[0:00] Hello everybody and welcome back and thank you so much for tuning in. It is all happening here again as we really start racing in, finishing off one year and getting ready to roll into the next.
[0:19] Now, if you've been following, just want to give you a really quick heads up about this episode, as this one has piggybacked on from the previous episode, which is episode 52, which is titled Don't Be Afraid. For those who obviously are following and listen to it, you might be on my emails, just been really in flow. I have been really just inspired by Spirit. The channelings coming through and just kind of helping out because this is obviously a big flux again a lot of the energetic shifts I know for myself there's so many wonderful changes happening they are significant they're quite big but I'm excited I'm happy and it's just something that I'm slowly having to chip away at and you might very well be in this space and this is where it's kind of inspired and like I said it backs on from that so if you haven't listened to episode 52 don't be afraid I would just encourage you to go back and listen to that before jumping into this one you don't have to hey it's just a recommendation but it just kind of sets you up and it's a nice shorter one with a nice channeled message in there for you to help kind of prime you and get you ready for this so it is preempted because it was talking about that because when we are faced.
[1:48] With the changes. And when we have so many wonderful changes, but they can be quite significant or big, what happens is when we start to view all of them from like a very, you know, we step back and look at all the things that we want to do, all the things that we want to change or where we want to go, sometimes it can feel like, wow, this is a big process. Or wow, this is overwhelming.
[2:16] Now you see it like this, you don't want to do anything. So, we can really start to put ourselves into a bit of a frozen state or that analysis paralysis, which of course is very counterproductive to where you want to be, especially if you've been feeling the shifts, you've been feeling the energy, you're getting inspired, you're getting somewhat motivated. You may have even been lucky enough to gain some momentum. And then sometimes you just kind of take a bit of a break. You look at, oh, and it can get overwhelming and feel heavy again. And that's where this kind of comes in. And the don't be afraid is because it's like, get ready for this. Everything at this moment, everything we hear and we're going to be talking
[3:00] about here in this episode is going to be helping you to get back into that flow. This is a beautiful fundamental episode and i really can't wait to share this with you and so we're going to jump into this but i just wanted to give you that heads up before we begin so wherever you are at this journey this is going to help you and i'm going to kind of break this down going to give you the low down and just talk about it and it's again inspired by spirit.
[3:27] It's been inspired by some of the things that I've done and inspirations also come from clients, which I've included here. And I just want to put these together because together, I believe they really, really do help. So where this all comes from, especially as we're moving into this, we are all being called. We're being called to step up. We're being called to do something greater. We're being called to remember what we're here for. And that's huge. and of course daunting because we're talking about deep soul level stuff and i've got to say that's juicy stuff this is this is my jam people i love it and if you're getting the connection to that and i love helping people to really harness that part of themselves or even to start to tap into to recognize it and then to start to remember what they're here for. I genuinely and truly believe that every single one of us, and if you're listening to this, you are one of them too.
[4:29] That you are here and you came to have your time on this lovely little blue planet, blue and green rock in the greater universe with something special to give in whatever shape or form. And it doesn't always have to be like huge. It can be the simplest of things, but you're still here to offer something. You came down with this. You have decided to be here and be in this moment of time to bring this in. But of course, it can be very hard and very daunting to kind of tap into that and even recognize that. So, this is about helping you to shift yourself into the flow, especially as we are being called to do this and, It's time to really listen to this.
[5:18] So, where are we at? This is the thing. Because of everything that's happening, I see so many people, and even myself, like, we are looking to increase our connection. This is a huge thing by increasing our connection. Now, whether it's connection just with ourself, a connection just to be mindful, you know, to quiet in our mind. Maybe you're looking for a deeper connection with your soul. Maybe you're looking to communicate a little bit more with your higher self. Perhaps you're looking for this connection with the greater universe and spirit, and you're looking just for more. Whatever it may be, it's like we are seeing this, and this is an increase in awareness. This is the increase and shift in consciousness. And if you're feeling these things and you're wanting these things, then guess what? You are totally on your path, on your journey, and in the moment in this greater shift.
[6:19] And the biggest reminder, and here it is, you need to remember this one very important thing that will help you shift yourself back into flow. That one big thing is you, the conduit. That's right, you. You are the conduit. You, me, your friends, your family, we are all conduits for the energy. We are all conduits to bring this beautiful energy forward and to bring it out.
[6:54] So, this is a huge thing. Where I see and what I have found over the years is that a lot of people try to externalize this connection and we like to externalize where the energy is.
[7:09] And hey, look, hands up, I own it. I have done that myself in the past. But whereas now I'm being prompted and guided to really show it's like, no, it's really important that we really start to embrace you know the knowledge and the idea of like we are that truly one and we are the conduit so if we can stop externalizing it and seeing it as something separate and seeing that we ourselves have the greatest role and responsibility to play in this things will shift you're going to start to move away from analysis paralysis you're going to stop being in that frozen state or things aren't happening or that frigid state. You're going to start moving yourself into flow. And the whole thing is, is like, if you are looking at this, when we move into this and you understand that you are the conduit, you really want to embrace this idea. Because when you do, you're going to start to make things happen for you. You're going to start moving into the vibration that is good for you.
[8:22] And the other thing too is when you do, you're going to make sure that you're not going to repeat that.
[8:29] Old patterns and old behaviours that have been holding you back. This is a huge one because we are, if you're listening to this, and it's even right now, obviously at the time I'm recording this, you know, there's a great energy and feeling around being inspired to talk about it, but it does not matter when you're hearing this.
[8:49] Everybody's going to hear this at the right time. And if you're hearing this right now, you are being called to recognise and hold the mirror up to yourself that little bit and kind of say, hey, and I know in the deepest part of yourself, in that real gut, in that knowing, you are sensing here and you're going, what has been happening and what has happened in my life is good or whatever, but you're going to be like, it's not enough for me anymore. I am looking for something more. I am looking for something greater in my life. I may not know what that is and I may not know where it's going to take me. But the one thing you do know is that what you have right now is no longer enough and it's asking you to look at yourself very, very clearly and say, hey, it's time to shift back into flow. So then comes the biggest question of how do we really do that? But the best and easiest way to explain this to you is I'm just going to use a little metaphor here.
[9:58] Metaphors are wonderful like this. They help us explain things. And the easiest metaphor to explain here is you've got to remember that we are, because we are a conduit, it's almost like we are all lightning rods.
[10:10] And for a moment here, I just want to take pause. And I want you to kind of just follow me with the imagery here. And so, I have a lovely building here at the Gold Coast. And if any of you are familiar with the Gold Coast, you'll be very familiar with the building called Q1. It is the tallest building here. And I think at the moment or at the time of this recording, it's still the tallest building in Australia because of the spire. It has a lovely big spire. And of course, that's the lightning rod. And that particular rod and it has a conduit that runs all the way through the building all the way into the ground so that way when the lightning does strike it it grounds the lightning and it has no effect so the building can stand it might be hit by tremendous energy but when it is it doesn't affect the rest of the building it literally runs through it has a clear path, It grounds and nothing happens and all of a sudden it's in the middle. Now, every lightning rod has that. It's got a grounding pathway. And this is what's so important for us because we are the buildings and we all have a lightning rod. We are all attracting and conductors for beautiful universal energy. We're all conductors for that lovely inspiration that it gives us. And let's face it.
[11:33] It happens from time to time. Sometimes it can happen a lot. Sometimes you might have a quiet period. It's like seasons and it could be storm season and you're going to get lots and lots of lightning strikes and downloads and inspirations at once, like I've been experiencing recently. But the whole point is we are all these lightning rods. Now, where it starts to get a little bit different, so follow me here for a second, is we are not buildings, okay? The buildings are built purposely for that. We are purposely built to receive however we don't have that clear one conduit that allows that energy to flow through us and into the ground the thing is we are full of whole different pieces of energy and of course we've got a lot of different things within us so this is now a good time to ask yourself.
[12:29] How much space and how much room does the lightning have in you? If lightning was to hit you, okay, universal download, inspiration, if it was to hit you and it was to come and connect with you and it has to flow through you, okay, because we are with a lightning rod, their mind in our body. And if it's to flow through you, how much space or how much room would it really have to flow through you and ground itself so you can take it on board but not be massively affected?
[13:10] How clear is its pathway? For you. So, if it's going to strike you right now, is it going to be able to flow through you and you're going to go, wow, I can see this and I sense this. Wow, this is amazing. Thank you. Or is it going to come in and you go, oh my God, I don't know what to do with this. Oh, this is happening. Oh, but if I think about this, then this memory comes up or this thing comes up and all this happened in the past, all of these other things. When you think about it hitting yourself.
[13:40] What's it going to do? Is it going to inspire you, create that state of flow, or is it going to start to bring out other things in you and it's going to kind of get stuck or clogged or frozen as it's trying to flow through you? This is where you need to ask yourself honestly so is it free to flow or are you feeling cluttered and clogged with all these different parts of yourself that you have purposely ignored or pushed down with inside yourself over years and years and years of not wanting to focus on it so here's how you create that shift if you're in that space and even it could be a lot of things it could be one thing it does not matter. This is the simplest and easiest way to create the space and room for this lightning to hit you. You have to get honest with yourself. And as at this point, and I want you and I encourage you listening to this and after this, to do a genuine stock take of yourself, of your energetic and emotional self. Have a look at it and go, what's coming up for me?
[15:01] Don't look at it as a problem. It is not. It is the lightning and the universe is highlighting everything for you right now as you're listening to this, whatever it may be, because it's showing you and it's really bringing this out for you for a reason. And as you do this wonderful, energetic and emotional stock take, I want you to really take in and pay attention to.
[15:32] How you are genuinely feeling within yourself when you do. What happens is it's very easy because it's not tangible, you see. So it becomes very easy for us to get caught up just in the thought or the quick emotion of it without really recognizing how it's affecting us physically. How it's really affecting us in a feeling sense. So, the more you can bring your awareness to this as the thoughts and feelings are coming up and becoming aware of your body and what's happening, you're going to really do a greater job of recognizing of why it's happening for you. Now, it's at this point, and part of the inspiration, as I say at the beginning of the episode, was that it's the clients that are also really inspiring me with this.
[16:31] And what's also been a part of this was, you know, I was literally guided and I put together this idea of the Soul Reboot Mini Retreat. I know some of you listening have attended that. I'm super grateful for it. Like, honestly, an amazing, amazing time. Like, spiritual buffet, everything, offering everything I know, working through it. It's the retreat without the retreat price tag. We went in there and we just did it. And it was truly amazing. The only reason I came up with that is because I paid attention and followed the guidance I was giving. So, you know, the lightning rod was working for me there with that. But it was even at this time, I was getting all this beautiful inspiration around this particular episode and message for you that right there in front of me, I had a beautiful message from a client. I'm like, wow, I just happened to take my eyes up off the computer screen, just to the side, and there's the card that I have sitting there from the client.
[17:36] And in capital letters, a beautiful phrase, and I'm like, oh my God, that is perfect. I have to use this because it sums up exactly how you can help yourself in this moment and to create this shift to flow and that phrase and this wording on that card is as follows today i feel a new calm and quietness within me in my head chest and abdomen.
[18:07] Now, when you hear that, that is so beautiful because there is so much in that and it's so simple because it's about quietness. And did you also notice in that statement, it's about where in the body it's being felt. And once you start to realize where you might be carrying some of the things, you can become so much more aware of what you're really carrying and how it's really affecting you. And once you know that, you can shift it. And that's where the power comes in. So when you have a feeling of calm and quietness and you can feel it physically, head, chest and abdomen, these are the feelings that you're looking for. It's the feeling and the energy that comes with it. And that's what I mean by don't externalize this.
[19:05] Recognize what's already within and what is happening within. Once you get here and if you can achieve this sense or this feeling, you are really hitting and getting into what I have dubbed the power zone. When you're in this power zone, you are in flow. We talk about people all the time. We talk about, oh, I've got to be in flow, or so I've got to try and get myself back in flow. But really, what does that look like for you? What does that look like for me? What does that look like for the person, you know, the next talk to or have a conversation with? It's going to be different. But the one thing that is going to be a common denominator- is the fact of how we feel when we're in it. When you're hitting that power zone, you should be in that flow, which means your conduit is far more clear. So, when that lightning strikes, that means when universe and spirit are dropping in those beautiful moments of inspiration, you should be ready to receive it. You should be aware of how it's making you feel. And if it could be making you feel inspired, like when I was putting my soul reboot retreat together, Boom, want to do this. Oh my God, so excited. Did not question it, just ran with it. Amazing.
[20:22] Versus sometimes when I put other things together, hang on, questions are popping up. It feels as though there is resistance or it's not quite happening. Now, the beautiful thing is if that's happening for you, it's not saying don't do it necessarily, but it might be bringing up and going, well, hang on, what do you need to learn? Or what kind of came up here? What do you need? What room or space do you need to create in order to make it happen?
[20:50] And this is what you're looking for. And if you can get to that power zone, you will know because when you do, it is so genuine. You cannot make it up. And that's why I have kept that beautiful card with that beautiful phrase on it because every time I read it, it reminds me of what I'm helping people to achieve. And if I can have that and if I can give one person a moment of that, as soon as you have felt it, you will know the difference. And when you do and you hit that power zone and you can shift yourself into that flow, you are going to be feeling connected.
[21:35] You're going to feel like you're living. You're going to feel like you're creating and you're going to be reminded of what you're really here and what you're a part of because it's so easy for all of us to simply forget and get caught up in it and just go through the motions.
[21:55] And that is not what we're trying to do. If you are not feeling those things and if you're not in that zone and you're shifting into that space, anything else, and I mean anything, anything else that comes up, it is lowering your vibration. It is going to stop that flow. It's going to take you out of that state. It's going to cramp the style. You are going to start to clutter and clog the conduit for that lightning rod. And that is not what you wanted to do. but if it is coming up.
[22:35] It is asking you to look at it. It is asking you to acknowledge it. It is asking you to work with it.
[22:43] Now, of course, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's not going to be hard or tough. But the thing is, whatever is come out for you, and if you are genuinely and can be honest with yourself in this process, I guarantee you, it is a gift. It truly is a gift because once you do start to look at it and once you start to work at it and you start to process it and you don't give up you will see the rewards on the other side you're gonna make space and create room in that conduit and you're gonna see things happening so much better and also sometimes so much quicker and who doesn't want that so here's the crux of what's really important you know what it's not even the crux it's a request i'm gonna ask you right now of a very simple and a humble request from me from my beautiful team to you if you've been listening to this and you're hearing this, you are now aware that things are coming out for you. You would have already had one or two thoughts, memories, or emotions pop up.
[24:03] As you've been listening to this, that's great because it means you're already doing the work. So congratulations.
[24:11] But now it's time to acknowledge them. And my request to you, my simple and humble request to you is to simply work with them. Please don't ignore them.
[24:24] Please don't push them down like you have been because I know you have been because otherwise they wouldn't bubble up. So what you do now is if it's you're needing to cry or if you're needing to talk about it or if you're not sure what to do with it maybe just get the journal out whatever you are feeling being called to do with it please please please please simply start that process cry it out talk it out journal it out scream it out if you need to whatever it may be simply honor it and do it trust yourself with that process because it's calling you and the more you do the more you are clearing that conduit so lean into these feelings lean into these things that are bubbling up.
[25:21] Please don't feel that whatever's coming up for you right now is slowing you down or a hindrance. No. If anything, it is a beautiful helping hand and reminder to work through these things so you can shift back into the flow and really get that momentum inspiration going it is there for you my friends so please please have a go at it and listen to yourself and i really do hope this has helped you thanks for listening.