you with this nice, simple channeling, and it is, of course, titled Don't Be Afraid. You are going to be pushed, challenged, and faced with situations and feelings from your past. This is a natural occurrence as the new energy starts to flow in. The current energy residing within us begins to shift and move.
[15:36] As a result, the things that no longer serve us or assist us moving forward will bubble up to the surface. There is no such thing as coincidence. Remember this.
[15:49] For what comes forward for you now does so for good reason, and it is something not to be brushed aside once again. What is also important to understand is that as these memories, feelings and emotions make their way to our conscious awareness, or aka the surface, does not mean that you have to or need to fix, solve or deal with them right here, right now. Rather, sit with them and start to look and recognize the reason why it is coming to the surface. Whilst it may be painful to have some of these things reappear they are not a pain in fact it is a sign and a true gift to allow you to start releasing and give yourself the permission to move forward and get in flow with the shift it is time and you are ready now don't be afraid and allow yourself the time to sit with yourself and whatever is coming up for you so you can start to see and understand the reason.
[17:03] So what is this for you? Take a moment and simply write down in a one or two sentences along with it. That's it. And that's all you need to do right now. So that's the channeling that came along with this first particular part. And as you can see there, there's a lot of beautiful wisdom to come out of that.
[17:25] And so now, as you ask yourself how you are feeling, take the time, go away, journal, and have a look at what's bubbling up for you. So important. Just sit with it, acknowledge it, and just be in the moment with it. So on that note, I'm going to leave you to do that. And thanks again for listening and joining here on the Inner Power Podcast. Thank you.